July 5th, 2011 - The Manticore and the Spider

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 04:04, 14 July 2011 by Sleepyorigami (Talk | contribs)
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[19:17] <NiteBrite> Okay, and... begin:

[19:18] <NiteBrite> *dons a clipboard* Okay, lets see. Ready to go to the forest everypony?

[19:18] <DustyFeathers> "Ready!"

[19:18] <nod> as ready as i will ever be

[19:18] * SolidGear smirks, having packed her saddlebags a second time, "Yes, everything's packed where I need it."

[19:18] * Whiteout shrugs again to try and settle his saddlebags a bit more comfortably behind his wings, and nods.

[19:18] <Sweetness> Sweetness reporting from the Helm. Ready to drive.

[19:19] <Anthrax> Ready.

[19:19] <NiteBrite> Okay, Saddle bags, check. Emergency gear?

[19:19] <NiteBrite> Who has the ropes and flashlights and stuff?

[19:20] <Whiteout> I've got one rope.

[19:20] <NiteBrite> *marks it off the list*

[19:20] <DustyFeathers> "Don't you have the lights Nitey?"

[19:20] <NiteBrite> Oh yeah! Check.

[19:20] <SolidGear> "Sounds like we're ready. All right, Sweetness, let's get back to Equestria. Destination: Everfree Forest!" she says proudly, giving an amused grin.

[19:22] <Sweetness> Roger that. *her eyes cross* Hang on. *Drives the TARDIS*

[19:22] * DustyFeathers giggles at Solid. "Ooh, get you, Capitan!"

[19:23] <Sweetness> *The room doesn't shake but feels a bit like it's spinning instead*

[19:24] * SolidGear rolls her eyes lightly at Dusty's remark, "I guess someone has to take the authority around here, ze?"

[19:24] <NiteBrite> I must say, Vertigo is -woah- easier on the body than the shaking

[19:24] <SolidGear> "Yeah...this feels weird, but it works a bit better than having gravity push us around..."

[19:25] <NiteBrite> You are improving Sweetie (^_^)

[19:25] <Whiteout> Kinda feels like hitting a storm cloud. ^_^

[19:25] <Sweetness> Don't compliment me yet, here comes the landing.

[19:26] <Sweetness> *Ka-thunk*

[19:26] <Sweetness> *the ground bounces them up a bit as they crash.*

[19:26] <Anthrax> @_@

[19:27] <NiteBrite> *did not fasten his saddlebags securely. The contents scatter*

[19:27] <NiteBrite> Ah, horse-feathers.

[19:28] * DustyFeathers lands flat on her face. "Ow."

[19:28] * SolidGear blinks lightly, landing rather easily on her hooves, "Uhm....great, well let's help Nite re-pack before we exit."

[19:28] <nod> here *helps NB re fill his sadle bags*

[19:28] * SolidGear helps out as well.

[19:29] * Whiteout flutters down from where the bounce put him airbourne, offers Dusty a hoof up.

[19:29] <Sweetness> This is your Sweetness speaking, the local time is a 8:00AM last week. Please gather your belongings on the way out.

[19:30] * DustyFeathers takes White's hoof rubbing her cheek. "Thanks."

[19:30] <Sweetness> We here at TARDIS airs, would like to thank you for your patronage

[19:30] <Sweetness> : P

[19:30] <NiteBrite> *Gets all his things back together* Thanks everypont

[19:31] <NiteBrite> *everypony

[19:31] <nod> no problem

[19:31] * SolidGear giggles lightlly, "Thank you, Sweetness. Well, if we're all ready to get goin'..?"

[19:31] <Sweetness> Opening the doors. Please stand clear. *flips the switch*

[19:32] * SolidGear stands clear of the doors, mildly worried about getting caught in 'em.

[19:32] <Sweetness> Nar: Outside, it is the dark forest. lots of spooky forest creature noises are being made in the background, but none can be seen

[19:33] <NiteBrite> S-so, who goes first?

[19:33] * DustyFeathers preps up her saddlebags and struts outside.

[19:33] <Anthrax> *follows Dusty*

[19:33] <nod> well after you *follows*

[19:34] * SolidGear follows right behind Dusty, Anthrax and Nod.

[19:34] <nod> tartus->forest

[19:34] <DustyFeathers> "Hey, I can't be leading! I don't know where I'm going..."

[19:34] <NiteBrite> NB hangs back a bit.

[19:34] <Whiteout> *follows as well, immediately hopping up to hover just above head height*

[19:34] <Sweetness> Go on, NB. I have to be the last one out to shut the doors.

[19:35] * SolidGear makes her way to the front, to trot alongside Dusty, "I'll be helping you navigate, Dusty. Don't wory, where we're headed is somewhere nice and open."

[19:35] <NiteBrite> But : <

[19:35] <Sweetness> It'll be okay, you've got friends out there.

[19:35] <NiteBrite> o-okay. *follows*

[19:35] <Sweetness> *leaves last and closes the TARDIS behind her*

[19:36] <DustyFeathers> "Thanks 'Capitan'" she giggles some more while still strutting.

[19:37] <Anthrax> So, what's this place look like again

[19:37] <Anthrax> ?

[19:38] * SolidGear blinks at this, then shrugs and pulls out her copy of the map, "So, let's see...it's supposed to be here." she motions with one hoof at a rather curious-looking web-like mark on the map.

[19:38] <NiteBrite> The castle of the Ancient Pony sisters? I-it looks like the castle in Cantorlot only more ruins-y.

[19:39] <NiteBrite> Maybe?

[19:39] <NiteBrite> *is just guessing*

[19:39] <SolidGear> "Hmmm....well, we can go look there on the way. I know it's supposed to be in a field though, where the foci are."

[19:40] <Sweetness> Sounds like a plan. To the Webby thing

[19:40] * SolidGear may or may not be fully aware that her research could lead to danger.

[19:40] <Whiteout> Hrm. *eyes the trees* Well, if we get too lost, we can try and find it from above. A field would have to stick out in this forest.

[19:41] <SolidGear> "Yes, good idea, Whiteout. You want to keep tabs on the canopy with Dusty as your partner?"

[19:41] <NiteBrite> Be careful, the clouds here move ALL ON THEIR OWN.

[19:41] <Whiteout> Can do, so long as Dusty's comfortable with it. *grins at Nite* I know, it's -wierd-.

[19:41] <NiteBrite> *This is spooky for some reason*

[19:41] <NiteBrite> I think I'll stick to the ground.

[19:42] <SolidGear> "That's fine, Nite..."

[19:42] <DustyFeathers> "Well, are you gonna be okay down here?" She starts hovering to White's level.

[19:43] <nod> staying on the ground is usualy really safe

[19:43] <NiteBrite> *walks close to Sweetness* we should be fine as long as we stick together

[19:44] <Anthrax> Ah, there's no need to worry, I'll just beat up anything that might attack.

[19:44] <Sweetness> I think you're being overconfident Anthrax.

[19:45] * SolidGear looks aside to Feathers, "We'll be fine. I'll be around for Nite, and Anthrax is obviously out for buckin' anyone who messes with us."

[19:45] <NiteBrite> Nar: The air, its a bit cloudy, but search from the air should be possible.

[19:46] <Anthrax> Buck yeah!

[19:46] <Whiteout> Alright. So long as we can figure out where you're at down here, finding a field shouldn't be too bad.

[19:46] * Whiteout hovers over to Solid for a moment. "Which direction did you say we should be looking?"

[19:47] <Sweetness> We'll be heading towards the Webby-thing. If you find anything give us a holler.

[19:47] <DustyFeathers> "Well, alright..." Starts gliding upwards.

[19:47] <NiteBrite> A-and the if anything goes wrong, we meet back at the TARDIS.

[19:47] <NiteBrite> *he calls out after them*

[19:47] * SolidGear points at the map, "I can't tell which direction we're going in right now, but look for a big ruined castle-like structure?"

[19:47] * Whiteout nods. "Can do." *heads up after Dusty*

[19:48] <SolidGear> "We need to head that way first, 'cuz it's close to the clearing we need to check out."

[19:48] <NiteBrite> *follows SG to the first clearing*

[19:49] <NiteBrite> Nar: the low hanging clouds impair visibility.

[19:49] * SolidGear is being careful to not venture too far into the Forest, but can't help wandering a bit as she looks around at the trees to try and figure out which direction is North.

[19:49] <NiteBrite> (It's kind of like a light fog*

[19:49] <NiteBrite> )

[19:50] <NiteBrite> Nar: As SG looks around, she'll see a pair of yellow eyes following them at a distance.

[19:52] * SolidGear dismisses the eyes, continuing onwards into the forest, not entirely certain of her direction but keeping her eyes on the ground in case of cliff edges.

[19:52] <NiteBrite> Narrator: In the sky, some large feathers drifty down out of the clouds into the searching group of Pegasi.

[19:52] <Sweetness> Do you get the feeling we're being watched?

[19:53] <DustyFeathers> "Just a bit...."

[19:53] <NiteBrite> yeah, this place is eerie...

[19:53] <NiteBrite> Nar: Cliff edge ahead. Masked by brush and shurb like trees

[19:53] * Whiteout is busy staring into the fog, trying to get an idea of the lay of the land, when he notices the feathers. "Hey, Dusty, you shedding?" :D

[19:54] <NiteBrite> *does not notice he is approaching a cliff*

[19:55] <NiteBrite> That web place is just ahead right...

[19:55] * DustyFeathers glares at White so hard daggers might as well be flying out. "Just because my wings are a bit dirty does not mean I'm molting, thank you."

[19:55] <SolidGear> "I don't feel like we're being watched. Then again, people do pass by my shop a lot...." she mutters, totoally oblivious to the eerie feelings everypony else has been getting.

[19:55] <Sweetness> We should be right on top of it.

[19:56] * Whiteout ducks a bit, swinging lower. "Sorry! Not trying to be rude, but whoose are those then?"

[19:56] * SolidGear looks at her map, trying to figure out again where they are and still having a bit of trouble figuring out where the spots on the map correlate to their location.

[19:57] <NiteBrite> Nar: A low rumble, like a growl, comes from the clouds above. The feathers are red.

[19:57] <DustyFeathers> "Uhh.... Do dragons have feathers?"

[19:58] <Whiteout> "I think we're about to find out."

[19:58] <NiteBrite> Nar: Dragons are more like scales.

[19:58] * Manticore swoops out of the sky

[19:58] <Manticore> RRRRRRROAR

[19:59] <Whiteout> O_O

[19:59] * SolidGear stops in her tracks, looking up and tugging NB back towards her with her mouth, preventing him from walking off the cliff.

[19:59] <DustyFeathers> "Ohh, it's a manticore, how cute.... WAIT, A MANTICORE?!"

[20:00] <NiteBrite> Where is -gurk- *is pulled* what was that for?

[20:00] <Manticore> *Looks hungry*

[20:00] <nod> *notics the cliff* ooh yikes

[20:00] <SolidGear> "Stay close, NB....that's the roar of a manticore. I have no idea what's up."

[20:00] <Manticore> *spots Dusty*

[20:00] * SolidGear still has not noticed the cliff.

[20:01] <DustyFeathers> "Um, you have any idea what to do White?"

[20:01] <NiteBrite> R-right. *walks carefully* *falls off cliff anyways* Waaaaaah~

[20:01] * SolidGear has started to look at the map, then grins as she finds a spot labeled 'Manticore' on it, "Aha, I know where we are...I hope."

[20:02] <Whiteout> "Not really, no. Maybe he's in the mood to chat?"

[20:02] * SolidGear hears NiteBrite fall off the cliff, looking to where he fell and blinking a bit as she looks to the map again to puzzle out their location.

[20:03] * DustyFeathers spots Nite falling off the cliff. "You get Nite, I'll sort out this guy."

[20:03] * Whiteout looks down at the yell, then folds his wings and dives. "RIGHT!"

[20:03] <Manticore> *flies right at dusty* The manticore roars a second time. Some how when it roars at her directly, it causes her ability to fly to freeze up.

[20:04] <NiteBrite> Nar: *Is not falling* *Is caught in a large Spider web*

[20:04] <NiteBrite> I'm okay~

[20:04] * Whiteout pulls up above Nite, eyeing the web. "Well, lucky that was there."

[20:04] * DustyFeathers falls into the trees, her wings stiffening.

[20:04] <Manticore> *It is a terror type attack*

[20:05] <Manticore> *lands near Dusty* Ka-thoom.

[20:05] <Manticore> *approaches slowly.*

[20:05] <nod> ok we got to get you out of there

[20:05] <NiteBrite> I know right? Its like a safety net. So springy

[20:05] <DustyFeathers> "Well, that was just rude. I'm sure if you asked me nicely I'd be more willing to help."

[20:05] * SolidGear blinks, turning to look over to where she heard two landings and sees the Manticore, "Uhmm....whoa, Manticore!"

[20:06] <Anthrax> Uh, Dusty, I don't think it needs help.

[20:07] <NiteBrite> There's no rush. I'm safe here. Just a little tangled up is all.

[20:07] <DustyFeathers> "No, really?!"

[20:07] <NiteBrite> Nar: In the cliffside. The eyes of a giant spider awaken.

[20:07] * DustyFeathers pathetically attempts to flap her wings.

[20:08] * SolidGear looks around, before dashing over and placing herself between Dusty and the Manticore, mildly scared but standing firm as any Earthpony can, "I'm here, Feathers...how are your wings?"

[20:08] <Manticore> *Looks rather pleased with its catch. Two delicious ponies.*

[20:08] <Manticore> *opens its jaws...*

[20:09] * SolidGear moves back, raising her metal leg in fear at the large open maw in front of her.

[20:09] <DustyFeathers> "Solid! Get away from here!"

[20:09] <Anthrax> *Bucks the manitcore's mouth shut.* What are y'all standing around for?

[20:10] * Whiteout shrugs out of the coil of rope, leaving part of it wrapped around himself and lowering the other end to Nite. "Probably not the safest place in the world. Can you get ahold of this?"

[20:10] <Manticore> *Smacks Anthrax out of the way. Too scrawny*

[20:10] * DustyFeathers slowly gets to her hooves. "Alright, buddy. Just you and me."

[20:11] * SolidGear blinks back to her rational senses, moving back closer to Dusty, "I'm not leaving you behind, Feathers!"

[20:11] <Manticore> *The Manticore scratches at the ground ready to charge*

[20:11] <NiteBrite> I think so *Grabs the rope with his teeth*

[20:11] <DustyFeathers> "In that case, get ready to run when he goes for us."

[20:12] * Whiteout waits for Nite to get a grip, then pulls up, trying to lift the other pony free of the web.

[20:12] <SolidGear> "Run? All right....double-split, ze?"

[20:13] <DustyFeathers> "Exactly, we'll take him on from the sides."

[20:13] <SolidGear> "Got it!"

[20:13] * nod helps pull nite up

[20:13] <NiteBrite> Nar: The tug loosens NB some, but he is still caught. A few more should do the trick. Unfortuneatly the violent jerk wakes the spider up completely. It approaches rapidly

[20:13] <Manticore> *Charges*

[20:13] <Manticore> ROAR

[20:13] * SolidGear gets ready to dash off to the side, looking aside to Dusty for her signal.

[20:14] <DustyFeathers> "NOW!" She dashes out of the way.

[20:14] <Manticore> *Is confused by the split, continues after Dusty.*

[20:15] <NiteBrite> Spider: Hisssss

[20:15] * Whiteout eyes the spider. "Well horseapples."

[20:15] * SolidGear dashes aside, but clumsily her metal leg locks up and she goes sprawling to the side in a dust cloud, "Ooof.....crud...."

[20:15] <NiteBrite> Pull Harder!

[20:15] <DustyFeathers> "Oh yeah, sure, go after the fat one..." Dusty muttered jokingly.

[20:15] * Whiteout is more than willing to try again!

[20:15] <nod> oh great *pulls*

[20:16] <Manticore> SG has fallen. Dusty is on her own...

[20:16] * DustyFeathers spots Solid and turns to face the Manticore directly.

[20:16] <Sweetness> That is until Sweetness drops out of the Sky, and lands on it's back* YEEEEE-HAW

[20:16] * SolidGear tries getting up fast, but only complicates the matter and falls over a second time, now sprawled out on her back.

[20:17] <Manticore> *Tries to Buck her off, but Sweetness has had stability training thanks to the TARDIS

[20:17] * DustyFeathers smiles excitedly while sneaking to help Solid.

[20:17] <SolidGear> "....just not my day, huh? The first time I need to help a friend, and you lock up. Just great." she grumbles, glaring at her metal leg.

[20:17] <NiteBrite> *Is almost free*

[20:18] <NiteBrite> *spider starts to spit gobs of webbing at Whiteout. Missing so far, but its getting closer*

[20:18] <DustyFeathers> "Not your best day, huh, Capitan?"

[20:18] <nod> *pullspullspulls*

[20:18] <Whiteout> "Yikes!" *strains at the rope as hard as he can

[20:18] <Manticore> *Is not amused by Sweetness* *thawcks her off with his scorpion tail*

[20:18] <Whiteout> "We are -so- not spider food!"

[20:19] <NiteBrite> *is dislodged enough to add his wing power and slip loose*

[20:19] <NiteBrite> FLY!

[20:19] <NiteBrite> *heads up*

[20:19] <SolidGear> "Not the best day, yes....mind if I ask why you're calling me 'Capitan'?" she queries, mildly noticing Sweetness getting knocked off the Manticore.

[20:20] <DustyFeathers> "I'll tell you once this guy's sorted." She turns straight back to the manticore.

[20:20] <Manticore> *Seems focused on Dusty.* *Digs at the ground getting ready for The Charge, Take Two*

[20:20] * SolidGear sighs, deciding to try once again to get to her hooves, once again mildly annoyed at her metal leg failing to bend properly.

[20:21] <NiteBrite> Spider: Shoots webbing gobs while chasing the Pegasi

[20:21] * SolidGear is however, now back on her hooves, rather rigidly so and sees the Manticore ready to charge.

[20:21] <NiteBrite> WhiteOut, I just had an idea! Follow me. *heads towards the others*

[20:22] <DustyFeathers> "Alright Manny, what's the deal, seriously?"

[20:22] <SolidGear> "Hey, Dusty...I have an idea, but you won't like it."

[20:22] * Whiteout dodges a couple of webbing gobs and heads after Nite. "I hope this is a good idea!"

[20:23] <DustyFeathers> "Are you asking me to be live bait? I don't think I have a choice if so."

[20:23] * SolidGear looks down at her metal leg, before looking back to her pegasus friend, "I need you to detach my metal leg and use it as bait."

[20:23] * DustyFeathers looks between the Manticore and Solid's leg.

[20:23] <NiteBrite> The spider is looking for the largest meal right? WE lead it to the Manticore, our two problems take care of themselves!

[20:24] <Whiteout> ... "I hate to say it, but I like it."

[20:24] <NiteBrite> *dodges webbing*

[20:24] <SolidGear> "Okay, fine...so maybe he won't eat metal...but just toss it at him anyways? A distraction is all we need to escape, right?"

[20:24] <nod> now to get bigand ugly to meet big an spidery

[20:25] <DustyFeathers> "I see... But he wants me Capitan, I can't sort out the leg for you."

[20:25] <Manticore> *Charges, it will be distracted by Solid's leg if thrown*

[20:26] <SolidGear> "Just...just take my leg and throw it, okay?! I don't care what you think, he'll get stopped by my leg!" she screams, sounding really scared but solidly confident.

[20:26] <DustyFeathers> "Get Sweetness to do it, she'll-" She gets knocked back by the Manticore.

[20:27] * SolidGear detaches her leg, glad it came with an emergency detachment portion...then chucks it with as much strength as she can muster at the Manticore.

[20:27] * Whiteout gets low, flying as fast as he can (which isn't terribly fast). "I think it's gaining, keep moving Nite!"

[20:28] <Manticore> The Manticore chases it like a dog playing fetch*

[20:29] <NiteBrite> We're here! *has brought the Spider*

[20:29] <NiteBrite> Wait, where's the manticore?!

[20:29] <DustyFeathers> "Ungh, over... here..."

[20:30] <Manticore> *Holding Solid's leg* *Sees spider* *flees having a head start away, the ponies will slow that thing down enough for it to escape*

[20:31] <Sweetness> Uhg... it got away.

[20:32] <NiteBrite> Then we have a problem... *big Spider bursts onto the scene*

[20:32] <NiteBrite> Spider: HISSSS!

[20:32] * SolidGear sighs lightly, looking back to everypony else with a slight smile, "Oh good, glad to see you all....what the heck is that?"

[20:32] * SolidGear is currently down a leg, assuming the manticore still has her metal leg....thus is not capable of entirely fast running.

[20:32] * DustyFeathers gets up, staggering slightly and stumbles towards the spider.

[20:32] <NiteBrite> We brought it here to eat *dodges some web goo* the manticore.

[20:33] <Anthrax> Whose Brite idea was that?

[20:33] * nod looks around *well do you have a better plan?"

[20:33] <NiteBrite> Wha? Don't blame me.

[20:34] <NiteBrite> Whiteout thought it was a good plan too

[20:34] * Whiteout pulls up, taking in the downed Dusty and legless Solid. "Never mind that, get moving if you can!"

[20:34] <Spider> *catches Nod in a gob of webbing*

[20:35] <nod> ah

[20:35] * DustyFeathers smirks a little. "White, drop me above the spider."

[20:35] <Anthrax> I gotcha *picks up Nod onto her back*

[20:35] <Anthrax> You okay?

[20:35] * SolidGear blinks, looking down at her non-existant metal leg, "Uhm...I can't really...go all that fast, Whiteout."

[20:35] <nod> just stuck

[20:35] * Whiteout gives Dusty a panicked look, but moves to give her a lift. "You're not about to get all self-sacrificing on us, are you?"

[20:36] * SolidGear starts to try trotting, having a bit of an issue what with lacking a foreleg.

[20:36] <DustyFeathers> "No, that implies I'm giving up. I'm just moving us forward."

[20:36] <NiteBrite> *freezes up* I think I'm about ready to give up.

[20:37] <SolidGear> "Dusty...what are you planning?"

[20:37] <DustyFeathers> "You'll see, Capitan..."

[20:37] <Spider> *gets much closer to the group. One more post and he'll be ontop of them*

[20:37] * nod strugles to break free of the web

[20:38] <Spider> Nar: Nod makes progress to free his hoofs to where he can walk, but he looks rather like a large cotton ball*

[20:38] <Spider> *with legs*

[20:38] * Whiteout pulls up into position. "Okay, Dusty, I'm trusting you on this one."

[20:39] * DustyFeathers angles herself in position. "On three, okay?"

[20:39] <Spider> Spider is over the ponies on the ground. Whatever Dusty is planning, it's now or never

[20:39] <DustyFeathers> "THREE!"

[20:40] * Whiteout drops Dusty, then gets ready for a dive of his own in case a rescue is needed.

[20:40] <NiteBrite> NB is just standing there all deer-in-the-headlights style

[20:40] <NiteBrite> ahhhhhh

[20:40] <nod> *hops of anthrax and keeps running* thanks for the lift

[20:41] * DustyFeathers aligns her fall above the spiders head ready to dive.

[20:41] <Spider> Nar: Dusty may notice the spider has a thorn lodged in the back of it's head.

[20:42] * DustyFeathers lands hard on the thorn in the spider's head.

[20:43] * SolidGear is still trying to move at a reasonable pace, granted it isn't all that so much a trot as a hobble.

[20:43] <Spider> *thrashes about in pain. Apparently the thorn is painful.*

[20:44] <Spider> *consider it sufficiently distracted for escape*

[20:45] <NiteBrite> *takes this opportunity to escape*

[20:45] * SolidGear is currently still 'trotting' as fast as she can to escape, her movement rather slow due to...well, lack of a leg.

[20:45] * DustyFeathers is flung off the spider in the direction of the others.

[20:46] <nod> *trots up to solid gear* need a lift?

[20:46] * Whiteout swoops down to the others as well, dodging the flailing spider. "Everypony okay?"

[20:46] <Anthrax> ((Nod is encased in goo like a cotton ball still. Just his head and legs are free.))"can I offer you a ride?" Asks Anthrax now that she isn't carrying Nod anymore.

[20:46] <Anthrax> *Just

[20:47] <NiteBrite> I- I'll let you know when my heart stops racing.

[20:47] <SolidGear> "yes, please?" she looks aside to Nod, rather pitiful-like.

[20:48] * DustyFeathers quietly utters "Damn it".

[20:48] * SolidGear then looks to Anthrax, "Uhm...well, if you can carry me, sure?"

[20:49] <Sweetness> Look on the positive side, at least we're out of danger for the moment.

[20:49] * Whiteout turns to Dusty. "That was crazy brave."

[20:49] <nod> well hop on and umm hehe stick tight. *he bushed in embarismet ..and at the bad pun*

[20:49] * DustyFeathers is too fatigued to get up.

[20:50] <nod> ((oh ignore last post))

[20:50] <SolidGear> (('kay.))

[20:50] <Anthrax> I'm not as scrawny as I look. *assures SG as she slides her onto her back*

[20:51] <Anthrax> *winces slightly* Ow.

[20:51] * SolidGear lies on Anthrax's back, "Uhm...thanks. I can assure you, that metal leg adds a few pounds." she mutters, blushing a bit.

[20:51] <Anthrax> *has a bruised shoulder*

[20:51] <SolidGear> "Are you sure you should be carrying me?"

[20:52] * SolidGear is totally oblivious to the bruised shoulder at the time.

[20:53] <Anthrax> I got a little banged up when the manticore swatted me out of the way. *shifts her weight so SG leans more on the uninjured shoulder* But I've had worse.

[20:53] * nod follows along as best as he can

[20:53] <Sweetness> Need some help there Nod?

[20:54] * Whiteout is catching his breath now, settles to ground next to Dusty. "You okay?"

[20:54] <SolidGear> "All right...well, just carry me back I guess? I don't have a replacement leg, so for now I'm on 'navigate duty'." she mutters, looking for the map she'd had out...then sighing as she finds it.

[20:55] <nod> im ok really *atempts to pull off some of the web* i just realy need a bath or somthing after this

[20:56] <DustyFeathers> "Well, I'm not dead, at least..."

[20:56] * Whiteout blinks. "Well, that's a positive. We

[20:57] * NiteBrite closes the RP, Cut log here.

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