SIAFR Chapter 001: Pages 0001 to 0025

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 19:11, 9 August 2009 by Mdm (Talk | contribs)

Page 1

On the thread within the thread (for the most part)

  • Sleepy wakes up to realize that he is two people. One is a catgirl and the other is an owl.
  • Sleepy starts a thread about this and adds a picture of the two Sleepys.
  • Paine wakes up with a gun and joins the thread.
  • Oz wakes up as KF-Oz and spends some time checking herself out in the mirror before joining the thread with her own picture.
  • Cheez is still sleeping.
  • AP wakes up as Ann and tries to make sense of what has happened.
  • She eventual finds Sleepy's thread and joins it.
  • Oz realizes the sensitivity of her new ears then replies to Ann's post.
  • Ann calls Oz the wrong name.
  • Oz catches this and is slightly insulted.
  • Ann apologizes then decides to get over the awkwardness of using the restroom as the other sex.
  • Oz comments that she looks like some thing done in Photoshop.
  • Mandros wakes up to find that he can see (without glasses) and that he has a winged skull at his place so he joins the thread.
  • Book wakes up as the Anti-Christ and joins the thread.
  • KE wakes up to to find that he is floating and physically male. He joins the thread.
  • KE asks what Book means by waking up as the Anti-Christ.
  • Book explains that the character is from a comic he once made.
  • Oz comments on her flame aura powers.
  • KE comments that he doesn't have a picture of himself.
  • Oz asks KE which version of KE he became.
  • KE comments that he may be the Star Wars universe version and asks if he has a light saber.
  • Paine posts a picture of himself with a very nasty scar.
  • Oz comments on the scar.
  • KE notes that Staranos does not have a light saber as ...
  • Paine realizes he is now Volke.
  • KE realizes he is a Kryptonian.
  • Oz comments that Staranos has only one sentence describing him.

Page 2

  • KE remarks that Eranhu's presence is clearly felt, and that he's not about to test if he's invulnerable or not.
  • Book comments on the scar, and goes looking for the comic his avatar came from.
  • Oz doesn't remember Book's comic and states that she lurked in the Bar quite frequently.
  • Piane states that the other guy 'got the blade jammed into his ribcage'.
  • Book states he never posted the comic, and asks if anyone remembers the avatar in question.
  • KE reminisces and states he's never seen the comic either.
  • Oz notes that she'd rather not be thwapped by a Kryptonian.
  • KE reassures Oz that it's not likely to happen unless they accidentally meet in person too quickly.
  • Cheez wakes up as CheezKyrie.
  • Oz is worried by KE's post, and notices Cheez's arrival.
  • KE considers changing avatars, but decides not to.
  • Cheez replies to KE and Oz.
  • MDM wakes up to discover he's armored. He takes off his armor and changes into his street clothes.
  • Book finds the comic and posts it, indicating which person he is.
  • KE wonders if it's only Mayhemites being affected.
  • MDM is somewhat disappointed by Book's comic.
  • Book complains about MDM's comment.
  • MDM lets Eve loose.
  • Oz notices the comic, and is equally perplexed by KE's statement.
  • Eve gets on the computer and asks who's going to get hurt.
  • KE warns Eve not to kill anyone unless they deserve it.
  • Eve starts getting argumentative.
  • CK reveals that it's only Mayhem getting affected.
  • Eve finds her equipment locker and gears up.
  • Mal wakes up to find he has tentacles. He tells Cheez he loves her.
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