Forest Cabin (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 00:26, 7 July 2009 by Anti-paragon (Talk | contribs)
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General description:

An old, abandoned log cabin. The door looks to be made to compensate for wings, and strange feathers can be found inside.

Created by: Peragrin

Creation date: Dec 29, 2005 10:38 am

Exterior description:

A single story wood log cabin. Simple wood shingle roof with a chimney to the north. There is a small front porch with a single window to the right of the front door. There are several other windows around the house, roughly two per side, save the front. The front door frame is wide and arching, but dips down at the center, as if specifically shaped for someone with wings. The front door perfectly matches this design.

Interior description:

The all-wood floor is well made and finished properly to prevent rotting. The cabin is divided into four rooms; A large livingroom, which takes up half the cabin, a small bedroom and small kitchen, which nearly take a quarter each, and a closet sized bathroom. The place is lightly furnished with Peragrin's things.

Current condition in the RP: The cabin is abandoned, with the property overgrown. various plants shoot through the front porch, and the front window has been smashed. The interior is almost completely bare, save a rocking chair by the fireplace, a mattress on the floor of the bedroom and a stove in the kitchen. Everything else was either taken with the owner or looted. The floor still looks great, though.

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