
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 04:28, 21 November 2008 by SethSara (Talk | contribs)

Sara: "Hey guys, this is just a place holder until me and Seth get all set up."
Seth: "Where's the slash!? We're supposed to have a slash in between our names!"
Sara: "Wiki stole our slash for it's own devices..." >.> <.< >.>

Seth/Sara's Inventory/Experience Pool

Seth and Sara each have one of these items, they are rolled together for simplicity. Thanks to davecom3 a few items have been recovered.

  • 1 standard TF Gun.
  • 2 experimental TF Guns. The exact functions of these guns are unknown, however, Seth was turned into a full Aardvark instead of an Anthro one when he tried using it on himself.
  • 18 cans of unlabeled soda.
  • 3 squirrel teddies.
  • 3 dead fish.
  • 3 cookies wrapped in shiny plastic.
  • 1 magic pen, to redraw other people. (Newbie Gift from B.T. Isaac.)
  • 1 military-grade flamethrower (Gift from Cheez.)
  • 1 â�¿ Symbol. (Awarded after finding the Snowman.)

TBE (Total Bunny Experience): 638.
Current Bunny Level: Lvl 4 (Combie & Conquer Bunny).

  • 253 Experience awarded for finding the Snowman.
  • 50 Experience awarded for their 1st 100 posts.
  • 25 Experience awarded for their 2nd 100 posts.
  • 10 Experience awarded for their 3rd and 4th 100 posts.
  • 25 Experience awarded for their 1st half-year as a registered Bunny.
  • 50 Experience awarded for their 2nd half-year as a registered Bunny.
  • 75 Experience awarded for their 3rd half-year as a registered Bunny.
  • 45 Experience for being the first to Glomp a Newbie. (First to Glomp: animemangavg, Dirty Dirty Catgirl, Daniela_Joplin.)
  • 5 Experience for being the 2nd-5th person to glomp a Newbie. (2nd-5th to glomp: yreomyr)
  • 50 Experience for being the first to give a Newbie Pack to a Newbie. (Newbie Packs given to: Dirty Dirty Catgirl, Daniela_Joplin.)
  • 50 Experience for inviting someone to post post on the forums. (People invited: Daniela_Joplin)

Current Plots

Recently, Seth and Sara have stolen enough items from the Newbie Gear Processing Plant. Sara believes no one knows of her involvement, but she cannot speak for Seth on that matter.

The two are hiding out on the Interdimensional Space Fish until the investigation settles itself and blames Ajac.

Characters and RPs

Has played in many of Zerras' Elderai Saga RPs. Even one on a non-Keen forum. (That RP is a sad reminder of why you should not drink too many energy drinks.)

Currently Seth is involved in Zerras' "Warsaw the 42nd" RP, playing Amy Terrell.

Name: Amy Terrell
Age: 17
Sex: Female
Job: Student
Alignment: Warsaw
5'10" and 135 lb., she has a slight build, and long limbs. Her hair is orange-red, and is styled like tomboy haircuts, mostly because this keeps it from hindering her when doing Parkour. Her eyes are wide and blue. Her complexion is Celtic, which is to say that she gets sunburned easily. Her arms and legs have many small cuts in varying stages of healing, and she goes through cloths quickly no matter how tough the material used to create it is. She typically wears form-fitted t-shirts and shorts, and good quality trainers.
personality: Hyper (See bio)
Theme Song: N/A
Bio: Amy is a Detroit native. She has an excellent short-term memory, but without constant reinforcement she forgets a lot of information easily. This qualified her for special education services. She turned down classes in exchange for being allowed to use open notes and a computer on tests. She practiced Parkour in her free-time, and uses it now for practical pursuits (running messages for Warsaw). She was in JROTC, and had above average marks in rifle practice. She's not combative, and is more likely to talk to others. She's not visually hyper (i.e., quick motions for tiny movements), but she does have a lot of energy that seems to come from nowhere. She stole her pistol and knife from her father, who is allied with the U.S. Military. Her mother has not chosen a side.
Inventory: Messenger bag, 9mm pistol, "standard student gear" (pens, pencils, notepad, binders), laptop, combat knife.

Strength: 4
Defense: 4
Agility: 13
Accuracy: 10
Intelligence: 11
Perception: 11

Ad-Hoc Tech: 0
Communications: 2
Critical Thinking: 2
Hand-to-Hand: 1
Marksmanship: 3
Medical: 0
Misdirection: 3
Physical Fitness: 4
Tactics: 3
Tech-Savvy: 2

HP: 17/17
MP: 18/18

Feat: "Run for it"

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