Hero Worship RP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:17, 1 August 2008 by ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey (Talk | contribs)
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Quick Summary

It is roughly 500 years from the time when a mysterious explosion occured on Earth and elemental creatures went on the attack. Eight heroes saved the day, as heroes do, and cities were rebuilt, high above the ground. In Century City, it's time for new superheroes to replace the old ones.


RP Thread

Discussion and signup thread

Links to character bios


ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkE (GM)


Saric Krass



Saric Krass




Major NPCs

Name: The Captain

Age: 532

Gender: Male

Personality: Dedicated to him jobs. May sometimes seem distracted and distant, but most of the times acts friendly and helpful.

Appearance: White spandex with a red cape, blue upturned pointed shoulder pads, red boots and gloves, and a simple white mask over his eyes.

Powers and Abilities: Super strength, above average speed and agility, flight, slight regeneration, invulnerability, and immortality.

Current Powers: See Power Limit

Power Limit: able to fly at mach 2, run as fast as a cheetah for about a minute at a time, lift over 200,000 tons, capable of withstanding a nuclear bomb at point blank range, and heals cuts and bruises in a matter of minutes.

Backstory: The Captain led the original heroes in helping rebuild the world. Not much else is known other than that. Currently with The Order, helping them recruit new members.

Name: Orion

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Personality: Vague and unemotional for the most part.

Appearance: Is almost always only seen in a black cloak.

Powers and Abilities: The power to see past present and future.

Current Powers: Can see up to 2 days perfectly clearly. Anything past that gets vauge and hard to read. Can also see each and every alternate future and what is needed to bring it about.

Power Limit: See Current Powers.

Backstory: Orion grew up in Century City and fro m a very early age, knew of his powers. He spent hi life honing his power and when he turned 18, moved out of his parent's house and found a place to stay in The Underbelly. He has proven to be an invaluable source of information for The Order in the past.

Name: Number 87(Leader of The Resistance)

Age: 37

Gender: Female

Personality: Headstrong, brave, and just a little bossy. Despite the icy professional speech, it's easy to see she cares for her people.

Appearance: A Blue and Black uniform (blue suit, black undershirt and armor, and black gloves.) and a purple beret.

Powers: No powers, But 87 is a master at attacking pressure points on the human body. She also carries around an energy pistol, which she is uncannily accurate with.

Backstory: Number 87 doesn't talk about her life before joining the resistance, but despite that, or perhaps because of it, she became the leader of the Resistance.

Name: The Plague

Age: 525

Gender: unknown

Personality: Cold most of the time, very mysterious, and very crazy. Can sometimes be seen talking to itself.

Appearance: Looks like a shadowy black cloak with armless sleeves. Its face can not be seen and its voice is beyond human recognition. Its hands and legs are sometimes seen, reveling them to be grey. The hands have 3 claw-like fingers while the feet look almost like an insect's.

Powers: Creating Shadow Bugs

Current powers: Can create various shaped bugs made out of pure darkness. These swarms can be used like weapons, or just used as the swarm of insects they are. Sometimes merging and taking the shape of giant bugs. Can also draw a single person into its mind at a time. It is unclear what this is for, but it does seem to drive anyone it is used on completely insane.

Power limit: See Current Powers

Backstory: The Plague appeared around the same time as The Captain and the other heroes. It is unclear weather The Plague is good or evil, but it is assumed to be evil, even though it helped build Century City. Something or someone has driven it insane, and whatever secrets it knows will be nearly impossible to uncover without delving into madness yourself.

Name: Jane (Leader of Lost in the Light)

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Personality: Acts like a Religious Zealot and has a strong hatred for heroes. On rare occasions, she may act like just a normal person, but only around those she is very close to.

Appearance: Wears what looks like a medival black suit of armor, but in reality, it is a high tech battle suit. She has short brown hair, glasses, and green eyes.

Powers: A high tech battle suit.

Current Powers: See Power Limit.

Power Limit: The suit enhances her strength, speed, and stamina 10 fold, and somehow shoots blasts of light from the gloves. (She believes in fighting the light(heroes) with her own light.) The suit is still a suit of armor, and as such, have great defense. Aside from the suit, Jane can make almost any kind of tech imaginable. She actually made most of what Lost in the Light use these days.

Backstory: Jane joined Lost in the Light back when she was 16, after her parents disappeared during a fight between The Order and a giant bat monster. She quickly climbed in rank due to her extensive knowledge of technology and hatred for heroes. (whom she blames for her parents' disappearance.) Soon, she had become The leader of the lost, hand picked by the previous leader. When she took over, she made sure all members had the latest tech.

Name: Billy (Leader of The Saviors)

Age: 6

Gender: Male

Personality: Innocent yet mischievous.

Appearance: Wears blue footie pajamas and a towel tied around his neck. Has blonde hair and yellow eyes.

Powers: Storm manipulation powers. Flight.

Current Powers: Can summon storms, make it rain, hail, and cause localized thunderstorms. Can send out blasts of burning hot, or freezing cold air, as well as make the air around him hotter or colder to an extent. The only downside is that the power is tied to his emotion, and he has yet to gain full control of his powers.

Power Limit: When Billy becomes older, he could potentially creates storms all over Old Earth, and not just in localized pockets. He may not know it yet, but he has the potential to rebuild Old Earth, or completely destroy it.

Backstory: Billy was born with storm powers. He would use them whenever he wanted, and his parents were almost too afraid to stop him, but being his parents, he still listens to them. He joined The Saviors a little before his 6th birthday, and literally became their leader overnight, due to the incredible strength of his powers.

Name: Karl

Age: 1026

Gender: Male

Personality: Calm and calculating. Almost always serious.

Appearance: Gold body and slightly taller and longer then other Otherlings

Powers: Gravity control and Mind Manipulation.

Current Powers: See Power Limit

Power Limit: Can control gravity any way he sees fit, from turning it off, making everything heavier, or even causing the ground to twist into any shape he can imagine. Can enter the minds of anyone, communicate with them, and take control of their bodies against their will or just manipulate the minds of others to make them think what he wants them to think. You will know if he's trying to manipulate your mind, but it takes a lot of effort to fight off his mental attacks. Karl Specializes in illusions, only resorting to body and gravity control when absolutely necessary.

Backstory: Karl is a young Otherling (compared to other Otherlings) set the task to Guard the entrance to the Otherspace from The Tower entrance. He is also a sort of contact for the heroes regarding the Otherspace and anything else he can relay. He use to serve with the other heroes in The Order until the others became too old, causing him to make the decision to return to guarding the entrance.

Name: Shard

Age: 18206

Gender: Male

Personality: Cold and manipulative. Takes pleasure in controlling others.

Appearance: Metallic Black. His eyes are slightly grey. Average build for an Otherling.

Powers: Gravity control and Mind Manipulation.

Current Powers: See Power Limit

Power Limit: Can control gravity any way he sees fit, from turning it off, making everything heavier, or even causing the ground to twist into any shape he can imagine. Can enter the minds of anyone, communicate with them, and take control of their bodies against their will or just manipulate the minds of others to make them think what he wants them to think. You will know if he's trying to manipulate your mind, but it takes a lot of effort to fight off his mental attacks. Shard focuses mainly on controlling the minds and to a lesser extent bodies of others.

Backstory: Shard is a very dangerous Otherling criminal. If he had his way, both the Otherspace and the cities over Old Earth would be under his absolute command.


The Order: The group of heroes that protect Century City. Currently transitioning from its old members to younger, more capable supers.

The Resistance: A group of more or less ordinary Humans who don't like the Heroes for one reason or another. They know they heroes are hiding something, but they don't know what.

The Saviors: A gang of super powered adolescence in The Industrial District. They tend to cause mischief and a lot of collateral damage where ever they go. If they see a hero, they will usually try to have a little fun with them, even if said fun is lethal.

Lost in the Light: A rival gang of The Saviors. While they may not have powers, they more then make up for it in high tech weaponry, gadgets, and devices. They can mainly be seen preaching to the masses the Evils of Heroes and how they are trying to control ordinary humans as slaves in the Recreation district. They hate heroes and most will attack on site.

Otherlings: Inhabitants of the Otherspace, they have power over gravity and the minds of others. It is very dangerous to see an Otherling outside the Otherspace, mainly because they don't come out unless they have a very good reason to. Otherlings have more than enough power to take down even the strongest hero one on one, so just imagine what fighting an entire world would be like. Otherlings tend to be tall with long limbs, large oval shaped heads, large empty black eyes, and vary in color, though they are always some sort of shiny metallic color. Otherlings only have 3 toes, one of which is almost thumb, but 7 fingers on either hand.


The Underbelly: Located on the bottom of Century City, The Underbelly is just that, the seedy underbelly of the city. It is the hangout of almost all the criminals of the city, and as such, is a very dangerous place to be. The underbelly is basically a series of overhanging catwalks, ropes, and various wires. Buildings are either connected directly to the bottom of the city, or more commonly, they are just hanging by wires.

The Tower or Order: The Tower is where The Order is located. Raising high above the city, it has a clear line of sight to every part of the city, at least every part above ground.. The Tower is in the very center of Century City.

The Engine Room: Don't let the name fool you. The engine room of Century City is more like a series of winding corridors with a giant energy source in a large central room. The Engine Room is fully automated, being controlled by robots, a handful of whom are beginning to question their existence. This area is where The Resistance makes their base.

Decade Park: A large park on the south side of the city. A giant lake in the center and extensive forest trail are its most prominent features, though it also has several artificially made underground tunnels running throughout the park. There is also a small area for picnics as well as several vendors and even a few chess boards with holographic pieces. The Plague makes its home here, spending most of its time in the caves.

Industrial District: With heroes protecting the city from evil, things tend to get destroyed. The Industrial District is in charge of repairing and replacing any and all damaged sections of the city. Looks like your standard Industrial factory. The industrial District is home to a gang of young super powered kids known as The Saviors. Located to the North.

Business District: The part of the city dedicated to various trades and businesses. Looks like your typical busy city. Located in the East.

Recreation District: Not nearly as busy as the business district, but still pretty active. The Recreation District is home to night clubs, bars, an amusement park, and many other relaxing retreats. A gang known as Lost in the Light calls the Recreation District their home. Located in the West.

Lodging District: This is where everyone lives. Several apartment complexes as well as houses cover the streets in this district. Located in the center of the city.

Old Earth: The ruins of planet earth after a cataclysmic event. A barren wasteland in the Strike Zone, but the rest of the planet is more or less the same, save for mutated animals and zombie-like humans. A few survivors live here or there, but they are savage and have a very strong dislike for heroes for some reason.

The Strike Zone: The name given to the area that destroyed the earth. It is a huge crater, but what's strange about it is that it doesn't look like everything collapsed, but that everything just vanished. Bizarre elemental creatures inhabit The Strike Zone, many of which seem sentient.

The Otherspace: A strange parallel dimension accessible through randomly appearing vortexes on Old Earth. The Tower has a stabilized portal, though it is not often used. Strange creatures known as Otherlings inhabit The Otherspace, and seem to have great command over both their dimension, as well as our own. The Otherspace is a series of floating platforms of various materials leading to a large city that is almost a mirror image of Century City.

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