Kalliope Emer Bianchi
From Egs Mayhem
Name: Kalliope Emer Bianchi
Sex: female
Age: 15
Birthplace: Athens
Location of Transformation: small island by Skiros
Species: Cat, Raven
Former Profession: Student
Height: 5'2
Weight: 65 lbs
Build: Thinly framed, especially the lower body.
Hair: mix of long white hair and silken white feathers
Fur: mix of short, soft white fur and silken white feathers
Eyes: large, blackish, sliced cat eyes
Feathered legs which end in oddly short but pointy bird claws, small hips and buttock which sprouts a long, flexible cat tail. Her back is covered with strong feathers, which oddly enough seem almost softer than the fur on her chest. A chest which other than being thinly furred is human enough to warrant for covering clothes. From her shoulders grow a mixture of Arms and short wings. Where as the Arms are covered in fur, thin and sinewy and ending in almost human hands.
However between the fingers are small dents from where really impressively large and sharp cat claws can be extended. The wings, feathered in the same soft and painfully white feathers, are directly connected along the arms and foldable, but still come out annoyingly far whenever she reaches out her hands. In total she's got a wingspread of 9 feet.
Her neck and face are furred at the front, and covered by a thick layer of feathers at the back, where her long white hair out between the feathers, too.
The ears are catish but very short and the shape of her face is mostly human with a taint of catish. Broader, flatter nose, thinner, pink lips, somewhat pointy teeth, but foremost the large eyes which don't have any white in them, but have a very dark brown, catlike iris on a black, ravenlike background. She's got whiskers, cute ones.
Aside from her Eyes and lips, everything about her seems white.
After a few days she figured out how to groom her fur and feathers and how to dress and move to point out those things about her new body which she still finds attractive while hiding those less attractive things.
Typical outfit:
Her wings, tail and feet make it really impossible to wear normal clothes, still her decency dictates to cover herself. Thus she normally wears long, fluffy tunics which leave the arms free. She usually prefers light blue and turquoise as her clothing color, but has a huge wardrobe to choose from.
- Balance: Wings and Tail plus the fact that Raven's and Cat's kinesthetic senses seems to have Added instead of averaged, Kalliope's sense of Balance is uttermost superior.
- Reflexes: Her reflexes are abnormaly quick as expected from cat persons.
- Night vision: Catish night vision, thus no colors and mainly usable to track motions.
- Peripheral vision: Like a Raven, Kalliope's eyes are facing slightly sidewards, making her aware of things which happen in a 240° arc in front of her instead of the usual 180° for humans.
- Sense of smell: Only ordinary!
- Hearing: Pretty good. Especially locating the origin of a sound is very precise and fast. (By far not as good as that of an owl however)
- Claws and teeth: Claws on hands and feet, the teeth are too short to pose a serious threat.
- Strength: Inferior to normal humans (even to normal 15 year old girls!)
- Pounce: While her body is not light enough to allow her to fly, it is light enough to be hurled several yard high and almost 15 broad when she jumps and flaps her wings.
- Stealth: Non particular. She even leaves quite characteristic little claw prints where ever she walks on sand, earth or wood.
Kalliope is a spoiled child, which doesn't mean she is demanding or mean or something. She just doesn't know hard work... or any work at all. She's polite, but always had servants and everything she ever wanted and what money could buy... and sometimes even what money shouldn't be able to buy.
She always was very concerned with her appearance, and very proud of it. So turning furry was quite a hard hit to her self esteem.
She is currently in a state or denial, considering this all a phase which will go away any day now. Either by itself or by the friendly scientists around.
She hates those Terrorists who did this to her with a passion, and she is sure her Dad is currently busy pulling strings to find and punish them all and forcing them to give her the medication to turn her back.
Ok, maybe she is a little naive, but not enough to not have learned her ways around in this form, just to be sure.
She's never been to a public school.. or private one for that matter, having had private tutoring ever since. So naturally she was a little annoyed by the fact she's got to go to school like an ordinary girl now.
All in all she tries to keep polite at all times, though she is very moody. Especially now as a furry and after loosing her fixed surrounding, she is having fits or depressions or anger. Also she is really really homesick.
Also, she doesn't like her new body, so she is kind of in denial of its advantages and wouldn't think about jumping and gliding for speed, but rather run normally (or awkwardly seeing how her feet are claws).
Kalliope is the second out of two daughters of a filthy rich, greek shipowner. Before turning furry, her life was dominated by the luxury of a small private island with servants, private teachers huge entertainment center, private helicopter to reach the exclusive shopping places.
The only reason she's not TOO spoiled is that she didn't spend much time with her parents, and instead learned her social behavior from Television and the servants around.
The business of her Parents is really profitable and not always legal, and while Kalliope is suspecting that, she doesn't really think her father would do something 'Evil', merely things which don't hurt anybody. As said, she's a bit naive.
When she turned furry, she was lying at the pool, sunbathing. She was feeling really really comfortable and warm, and didn't think anything when she started to purr... the loud shrieking of a maid and crashing or glass on the ground made her wake her up and notice the dilemma.
Full four days her family was able to hide her, before the Men in Black came and convinced her Father in harsh words that it would be better for everyone if they would take the totally destroyed teenager to the Island.
A counsellings and almost two weeks later she is now ready to go out on the streets of her new city.
She's living in the students apartments, and got a lot of stuff from home, including debit and credit cards with almost no limit. (If credit cards don't work on the Island, she's got lot of cash hidden).
Edit2: Forgot stuff, so more to read:
- Kalliope learned English and is able to communicate fluently, though having a somewhat greek accent (greek is her mother language). She's also got taught Spanish, Italian and German, though isn't really good at it.
- She's not overly smart, but clever enough to make good use of a high quality education.
- She's used to bodyguards and thus the presence of the Men in Black and Scientists doesn't faze her at all. She's actually lacking quite some respect for those persons... not that that would cause her to be impolite.