
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 01:39, 17 February 2007 by Ankhareon (Talk | contribs)
Ankhareon's online werecat avatar in anthrofeline form. Click for bonus colour.

Ankhareon is a 15 year old Bunny who makes video games. Sometimes he draws stuff too. His name is often shortened to "Anky" because Ankhareon is too long.


On the Forums

Ankhareon's current forum avatar

On the Forums Anky is a Level 9 Bunny with 2580 EXP. While he mainly posts on the Main Forum, he has also been known to participate in some of the game threads on Mayhem, mainly Word Association, Word Disassociation, Word Chain and Let's Count to a Million!!!. He's a regular greeter in the Newbie intro thread and hands out Gravity levellers as part of his Newbie packs. He is involved in no RPs yet, due to having been too lazy to create any RP characters.

He has started an art thread which can be found here. It currently holds 6 pieces of EGS fanart, including one fan comic, as well as posting several links to his favourite non-EGS drawings.


Chiefly a pixel artist Anky has been known to draw all the graphics his games use. Recently, however he has acquired a drawing tablet and a deviantArt account, and is now using Photoshop way too much.

His drawing and colouring style are usually cartoonish, with his photoshopped drawings based heavily on the drawing and particularly colouring style of his pixel art. There are some exceptions, however.

Video Games

Anky is a Game Designer/Spriter/Programmer for a number of prolific and not-so-prolific games on the web (few of which have been released but that's beside the point). These games include:

Halo: Blood Covenant

(In Progress) The original 2D Halo fangame. It has yet to release a demo, but is already highly anticipated by many. He insists the demo is nearly done, but many are skeptical after this long. HBC is a very high quality game promising much in the way of storyline and content. He does not work alone on it, but is the only Bunny to do so. He is both a spriter, programmmer and designer for it, and is responsible for the creation of many of it's weapons, the shielding system and some enemies (to name but a few). His usefulness is limited, however due to a chronic inability to understand his co-programmer's code, so he now mainly sticks to spriting.

Prince of Persia: The sands of Time 2D

(In Progress) The game the Talisman Engine was made for. It's essentially a 2D version of PoP: SoT.

The Talisman Engine

(Completed. Fixing bugs) A highly advanced 2D Prince of Persia Game Engine and to a point, a game in itself. Basically a showcase of all Anky's game making prowess, and his most proud achievement.

The TF-Gun Simulator

(In Progress) A simple program to simulate the effects of the TF gun on a subject. It's currently waiting on art that he never gets around to drawing, and is so far very limited.


Ankhareon's character, from his deviantID. Click for bonus colour.

Ankhareon the character is a 15 year old werecat, and the subject of his avatar (see above pic). he was not born a werecat though, but a TF-gun/magic spell malfunction gave him the ability to turn into a cat at will. This allows for added speed, strength, night vision and balance, while daylight vision is reduced due to overbrightness and mobility is limited.

As an added side effect, his hair changes colour with his mood and his fur can change colour at will, although both are golden-blond by default. Combinations of these also exist if he is experiencing more than one emotion at the same time.

Notable colours include:

  • Blond when happy or neutral.
  • Red when angry or annoyed.
  • Black when sad or worried.
  • White when focused or relaxed.
  • Brown when enthusiastic or excited.
  • Pink when embarrased or shy.
  • Grey when confused or thinking.


Anky's Inventory is contained in a flat-space projector - Basically a watch enchanted with a Spell of Holding. This allows for easy access without the encumberment of a real bag.

  • A Gravity Leveller
  • An Emu
  • a Squirrel Teddy
  • TF lightsaber
  • Custom-made Katana
  • 2 TF uzis
  • A Zen garden with real sand
  • A Japanese Dictionary
  • A Samurai Sledgehammer


  • As a Member of Theatre Sports he is legally obliged to add "Ba-Dum-Tsh" to any puns he may come across, regardless of how lame they may be.
  • Following the above reply he has been known to use his sledgehammer on those who make particularly bad puns. He occasionally sets them on fire instead.
  • He wishes his cat form had a bell collar, but it can't because it looks weird on humans.
  • Is a body counter on Movie Body Counts
  • Is a gymnast in real life

Related Topics

User:Ankhareon - His slightly different User page

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