Mildred North
From Egs Mayhem
Brief Description
Mildred is a Greater Chimera with Human, Uryuom and Mountain Lion DNA. She joined the DOD willingly because she wants to bring down the DF. They have done anything to her or hers, mind, she's just an anarchist.
Physical Description
Mildred's natural form is a three tailed anthropomorphic cougar. Her human form is that of a dark skinned 46 year old woman with red, blond and black streaky hair. Her preferred form is her human one, except with cat ears and tails. In all for forms, however, she maintains her green eyes and pleasantly plumb but busty figure.
Clothing wise, not a lot. She can dress up when necessary, but prefers as much skin showing as necessary. For example, miniskirts and boob tubes.
And incase you are wandering what her antennae are, well, why do you think she's got three tails. That's right, her antennae come out of her butt.