Ras Tshubai

From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 01:06, 22 December 2007

Name: Ras Tshubai
Gender: male
Age: 31
Build: 6'9, 375 lbs

Ras once was a normal African Bush Guide, mostly leading Charity Organisations through the african Wilderness. Then came Ragnarök... and Odin's light shone upon him and transformed him into this huge, black fured caricature of a human-panther hybrid. Large, red maw with oversized sharp teeth, small confused looking human eyes... walking on its hint legs swaying and stuggering with each step while his long arms swell from muscles and feature even more oversized claws which make it impossible for him to use tools anymore except maybe a rock.

Madness. Twisted, bloodthirsty, gruel madness. Sometimes it kills for food, sometimes it kills for not particular reason, sometimes it knocks you out and chews your leg off, sometimes it ignores people alltogether. It isn't interested in Animals.. but the one thing it hates even more than humans are other abnormities (and that does include G-humans).

It's huge, Got good ears, good eyes and an excellent nose... It's strong, it got sharp claws and teeth... and it Teleports. Instantly, silently, as much as it likes over mad distances or tiny ones. It can change it's posture and direction during a Teleport, hell, with some effort it even can stay 'in between' for one or two heart beats... It can NOT take anyone with it, so it needs to kill people on the spot any cannot kidnap them. Also it's a though bastard and it would need many shots to kill him...

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