Hum Hum

From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 00:58, 22 December 2007

Birth name: (Propably) Billy James Furnington.
Tribe name: Humming Bird (or Hum Hum)
Gender: Male
Age: around 10

Small and skinny. He has firely red hair with is wild but doesn't go past his shoulders since it also is curly and often gets stuck in bushes and branches. His eyes Gleam a bright Green and he seems always cheerful and almost always surrounded by three or four Humming birds. His skin is of a lightly golden brown, which obvious since he rarely wears more than short pants, since he is still growing and anything fancy would soon be wasted. He wouldn't wear anything if it wouldn't be practical to have pockets and a belt.

Hum Hum is squirmy and lively and rarely ill tempered. Typically carefree and easy going... he never complains... which might got to do with the fact that he doesn't speak. He hums sometimes and he understand what the other say, but he never spoke a word ever since the tribe found him. He usually strolls around the camp or through the near jungle, playing with the birds.

basic sewing (including making cord and needle from Animal parts, but he rally rather bothers Jag Wuar) aside that: None, but he's got extreme Luck. He always finds some ripe fruit when he's hungry, a hole to hide in from the predators, stumbles over a root when the rivaling native tribe's hunter shoots his arrow at him, a sharp stone when he needs to cut something. He's a bit annoying, and doesn't really contribute to the tribe on the other hand, he isn't really burden either.

Prized Possession:
A Silk rope of about 20 feet length which he wear as belt and uses for climb trees, so he wouldn't think about trading it. It is a left over from Billy James' father's expedition tour and was later used to carry his baby pouch and ended up being his only toy which the natives saw no necessarily to take away from him when they left him in the jungle.

Billy James was the child of an Irish Ornithologist who got lost in the Jungle and in the end found a few home at a tribe of natives. His father however was Killed by an accident when Billy James was just a day old. Once the baby blue eyes turned green, and the blond baby hair turned red, the superstitious townsfolk considered Billy the cause of it that accident and many more, for he must be cursed and brought bad luck! So they brought the toddler into the jungle and left it there to die. But Billy was Lucky for some reason the beautifully colored humming birds of the jungle fed him with nectar and showed him fruits to eat and placed to hide until a few days later he stumbled over Ty Gar wrestling a young ant bear. He liked the older boy and followed him even though refused to answer any question or to talk at all. They kind of never got rid of Hum Hum.

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