Forsythe Kiskim Johanson

From Egs Mayhem

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Current revision as of 02:07, 23 January 2007

Name: Forsythe Kiskim Johanson

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Appearance: Fosythe. if he could stand, would be 6'1. However, due to an attack when he was young, he is confined to a wheel chair, paralyzed from the waist down. He tends to wear long sleeved shirts, his favorite one being a red one with the words "Sorry, You're Bored Me To Death For A Second" on it under a drawing of a heart rate moniter with a small section of flat lining. He only wears jeans, and black leather Hush Puppies. He also has thin rimmed glasses which he's constantly pushing up. He only needs them for reading, though. Otherwise, he looks like your average dark haired caucasian, with a small ponytail, Japanese Action Director style.

Personality: Despite how he's been left, he maintains an upbeat attitude, even though he is a bit on the quite side. However, he's easily embarrassed and flustered, has a bad habit of misinturpretting gesture(eg. A girl asks him to hold her hand justto guide her through a dark tunnel, he gets flustered and stutters). He also hates being thought of as weak for his condition. Any special treatment sets him off.

Mundane Abilities: Forsythe is a master of inventing. His wheelchair has been customized by him to include thrusters to help him get up jumps, and special tires that have just as much ease going over rocky terrain as it does going downroad, as well as special legs for going up stairs. He also can sing and play ukulele.

Powers: Mental Overload(The ability to send an overflow of psionic energy into someones mind, causing headaches, and at higher training levels, blackouts and loss of consciousness) and Psionic sight(Can see if someone has psionic abilities and what those abilities are)

History/Background: Born and raised by a Harvard physics teacher and a mechanic, both his parents where often away from home. But when they where home, they spent their time teaching Forsythe about... well, you know. Reguardless, when he wasn't being taken care of by his parents, he was in the care of his father's brother. His father's brother was a priest, and cared deeply for the boy. What he didn't realized was that he was giving so much attention to Forsythe, he was ignoring his own son. His son became angry, and to get back at his father, took up satanism. However, one night, when Forsythe was 11 and sleeping over at his uncles, his cousin, in a drug induced religious frenzy, slipped into his room and stabbed him in his lower back with a paring knife. While it didn't kill Forsythe, he was left paralyzed from the waste down. He is currently attending a small Boston High School, and doing exceptionally well.

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