
From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 02:46, 3 November 2006


Basic info

Haku's verious appearences started when he was 16 years old and his range of appearences have led up to him being 19. Haku is by far Deku's favorite character he ever created and has used him more than any other character he has. Haku was created to the idea of a modern day samurai who's lost his way in life and wanders in search of a purpose.


Haku wears a pair of blue jeans along with various t shirts and often wears a black cloak.He is 5'11 feet tall and he has shaggy brown hair which comes down to his eyes in the front. He has a scar under his left eye of unknown origin probably from one of the many fights he's fought durring his wandering. He sometime wears a black headband for no aparent reason but that he thinks it looks cool and he almost always carries his katana with him.

Breif History

Haku was an apprentice sword smith untill the day where his master and most of his family were killed by an unknown samurai. With hate and revenge burning in his heart he set out to find and kill the man who destroyed his life carrying with him a single black katana named "kuro ryuu" meaning black dragon the sword was a gift from his late master who had put all his skill into this one sword. It is incredibly sharp and was later enchanted to even slay the undead and other creatures of evil. It is often claimed that "no being with evil in his heart is safe from this blade." Haku eventually killed the unknown samurai but it left him with no ease in his heart and mind and continued to wander from town to town in search of a purpose to his life.


  • Haku over time has become a master in many martial arts including Tai Chi, Ba Gua, Muay Thai, Ninjitsu, Kung fu and bits and pieces of several other martial arts.
  • He also is a master swordsman since he was trained since his youth by his master.
  • Haku spent time with a clan of ninja when he was 16 and developed many of their skills and art though subtlety was not one of them.
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