2008 Bunny Awards

From Egs Mayhem

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Current revision as of 17:13, 6 May 2009

National Bunny Awards Categories

Prime Bunny, Bunny of the Year

With an overwhelming majority, the winner of this award is....

Anti-Paragon! Congratulations AP!

Most Active Bunny

Another overwhelming majority vote, the winner of this award goes to....Pixel!

Congratulations, Pixel! Everyone agrees you spend way too much time on the Internet

Second place in this category is TingYi, our loving Goddess!

Bunny Artist

SO which one of us is the most popular artist? The answer to that is simple! It was a close bout, but Troy comes out in the lead! Congratulations, Troy. You aren;t here to accept the award but we offer it up to you.

And in a close second is Kyrio. Congrats!

Best Sig

This was a very close bout, and we actually have a tie for fir first place! And the tie goes too...

Binary Wraith and Squato! Fitting that there is a tie between such a huge sig and such a tiny one. Well, congrats both of you, for your simplicity, and your extravagance.

Best Avatar

Well all have to stare at these things all day, so which ones do we enjoy to stare at the most?

Kalga's, of course! It was a very close vote for you Kalga, but it seems like your variety of anime characters has won all our hearts.

A very close place (one vote) is Antoine Bruce. The fish on a brick is just genius.

Most Random Bunny

This category has another tie for first place. Sadly, it goes to two people who are no longer around at the moment, but we offer up these awards in their memory! Who are we talking about?

Kraggi and Troy, of course! They are wild and random and we love them for it.

Most Memorable Bunny

And yet we have another tie (we are getting a lot of these) The award goes to...

Pixel and Book! For better or for worse when people think of Mayhem the most memorable people they think of are you two! Congrats....I think

Most Missed

This is a very special award, given to those who we miss dearly. Someone who put a lot into the forum and we wish would still be hear with us to have fun every day. And who of our former Mayhemites gets this award?

Berk, of course. We all miss him and still wish his friends and family the best. if you are reading the great Internet in the sky we offer this award up to you, buddy.

Second place goes to VOR, for his lovingly evil characters. We miss them so!

Role Play Awards

Best Game Master

We all love to RP, that is why we are here, aren't we? So who is the best at that position of GM? Who makes the best games that we like to play in? The answer is....

Malachy! Yeah, me...Thanks everyone. ^_^

Second place goes to Kum-El! Congrats KE!

Most Acclaimed Character

But its not just the game that makes it fun, its the characters in the game. Everyone has characters they love to interact with, to watch. But who are our favorites? THis was a tough vote with a lot of players voted for, and we ultimately came down to a tie.

Tachibana Ginchiyo, played by TingYi from Magical School: Lumos. And Asella Ab Pixni, played by Fawe from Magic School! These two characters are written well and are great to watch ad play with. Keep it up, you two!

Best Villain

And every story, every game, needs a proper villain. Are they a murderous sociopath or an evil genius who you love to hate? Perhaps, it is both!

First place goes to Ced, from MSL played by Fawe. He is one truly Magnificent Bastard. You hate him because he's a jerk, then hate him even more when you realize you can't beat him.

a very close second place was Mina, played by Yun, from Bandits. Everyone loves sociopath females who will stab you without a thought.

Greatest Hero Character

And to stand up to villain someone has to be a cut above the rest. They have to stand up for what they believe in and stand out in the crowd as a true hero! So who do we think is the best?

Apparently, no one. Every single person who voted voted for a different person. Sadly, no one stands above the rest this year. Maybe next year! C'mon heroes, show us your mettle!

RP of the Year

We already know who our favorite GM is, what character we love the most and which Villain we love to hate. But which game, over all, do we enjoy the most? Let's find out!

Magical School, by Malachy! It has all the elements of a high school drama while mixing in a unique magical setting which apparently loads of people enjoy. It is the second oldest running RP on the forum and shows no sign of stopping!

And second place is, of course, the oldest running RP on the forums. MKRP by Anti-paragon. Originally made to be a spin off RP it has blossomed into its own and is still flourishing to this day. Thanks, AP, for making a game everyone can have fun playing in.

Mayhem Awards

Zomgcutest bunny!

Which one of us is the cutest? Who do we need to take a shot of insulin after talking to? The answer to that is simple...

Hammer Queen! With an overwhelming majority, it seems everyone loves Hammer Queen! And I mean, seriously, who wouldn't? She is just the cutest evers.

Second place goes to her freind and squirrelly counterpart, Sanchay!

Bunny Most likely to turn up to comicon naked and propose to Dan

You know, this award still kinda scares me, especially because of the people who were voted one and two. It was very close for them, but they both got an overwhelming majority of votes.

Troy came in first, of course. That wacky crazy guy I can see doing this. Which both disturbs and frightens me.

And second place is, of course, Pixel.

Bunny Most likely to get this award:

Another case of two people running away with all the votes on this one. But just barely skimming ahead, we have...

Anti-Paragon! Congrats, you were most likely to win this award. And you did!

In a very close second (by one vote) We have TingYi. Congratulations!

Bunny Least likely to win this award (IRONY!)

Oh the irony. Which one of is least likely to win this award?

Book, that's who!

And in an even larger step of irony, second place goes to Anti-Paragon.

Sexiest when V5'd

Ok, we know who is cute, but who among us, when V5'd, would we call truly the sexiest? Well, thanks to the votes we finally have the answer to this age old question.

Cameo! Congrats, Cammy babes. Whether you like it or not, we all think your sexy. Now take your award and please don't stab me.

2nd place for this award is a tie, between Malachy and Valgaav. I really have no idea how to respond to this, but apparently people think I'm sexy. *pose*

Most grace-like bunny

Which one of is the craziest? The freest spirit? The one we can see bouncing around high on catnip?

Troy, that's who!

A close second is Pixel head. You both share a lot of weird awards....

Most likely to taint the root beer

So we have some root beer here, who will taint it? And what are they tainting it with? You know, I'm really not sure, although Fawe seems to think its "rape drugs"

Yup, that's right. Pixel, you have been selected as the most likely to taint said root beer. I'll be sure not to drink any when you are around.

In second place we have a tie between MDM, Troy (another award you two share!) and CPUX. Of all of them though, I think CPUX is the only one who would actually taint the root beer with alcohol. Most likely Sam Addams.

Bunny Most likely to doom the world (Also known as “dark lord award”)

A lot of people were voted for in this category but one of them rises far above the rest. Someone who we all cower in fear beneath, who we are willing to submit to as our dark overlord.

Yes, Goddess TingYi, it is you! We all embrace our new Moderator Overlord. Praise the evil Goddess *salute*

In second place is Malachy. So I guess that would make me your right hand man? Can I have a continent?

omgroflchairmanmaoteapotcementgingivitisawesomesauce -person (most awesome if you can’t figure that out)

There really isn't much of a description I can give to this award, but apparently the most awesome is...

Fawe! Yeah, you know it. He's Fawesome.

2nd place is a tie between Kgirl and Malachy. We are only a little awesome, but we'll get there one day!


I have no idea what this award means, but I think it has the funniest results of any of the awards.

The winner is Kalga. You get the NYUUUUUUUUUU! award. But the funny part is the second place

Anyone but Kalga. Yes, that's right. A good number of people actually handed in their vote as "anyone but Kalga." I find this hilarious and very fitting.

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