Exalted Teridhu

From Egs Mayhem

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== Charms ==
== Charms ==
*(Ability) '''Charm Name''' (Abil 4 Ess 2 p42): 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Lore) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Lore) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Lore) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Lore) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Thrown) '''First Thrown Excellency''' 1m per 2 dice. Otherwise duh.
*(Thrown) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Thrown) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Thrown) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Thrown) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
*(Stealth) '''Charm Name''' 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
=== Combos ===
=== Combos ===
'''Combo Name''' 1wp 0m+
*Charm Name
*Adamant Skin Technique
*:Cause Gem to explode.
== Essence ==
== Essence ==

Revision as of 04:30, 10 July 2009

Artmoogle/Anonymoogle here. This has nothing to do with the Mayhem wiki proper, but the 1d4chan wiki is busy being dead, so I'm putting it here. Don't mind the Exalted. :P



  • Campaign: A Divided Center
  • Name: Ledaal Teridhu, Whispered Storm Under A Blue Sky
  • Concept:
  • Caste/Aspect: Air Aspect
  • Motivation: Earn fame and a ruling place among the Heads of House Ledaal
  • Positive intimacies:
  • Negative intimacies:
  • Anima:
  • Experience: 0/100




Strength  ●        Charisma     ●        Perception   ●
Dexterity ●        Manipulation ●        Intelligence ●
Stamina   ●        Appearance   ●        Wits         ●


Terrestrial Block
Linguistics ●      Awareness  ●      Athletics ●      Bureaucracy   ●      Archery     ●
Lore        ●      Craft      ●      Dodge     ●      Investigation ●      Medicine    ●
Occult      ●      Integrity  ●      Melee     ●      Larceny       ●      Performance ●
Stealth     ●      Resistance ●      Presence  ●      Martial Arts  ●      Ride        ●
Thrown      ●      War        ●      Socialize ●      Sail          ●      Survival    ●

Languages: High Realm, Old Realm



Background 1: ●
Background 2: ●
Background 3: ●


  • (Lore) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Lore) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Lore) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Lore) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Thrown) First Thrown Excellency 1m per 2 dice. Otherwise duh.
  • (Thrown) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Thrown) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Thrown) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Thrown) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.
  • (Stealth) Charm Name 1m, Reflexive (Step 1), Combo-OK, Instant. Cause Gem to explode.



Essence: ●●
Regeneration: (twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) when active, 4/hour more when relaxed, 8/hour more when sleeping)
Personal Essence Pool: /
Peripheral Essence Pool: /
Committed Essence:
(write your essence pools as "current / maximum". current should be lower than maximum if you have motes committed to artifacts or if we finished a session while you wasn't at your maximum essence. commit from peripheral.)


Temporary: /



Compassion ●
Conviction ●
Temperance ●
Valor      ●

Virtue Flaw: Temperance
Limit: 0 /10
Limit Break Condition:


Manses and Hearthstones


Dodge DV: (dex+dodge+Ess)/2 round up
Dodge MDV: (will+integ+Ess)/2 round down
Soak: 0A/0L/0B (add armor and 0A/(Sta/2 round down)L/(Sta)B)
Pierced: 0A/0L/0B (add half from armor and full from stamina)
Hardness: 0A/0L/0B (armor only)



□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated
□ Dying


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