Exalted Teridhu

From Egs Mayhem

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* Amulet Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (Blue Jade) - 2m to attune. Keeps the wearer clean no matter what, and adds 2 dice to Stamina or Resistance against poison or disease. 1 hearthstone socket, and if a hearthstone is in it, 1 additional mote regenerated per hour.
* Amulet Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (Blue Jade) - 2m to attune. Keeps the wearer clean no matter what, and adds 2 dice to Stamina or Resistance against poison or disease. 1 hearthstone socket, and if a hearthstone is in it, 1 additional mote regenerated per hour.
* Infinite Jade Chakram - Blue jade chakram that can launch infinite phantom blades of Air Elemental power.
* Infinite Jade Chakram - Blue jade chakram that can launch infinite phantom blades of Air Elemental power.
* Blue Jade Chain Shirt - Simple but well-made Blue Jade chain shirt, emblazoned with the insignia of House Ledaal.
=== Manses and Hearthstones ===
=== Manses and Hearthstones ===

Revision as of 16:52, 10 July 2009

Artmoogle/Anonymoogle here. This has nothing to do with the Mayhem wiki proper, but the 1d4chan wiki is busy being dead, so I'm putting it here. Don't mind the Exalted. :P




  • Campaign: A Divided Center
  • Name: Ledaal Teridhu, Whispered Storm Under A Blue Sky
  • Concept:
  • Caste/Aspect: Air Aspect
  • Motivation: Earn fame and a ruling place among the Heads of House Ledaal
  • Positive intimacies: House Ledaal
  • Negative intimacies:
  • Anima:
  • Experience: 0/100




Strength  ●●        Charisma     ●●        Perception   ●●●
Dexterity ●●●●        Manipulation ●●        Intelligence ●●●●
Stamina   ●●●●        Appearance   ●●●●        Wits         ●●●


Terrestrial Block
Linguistics ●●      Awareness        Athletics ●●●      Bureaucracy         Archery     
Lore        ●●●●●      Craft      ●      Dodge     ●●●      Investigation ●●      Medicine    
Occult      ●●●      Integrity  ●●      Melee     ●      Larceny       ●●●      Performance ●
Stealth     ●●●●●      Resistance ●●      Presence  ●      Martial Arts  ●      Ride        ●
Thrown      ●●●●●      War        ●      Socialize ●●      Sail                Survival    

Languages: High Realm, Old Realm



Breeding: ●●●●●
Backing (House Ledaal): ●●●●
Reputation: ●
Manse: ●●●●
Artifact (Skin Mount Amulet): ●●
Arsenal: ●●●
Resources: ●●●
Henchemen: ●


  • (Lore) Elemental Bolt Attack 1m per 2L, Simple, Instant, Combo-OK, Cooperative, Elemental, Obvious. Air-Elemental blast. Air buffets and subtracts 2 dice from target's next action.
  • (Lore) Elemental Burst Technique 1m per 1L, Simple, Instant. Combo-OK, Cooperative, Elemental, Obvious. Air-Elemental AOE blast, range of (Essence x 20 yards). Air buffets and subtracts 2 dice from all targets' next action.
  • (Lore) Elemental Concentration Trance 5m, 1wp. Simple, One day. One week's studying in one day.
  • (Lore) Eternal Mind Meditation 2m, 1wp. Simple, Instant. Remember anything.

  • (Thrown) First Thrown Excellency 1m per 2 dice, Reflexive 1/2. Otherwise duh.
  • (Thrown) Vengeful Gust Counterattack 2m or 4m. Reflexive, Combo-OK, Instant, Counterattack. Roll (Dex + Thrown) against a ranged attack, replacing your DV. If you beat their attack, the extra dice turn into your own attack dice. At 4m, can be used to protect an ally within (Essence) yards.
  • (Thrown) Whirlwind Shield Form 3m + 1m per ally protected. Simple, One Scene, Combo-OK. Subtract Permanent Essence from all ranged attack dice pools aimed at you or an ally protected. Stacks with DV effects.
  • (Thrown) Elemental Armor Technique 1m per 1B/1L of soak, 1wp flat + 2m per 1B/1L for each ally. Simple, One Scene, Combo-OK. Create armor of a spinning vortex of Air-element stuff. Air Aspect armor is full of ice and hail, adding half of Permanent Essence to soak against Ranged (in addition to normal soak bonuses). Can only protect others of same Element (Air).

  • (Stealth) Feeling-the-Air Technique 3m. Simple, One Scene, Combo-OK. You know where stuff is by feeling the air around you, negating blindness penalties.



Essence: ●●●
Regeneration: (twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) when active, 4/hour more when relaxed, 8/hour more when sleeping)
Personal Essence Pool: 15/15
Peripheral Essence Pool: 28/35
Committed Essence:
1m Perip Amulet, 1m Perip Collar, 5m Perip Chakram


Temporary: /



Compassion ●
Conviction ●
Temperance ●
Valor      ●

Virtue Flaw: Temperance
Limit: 0 /10
Limit Break Condition:


  • Skin Mount Amulet - Blue jade amulet set into his chest, contains 1 heathstone, and gives bonus motes of Peripheral Essence equal to twice the Hearthstone's value.
  • Amulet Collar of Dawn's Cleansing Light (Blue Jade) - 2m to attune. Keeps the wearer clean no matter what, and adds 2 dice to Stamina or Resistance against poison or disease. 1 hearthstone socket, and if a hearthstone is in it, 1 additional mote regenerated per hour.
  • Infinite Jade Chakram - Blue jade chakram that can launch infinite phantom blades of Air Elemental power.
  • Blue Jade Chain Shirt - Simple but well-made Blue Jade chain shirt, emblazoned with the insignia of House Ledaal.

Manses and Hearthstones

  • Stone of Airwalking (●●●●) [In Skin Mount Amulet] - Walk on air as you would on land.
  • Wind Jewel (●●) [In Amulet Collar] - Control winds around you. If extreme precision is needed, roll (Wits + Larceny) to accomplish it.
  • Gem of Surface Thoughts (●●) - Focus on a target within (Essence x 10 yards) and roll (Perception + Awareness) to determine their thoughts.


Dodge DV: (dex+dodge+Ess)/2 round up
Dodge MDV: (will+integ+Ess)/2 round down
Soak: 0A/0L/0B (add armor and 0A/(Sta/2 round down)L/(Sta)B)
Pierced: 0A/0L/0B (add half from armor and full from stamina)
Hardness: 0A/0L/0B (armor only)



□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated
□ Dying


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