Upgrade an Elemental Dirk

From Eacceleration T4c

Revision as of 02:31, 15 April 2006 by Litha (Talk | contribs)


There are three blacksmiths (one for each island) that will upgrade an elemental weapon to a Plus weapon such as a Dark Dirk 3.

Find a blacksmith either at the +2 dealer in AR, at Anrak's house in RD, or at Roen Greenleaf's house in SH.

To make any Plus weapon you must have the next lowest version of the weapon, some gold, and an Ingot.

Getting the Ingots

Undead Sentinels drop the ingots, and the is a quest.

The Gramites and Talinites are dropped in abundance, but the Luminites are not a common drop.

Go to a Blacksmith

You can ask one if he will upgrade a certain weapon for you.

For instance if you want to make a Light Dirk +3 ask him about "Light Dirk +2" and he will tell you what ingot to bring him and what gold.

Say "give Fire Dirk +2" to make the +3 version.

Your original dirk has a chance of breaking when upgrading, so if this happens you will be out of luck and need to get a new dirk and a new ingot and upgrade it over again.

If this happens, the blacksmith only returns to you half the gold that you gave..

Here is what they ask.

  • element* Dirk +1

1 *same element* Dirk, 1 Gramite Ingot, 6500 gold (estimated perhaps 90% success)

  • element* Dirk +2

1 *same element* Dirk +1, 1 Talimite Ingot, 9000 gold (perhaps 70% success)

  • element* Dirk +3

1 *same element* Dirk +2, 1 Luminite Ingot, 11500 gold (perhaps 50% success)

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