
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:46, 12 December 2007 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)
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Who or what is Pouriston, you may be asking. Or you may not. Let's be honest, most of you won't have even heard of the name. In which case, I have a question for you: What the hell are you doing here?

OK, now that those people have gone, we can get down to business. Here, more info will slowly be released about this Entity. A lot of you don't care, I'm aware. In which case, STOP READING!

Sorry, that shouldn't happen again. Right, first things first: Pouriston's story purpose. He exists to act as an equalizer. I don't want my plots, as Assistant GM to the Chibi Time War, ruined by cheating power-playing God-Moders/Modders, so, I needed something that could hold its own on the "powers" front. That's where Pouriston comes in.

However. he isn't a Godmode character, though he is "Over 9000". However, he has limits & weaknesses. Also, clever strategy can defeat him. Luckily, he's fighting Bunnies, so that is unlikely to be a problem.

A Warning

Pouriston is Unrepentantly Evil. A true Monster. Therefore, though many of his actions will be hidden by Tasteful Curtains & similar, some won't be. He is very good at causing pain, whether physical or psychologically. So be prepared to be hurt &/or offended. Anything involving him is likely to get very Dark, very quickly, unless he's restrained in some way. Painted Black has nothing on him.

You have been warned.

Powers Witnessed

So far, Pouriston has manifested the following powers. This may or may not be the limit of his bag of tricks:

  • Shapeshifting: He's a master shifter of form. When he takes on a shape, for all intents and purposes, he IS that shape. However, he so far hasn't taken a form that would grant him abilities he wouldn't normally possess.
  • Levitation: He can fly at will. He can also reach reasonable high speeds. This appears to be non-magical in nature as it can function in a null magic zone.
  • Fire: He can generate fire of intense heat & seems to have total mastery of the fire he creates. His first appearance was even in the form a a man-sized ball of fire.
  • Telepathy: If he truly possesses this ability, it is very weak. It has only been witnessed twice. The first time could be explained away as something else & the second was simply replying to another's telepathic message.
  • Mana Manipulation: As in the Mana from Magic: The Gathering. Also witnessed was Yellow Mana.
  • Teleportation: This ability is also non-magical. However, it doesn't seem to possess 100% accuracy. He can also take other people & objects with him.
  • Extrasensory Capabilities: Many times he's demonstrated the ability to sense things beyond the normal senses of a human. Range, unknown.
  • Phasing: He seems to be able to pass through physical objects, leaving the object unharmed.
  • Telekinesis: He has shown good strength & accuracy with this ability.
  • Inventory Space: Or at least something very similar.
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