Myste Kalodaynles Pshare

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 03:46, 26 March 2007 by ChroniclerC (Talk | contribs)

Myste is a Player Character from the Creation RP 2.0. She is played by Atashi-Cloud.



  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 6'
  • Build: Athletically supple
  • Hair: usually snowy-white, but is often dyed blue and hangs down to her waist, though is often tied up in a ponytail(weighed down with a metal ring) or just curled around in a bun held by chopsticks; Rarely will her hair be untamably falling down, and if so it is a very big tip-off that she is acting 'out of character' for what people are normally used to seeing
  • Eyes: bright emerald green
  • Skin Tone: Very fair, almost a white
  • Race: Almost totally undeniably Japanese in looks, with a narrow face and almost foxen appearance as far as Japanese standards go

Myste is about as average as your wannabe Goth, so her clothes tend to encompass mostly blacks and quite a few of her clothes are fitted with netted sections made by her. She is modest though, and tends to wear a colored shirt underneath her clothes. These usually range in the colors of blue and green, to turquoise and cyan. Her most usual outfit is a solid center long-sleeve black tank-top, with specially-made black netted sleeves, and a light blue long-sleeve t-shirt cut to fit underneath the tank-top. She also has on a knee-length black skirt, which has a diagonal partition of netting across it for detachment in case of water, which changes it to a fairly long mini-skirt. The only thing that strikes as odd are the shoes she wears, which are apparently a personally-made pair of zoori(if anyone besides me knows what this is, thank you) which wrap carefully around her legs. Myste isn't into the earrings and piercings, but has a few tattoos of her own. One is on her left shoulder, which reads in Japanese "Love, Hate and Suffering lead to the dark side." The other Tattoo is a simple astrological symbol for the Dragon, which resides on the section just above the top of her skirt on her back(basically her lower back).


Like most of her kind, she tends to enjoy the dark side of things, looking at everything in it's 'evil nature' or 'dark side'. Her fascination with this isn't bad for her though, as she tends to just read it instead of performing rituals that yield nothing. She stays out of talking to the populars or the other cliques that are in her high school, though she has occasionally spoken with a few classmates. There isn't much to Myste, and she doesn't have another personality to confuse herself with. As she tends to stay dark and mysterious, her nickname 'Mysti-shadow' has been used quite often due to her dark personality. Rarely will she laugh, and if she does, it's a very uncanny and high-pitched squeal that seems unnatural.


Myste doesn't have much of a family, which mostly just consists of her mother(Cheyanne) and Father(Harolde). She had two siblings, her older brother(Marsoe) and a younger sister(Charema). Unluckily, both had died in a car accident that involved a drunk driver while Marsoe was out with Charema to go see a movie. Since then, the family has been somber, and Myste's recent attraction to the 'dark side' has been unhelpful to any of them. Myste's family is very traditional in the Japanese sense of the word, though with some added Chinese influence. The cause of such influence has been guessed to be on Cheyanne's side of the family, but has not been proven yet.

Miscellaneous Background

Myste is also quite adept at reading other people's personality traits, and has no trouble seeing others for who they are. This is something she has no idea why it exists, and often gets slightly disturbed by the depth of knowledge she gains from encounters that end in such a way. Her fascination with the 'dark path of life' has also brought her through a few close suicides, mostly having stopped just before doing anything that would harm herself. She doesn't talk about these, but sometimes when she comes home with a friend her parents will spill a recent escapade about this. The Pshare(Sha-rae) family runs a local Sushi restaurant, known for the really good teriyaki chicken and more importantly, the healthy sushi served there.

The restaurant also features a single tapestry done in Koi paints by Myste, a tradition the family has been passing down for years. Myste is almost perfectly naturally adept at drawing, though in her eyes it's all horrible and not worth mentioning. She uses brushes with a practiced hand, and when using a pencil her skill only declines due to having to work harder at varying line width with single strokes. This being said, she's never been satisfied in her art class and even if the teacher is appreciative of her art, Myste has never actually turned in an assignment fully completed. This is what keeps her from actually entering any school-sponsored contests, thus keeping her in artistic obscurity. Give her any object or media to draw in, and Myste will likely be able to do so. This sort of adaptability isn't easy to see due to her insistance on not drawing for the pleasure of others.



Her appearance changes very fundamentally, as her race is no longer human, but Kitsuneian in function and uses. This is applied to her whole body, so her fur is completely white in color except for her hair when she is first awake from the changes. Note that her tattoos become permanent markings in her fur, and she is for the most part the same kind of Kitsune that Atashi-Cloud usually uses.


Myste has conrol over a bunch of different elements, but at first can only do very minor things with them; create a small bunch of water, fire, earth, or wind; lighten up a small path of ground, or darken a bit of the area around her. Her powers will progress, but not the way she thinks they should.

Notes and Errata

  • None yet!
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