
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:08, 25 January 2007 by Sanchay (Talk | contribs)

Sanchay is a Bunny that thinks HQ has toasty-brown hair. XD

General Behavior and Appearance of Sanchay (not really)



Sanchay is played by a meek creature named Erii-chan (not real name) who likes to doodle... In class... And until fairly recently, I have been giving a great stream of EGS fanart. Right now she has much other work to do, so fanart is down at the moment. Active in only one RP at the moment (Dupes) due to limited computer time, which has become so due to the moving of her computer from her room to her parents' room, making it hard to sneak onto the computer at 3 in the morning...


Sanchay has appeared in several forms:

  • Sanchay Squirrel: this version is her most common persona. She is a shapeshifter, whose preferred form seems to be that of a gray anthro-squirrel, with purple hair and stripes. This version also appeared in the KeenFans comic.
  • Tigergryph: A 6'4" tall female anthro-gryphon, who represents Sanchay's artistic side, and was an active character in the War! until the moving of the computer. She has the honor of being Sanchay's first true "avatar", dating back since the seventh grade, or approximately four years.
  • Mé: This may or may not be modeled on her real-life appearance. Originally intended to be the OOC version of Sanchay, she has become a character in her own right. She appears most frequently in the Bar, where she is dating the version of KylenPhylar who runs the place.
  • Erii-chan: The true OOC Sanchay, she doesn't show up in the forums all that much. Often depicted in art as wearing a T-shirt, the design of which can be seen here: In the winter months, she wears a white hoodie with the biohazard symbol on it, or a long-sleeved, red shirt. Unlike Mé, she has a small, but functional, wing that comes out of the left side of her head to represent what her hair does when left untended.

Active RP Characters

  • Elliot
  • Vrae (Resurrected yay!)
  • Nixie

Inactive or Dead RP characters


  • Natane
  • Pallaton
  • Aquashade


  • TG

Kylen's Interdimensional Bar

Magical School

  • Kara


  • Sanchay
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