Viridia Helmer

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 02:09, 23 January 2007 by (Talk)
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Name: Viridia Helmer

Age: 17

Gender: F

Appearance: Beautiful woman with long, deep green hair and a lighter shade of green for skin. Her emerald eyes glitter with life and love and she wears clothes that fid the timbre of her skin. She likes to wear simple, worn out dresses dyed various shades of green. She has no jewelry and never wears makeup.

Personality: Very free and caring. A very kind young woman at heart. She is very outspoken about nature, and preserving what is left. She is a older sister to everyone she meets, but don’t upset her or she’ll get rather angry.

Mundane abilities: Smart girl, especially in the field of botany and zoology.

Powers: Nature manipulation. Viridia has the ability to manipulate plants that are around here, causing them to grow and entangle at rapid speeds. Her abilities are limited to only rapidly increasing natural growth. In other words, she is unable to spontaneously generate trees, roots and leaves from dirt.

History: Viridia was born into a very poor family. Her parents named her for the colour of her skin and hair. Despite the fact that she was a mutation, she grew up in a loving home and was raised with the utmost of care. She was the youngest of 4 sisters, and got all the hand me downs, which she dyed and coloured herself to match her skin. As she got older she became more and more vocal about the environment and has participated in a quite a few rallies.

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