
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 22:33, 6 December 2006 by (Talk)




IceTigerLily, otherwise known as ITL or Lily, is a warm-hearted Bunny that tries to provide humor into every situation, whether or not she is the only one that finds her jokes funny. She is the darling wife of Dayantis and the mother of a lovely Panda/Serval hybrid, Sam.

She does not appear very often on the forums, but she makes up for it by making herself available on instant messaging programs such as AIM or MSN. When she does appear on the forums she likes to feature in her own Art Thread or in Mayhem.


IceTigerLily had been a member of many forums, she holds some commitment to a rare few today, but after befriending FerretBob, she had been guided to El Goonish Shive, by Dan Shive. At first she was reluctant to join the other Bunnies, but again, she was guided by FerretBob to join the ranks of the Bunnies.

IceTigerLily's Characters



None as of yet.


  • IceTigerLily is known to be a fan of The Lommy Treatment
  • She attends many corset parties with HammerQueen
  • She has also started her own webcomic, "I'm Sorry For...", which is currently on hiatus and has one fan as we know in the form of Cameo. (hehehe)
  • She intends to make another webcomic, "Indigo Knight & Friends", which will be more like her cutesy mascot comic... Like Purple Ronnie!
  • She has a special form of discipline for when FerretBob ridicules her.
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