The Carrot Death

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:26, 19 November 2012 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)
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Once the Flag Ship EGSDF's space assets, or at least it should have been. Despite being built specifically for the DF, it was sidelined and ignored in favour of mercenary forces from the very beginning. In fact, out of the DF command staff, only the late Sub Commander Star really acknowledged the vessel. Therefore, when the disenfranchised crew were approached by those who represented Amon's legacy, they were more than happy to side against their erstwhile superiors.

Since then the CD has been damaged, repaired and modified many times. However, it's capacities are still basically the same. Designed for ground support and attacking stationary targets, e.g., space stations, it only possesses two offensive weapons. The first is a front mounted

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