
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 20:41, 5 April 2011 by Nokvok (Talk | contribs)
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by nokvok

Name: Tiffany
Age: 9
Gender: female
Appearance: Tiffany is an afro-american girl who obviously lived on the streets for some time.
The clothes are scrounged and scantily repaired rags, her shoes mere leather wrappings. She has a small, worn pouch bound to her hip by a piece of rope which serves as belt where a few essentials are stored... among other stuff, a comb.
Aside from being dirty and ragged, she keeps her hair combed and straight and even tries to wash as often as possible.
And once the dirt is washed of, it reveals a quite pretty, even though hungering slim, girl with large, sad eyes.

Personality: All in all Tiffany is sad rather often, but with friends and a safe home, she probably will turn out quite leaned-back and chatty, even though maybe somewhat insensible.

Background: Tiffany is not very skilled in the arts of survival, so she was lucky that her older brother took care of her ever since their Parents died.
And Tiffany alone would probably never have survived without Jacobs care... and it seemed her fate was sealed when Jacob was stabbed by a gang for reasons unknown to Tiffany. This was two weeks ago, and Tiffany barely had eaten since then and only drunken rain water.

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