Daniel Walpole

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 15:52, 10 December 2008 by HeWhoWatches (Talk | contribs)

Brief Description

Daniel is one of my characters for the MKRP, a natural born Gal-Zaborian. He's the first born of Archie, thus destined to inherit the mantle of leadership. Unfortunately, not only did he not inherit his father's financial abilities, he also has an incredible meek and submissive personality, with a serious lack of self confidence. The one exception to this is his sister, who can be so annoying that even he losing his temper with her.

Physical Description

A human male teenager, five foot eight when he isn't slouching, with brown hair and green eye. A very lanky young man, he nonetheless possesses a certain wiry quality to him. However, this is hard to notice due to his slouching posture. Generally dresses in the latest in Elledian fashion, pantaloons of denim and sleeveless tunic of light cloth.

Finally, thanks to expensive healing magic, he doesn't have zits.


A shy, studious type. He's spent all his life living in his father's shadow. He spends most of his time studying anything he can get his hands on.

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