
From Egs Mayhem

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Which RP? Mossy Knoll (MKRP).

Name: Nikolaj. (36-40-10)

Species: Artiicial device (prototype).

Age: Relatively new.

Theme song: Boom Boom Boom by the Venga Boys

Personality: Nikolaj has the personality of a teenage boy with hormones. He is very interested in fun, games and women. He also has a strange mix of friendliness, excitement and apathy. He is slightly impulsive and reckless but tries to control himself when he can. He likes 80s and japanese music. (Phil Collins, Oingo Boingo, HOME MADE Kazuko, etc).

36-40-10 is cold and merciless. Or, at least, it tries. But with human male hormones, he is having quite a bit of trouble. He dislikes people and most games, except strategy games. He is still loyal to the scientists and wishes to return to complete the purpose his creators assigned him (training) but has no idea where they are.

General Appearance: Height from top to bottom is roughly equivalent to waist to chest. Main engines on the back with minor ones in the corner of each side except front. He as a single large red eye on the front with a black circle around that and the inside of a blue crescent moon attached to the lower edge of said circle. A small metal tube resides slightly above the eye.

Abilities: *The small metal tube is a hologram projector.

  • flight, to the extent that he can't walk.
  • A large arsenal of weapons summoned from somewhere. They come from two openning panels (left and right sides).

History: 36-40-10 was a prototype combat magical mech. It was programmed to learn from situations. But there was a slight glitch in the AI, it seemed to have the personality of a teenage boy as well and someone had inserted some sort of hormone simulation device. The AI split into two personalities, the stereotypical sentient robot, and the teenage boy which named itself Nikolaj. After the scientists let it roam free, confident that their creation would not break free, Nikolaj took control and escaped, taking advantage of the fact that the mechanical body was authorised for most doors. He hitched a ride on a transport ship of some kind, and eventually abandoned it over some sort of toxic wasteland (the wastes). And, of course, by pure chance (also known as "a lazy plot-maker") it was close to Mossy Knoll.

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