
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 07:00, 20 July 2008 by J525 (Talk | contribs)

I have a habit of gathering character names to be re-used.

Here's a list of the ones I'm using (ones that I have stopped coming soon).

If it isn't on here, it is in someway a reference to something about the character. Or it might be one that is just starting to get use.



The ones I'm still using.


A long, long time ago, both me and a friend at school where creating our own alphabets. My last initial is C and, in my alphabet, that letter resembled the capital J and H from English. Sometime after this, I wanted to make a video and have some symbol and name for the �group� that made it. I decided on Jeneric Hallucinations and using the C letter. I never got around to making any videos but decided to recycle the name into my permanent username.


I either needed or felt like having numbers in my username. At the same time, I was re-visiting old sites and forums. I stumbled across the Brackenwood forum and recalled with fondness the language I had once tried to learn from it (Sarus). The name for the language literally means �language� and comes from the syllables So-Re-So, which can also be written as SRS or, in numbers, as 525, leading to an alternative name being B525.


When had to create a username for http://t2tmud.org/ , I wanted something that would sound elvish. Rather than use a name generator or name guidelines, I decided to portmanteau two Quenya words. For some reason, I chose �tree� and �star� which are �arda� and �el� respectively. I stuck the two words together and took out the second a and voila!


This is more about the history than the origin. I wanted to name a female character after a jewel. I am a wiki-phile. Beryl is emeralds and such. The name first appeared in a fan-fiction for Final Fantasy IX (Nine) which was promptly forgotten. In the story, she was a Lindblum resident whose parents were murdered by the protagonist.


While searching for a self referencing name for a shape-shifter character in a now-dead RP, I decided to involve foxes in the name. So, I wikied fox and thought alopex sounded the coolest from the list of genera.

The "Brothers"

These two characters were created for the same reason in similar ways.

The second use of these characters was in the background for a character. They were two brothers who built their own Weird Science lab in their basement. The character was the woman made by them but they were planned to pay the occasional visit.


While creating a character in Pardus (free space MMORPG), I wanted a name from somewhere I liked. It had to be male as well but not one that was too obvious. I found my nearest David Eddings book and looked for the first minor male character. Eventually (I think I started opening to random pages), I found one: Joran, the apprentice glass-maker who makes a perfect glass bird for Polgara. Wonderful guy, kind, pretty honest, but only appears once.


Also for Pardus, I wanted a more military name, while still linking to my preferred literature. I chose to use the name of a soldier from Sabriel (Garth Nix) and after some careful page hunting, I found the bridge scene. And there was the message left by Sergeant Gerren. He was a professional who gave his chance to run so that he could warn people.


A portmanteau of the japanese shimo and iteru. It was originally for some sort of ice god/spirit/thing. It was later reversed to serve as a character's surname. That was also used again.


These names will likely never see use ever, EVER again.


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