Broken hero
From Egs Mayhem
broken_hero is a relatively new bunny. He goes to school in Minneapolis, attempting to get a degree in Journalism. He discovered EGS via the real Wikipedia, graduating up from 8-Bit Theater to El Goonish Shive and The Wotch.
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In January of 2008, broken_hero discovered the EGS Keenspot Forum, after finishing an archive trawl of the entire run of the comic. He jumped into the speculation and analysis aspect of the forum at once, only commenting on the Newbie Thread as an afterthought.
His posts are characterized by his stubborn refusal to let go of theories he's cooked up. Oftentimes, they make little, if any, sense, as he tends to post first thing in the morning. broken_hero gets annoyed when threads are sidetracked into debates about real life issues.
In late February, 2008, broken_hero listened to the Inaugural BunnyCast, which galvanized him into breaking through into the EGS Mayhem forums. He hopes to enter into the exciting world of RP soon.
broken_hero's character(s)
Name(counterpart): Casey Joel Cross (Goes by Casey, but CJ annoys him) (no counterpart) see sketch on my deviant art page.
Age: 18
Gender: Male
General appearance: Before his Portal hop, he was edging towards husky, but a month in the apocalyptic ruins have made Casey much leaner. The only clothes Casey brought with him were a dirty-orange t-shirt, a pair of cargo pants, and an already thoroughly broken-in trench coat. His month on CR-428 have made these clothes even more tattered than they were before, but Casey has been able to scavenge articles of armor from dead troops.Background: Casey Joel Cross was an average guy in a boring world that considered EGS and all related things fictional, but where stuff like the Aperture Corporation (from the game Portal) are real. Casey is sleepwalking his way through high school, and one day he volunteers to test a version of the Aperture Portal Gun. After being sent through deathly puzzles, something weird happens and he exits a portal on the ruined world CR-428, after which, the gun breaks (roughly 3 or 4 weeks before the action happens in the RP so far). He is forced to scavenge for food, supplies and weapons in the ruined city, in hopes to fix the portal gun and return to his world. He also has to avoid the periodic bombings of the city, and forces of the conflicting armies.
Relationships: On his world, Casey was pretty much a typical loner: bad at making friends, lonely, etc. However, his month of isolation on the ruined world have forced him to change. When he meets new people now, he can't help but try to be friendly with him. (I was thinking, after he meets up with the main team, he might end up with a crush on the bubbly Grace, due to her vitality and sheer hilarity, but with is perception of her troubles with the Tedd-Ellen-Grace triangle, he wouldn't want to act on his crush. Up for debate.)
Special abilities: Casey's time on in the ruins have made him an effective scavenger; he is conversational in the German language; his minor mechanical skills have developed slightly while trying to fix the Portal gun as well as the broken particle weapons he finds on soldiers (though his skills pale in comparison to the garden variety Tedd/Tess); he has limited knowledge of the martial arts of Judo and Karate from college classes from before his accident. Since Casey comes from a more "realistic" world, he is slightly more resistant to damage than the others. This is as much of a superpower he has. He doesn't heal any faster, though. (This resistance will help him survive falls (along with the heel springs), Hammerings (as women can't access Hammerspace in his world), and other stuff that might kill him if he encountered it in his world)
Magic: None. (well, the "more solid" resistance thing could technically be magic, but it wouldn't necessarily affect magic resistance. In fact, I believe his magic-less planet could make him weaker to offensive magic)
Equipment: 1 broken Portal gun; 1 pair of Aperture Corp. mechanized heel springs, 1 suit of cobbled together damaged armor lifted off corpses of soldiers, 2 semi-functioning blaster rifles (damaged and underpowered), several partially used power packs. <-Edit
broken_hero's Projects
He is currently working on improving his artistic style by sketching the characters from EGS. He has posted them to his DeviantArt account, a link to which will follow at the bottom of the screen.
Also, broken_hero is currently working on two versions of a novelization of the comic. The first version is a straight adaptation of the comic to novel form. The second is his pet project. The premise is, what if a student absence caused an original character to be Elliot and Tedd's lab partner on the day the Goo came to life. C.J. Cross (yes, he knows that this character and the above RP character are the same, he's trying to find a new name for one of them) drifts in and out of the Main 8's tale, mattering more in some arcs than others. broken_hero chooses to call this story "EGS-Delta", and will continue to do so until he is forced to change it (he'll just pick a new Greek letter).
Bunny Inventory
1 TF Gun, with self defense mod
1 Cookie wrapped in shiny plastic
6-pack of unlabeled soda
1 pack of stuff that's theoretically gum
1 bottle of brain bleach
1 Yarnball of Distraction
1 Infinite Bag of Dice
1 ball of blue yarn, and a matching blue catnip mouse
1 Uryuom Work Suit
1 Enchanted Diamond Katana (with matching sheath) which is enchanted to never dull or break.
Some Chaos cookies and various Mayhem sodas (including the new Chibi Soda)
Bunny EXP
Coming Soon!
External Links
broken_hero's DeviantArt gallery, featuring bad sketches