
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 18:35, 17 November 2007 by Bainhart (Talk | contribs)
Bains current Avatar.Ed, from Megatokyo.

Bainhart (Born November 29, 22992 B.C.) is a bunny normally to be found on EGS Mayhem.


Bainhart the Character

Name: Bainhart (Last name unknown)

Nickname: Bain

Age: 25,000 (Well, on November 29. Currently 24,999)

Sex: Male

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Class: Fian


                     Cryromancy (Ice Magic)
                     Umbramancy (Shadow magic)
                     Blue Magic (Time Magic)
                     Electromancy (Very little) 
                     Healing Magic
               Bladed Weapons
                             Plug Bayonets
                             Scythe or Sickle
                             Scottish Claymores
               Projectile Weapons
                             H&K MK24 Mod 0 (USSOCOM)
                             SIG P226
                             Mateba Revolver
                             Saiga 12
                             AMT Hardballer Longslide
                             Mossberg 500
                             Mauser 98k
                             GIAT FAMAS 
                             Massive Strength
                             Accelerated Healing
                             Bottomless Stomach (To fuel magic)
                             Enhanced Senses 
                             Kamai, a Weasel
                             Garou, a Wolf
                             Vain,  a Eagle
                             Lock, a Bear                 
                                         Level: Unknown

Weaknesses: Loves Scotch, though not alcoholic level.

Religion: Zen Buddhist

Race: Ctarl-Ctarl

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 117

Build: A bit muscular

Appearance: He has Scruffy Greyish/White cut short in the front' put into a long ponytail in the back going down to his waist, the ponytail is black tipped. He has Grey-blue eyes. His skin is slightly tanned. He still has his prehensile tail which resembles his ponytail. He is 5'8" and 120 pounds in this form. They are blue runes threw out his body. He wears a White Gi which functions more like a jacket and his hakama is cut off at shorts-length, resembling loose-fitting Blue Bermuda shorts. He also wears Black fingerless gloves.On his right wrist he wears blue Buddhist Beads. Around his neck he wears a string of large blue Buddhist beads, but sometimes he will wear a Deegan Scarf if its so cold he can't take it, even though Ice is his elemental affinity. These are all TF Resistant. In this from he will also wear two claymores on his back in special sheaths which expose most of the blade, so one is able to put the blade into a better position to draw it. Other times he will carry them in a black sack with a cow skull on the opening. They have Celtic Cravings so that the never break, rust, or changed in anyway. When he wears his guns he wears his P226 on his right hip, his Revolver on his left, hardballers in shoulder holsters under his hakama and his 500 on his back along with FAMAS.

Personality: His knowledge of magic and such is vast, and he is very resourceful in all forms of combat. He seems to have considerable computer skills. Bain often acts as an adviser in most things, though there are times his judgment and/or advice leaves much to be desired. He is skillful at analyzing dangerous situation and coming up with countermeasure when most others are in state of panic. is also quite good at analyzing individual strength and character. Unfortunately he likes to not use these skills, preferring to watch others struggle. Dislikes warm weather. Considers the idealism of "wanting to save everyone" as nave, impossible, weak, and delusional. Knows far more than any person should without effort. Not entirely willing to share his information. He has a fairly calm, laid back attitude, and seems to prefer self-enjoyment more then actual success. Does not know about this Dimension. He is very good at giving advice, but in a weird way. If advice is needed, expect it to come out rough.

History (Revealed So far): He grew up in a village, next to a stream.


  • He has a Slight Scottish Accent.
  • Likes Throwing his Arms in the Air and yelling "Whoo" or "Whoo Hoo"
  • Uses the Radio call sign: 0907
  • Member of Public Security Section 9
  • Can turn into a Weasel. Unknown how. He used to almost exclusively be in this form when he was a newbie, for it would decrees his chances of getting glomped. Now almost never uses it.
  • Theme Song: Do What You Want to do by Adema


  • Saved the Mega-Mall from absolute 3v1l (The Elevator) by blowing it up.
  • Crashed a party in LPW!!!
  • Became the 'Chosen One' (I'm makeing up my own storyline here.)

Bainhart the Player

  • Had observed the EGS Board for about for months while waiting for his account to get accepted
  • Will eventually join Fort mayhem
  • Has a relative on boards, Not saying who, but his and mine EGS Mayhem pages are very similar.
  • Both me and Bain the Character think other bunnys make up words...
  • Because he is a part of the McPhee who's Clans name in Gaelic is Mac DhuibhshÃ���Ã�¯Ã�¿Ã�½Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½Ã���Ã��Ã�¯Ã���Ã��Ã�¿Ã���Ã��Ã�½Ã���Ã�¯Ã�¿Ã�½Ã��Ã�¯Ã��Ã�¿Ã��Ã�½Ã���Ã�¯Ã�¿Ã�½Ã���Ã��Ã�­the which means Black Peace which was, for a time, the Dubh-sith, or Black Fairy. And we all know what that means. Drow. HA! Bet you can't claim that!
  • Designs Logos. But since none are EGS themed has never posted any on the boards. Why they are not on his deviantART is unknown, even to him.
  • Normal Signiture Located here [[1]]

Rules for Communicating with Bainhart

These Rule apply everywhere. OCC, RP, IM. Everywhere

  • No Touching (This includes: Hugs,Glomps, poking)
  • No Pink Font. (Really just IM only)
  • No saying "nummy"
  • No small talk
  • If you need to apologize to me, you must give me a picture of a Cat with a Caption.
  • No Seduction Scrolls (See It Takes a Village to Raise a Seyunolu )
  • No puns
  • No licking...Don't ask.



  • Bain Mayhem In Fort Mayhem
  • Bain 0907 in It takes a village to raise a Seynolu and Mega-Mall
  • Bain LPW in LPW , does not know he has counter parts
  • Chaotic Bain in Chaotic Intentions, stupidest Bain. Molded after Hero from RPG World.
  • Grey Howards in Nest RP
  • Baio Bellet in the Upcoming Yaghes RP


  • 3 TF Guns
  • 3 six packs of unlabeled soda
  • 3 Squirrel Teddies
  • 3 dead fish
  • 2 cookie
  • 1 cookie wrapped in no-longer-shiny plastic
  • 1 Shiny plastic to replace the no-longer-shiny plastic with
  • Improved Ball of Ekiness(Given by EkiEki)
  • Infinite Scroll O' Doom-Ish from little beast
  • Yarn Ball o' Distraction from Kalga
  • 1 TF Shield from mind-controlled-bunny@_@
  • 1 30-foot tall, blue-and-white, animate, time traveling yoshi plushie, told that you are it's master. From the Great Yoshi Rider
  • 1 blue-and-white plushie muffin. Feed it to your plushie and he might take you time traveling! From the Great Yoshi Rider
  • 1 blue-and-white yard stick with one blue-and-white inch missing. From the Great Yoshi Rider
  • Some blue-and-white Canada Money, because I think some of their money really is blue and some is white. From the Great Yoshi Rider
  • 1 Uryuom Work Suit Given by shadowwing
  • 1 Enchanted Diamond Katana(includes matching sheath) given by shadowwing
  • a can of mackerel from Cheez
  • shiny hubcap from Cheez
  • bag of salt-n-glass cookies from Cheez
  • a (weasel sized) hat saying (literally. It speaks.) [loop]"Weasely, weasely weasely"[/loop] (Which he will never wear) from Cheez

Stuff Bainhart has Given out

  • 1 Newbie pack to Rokk
  • 1 Claymore of Scottish-ness to Rokk
  • 1 Claymore from the Battle of Killiecrankie to WB's mon-baby...BABY
  • 1 Claymore of Scottish-ness to Goimez
  • 1 Claymore of Scottish-ness to Kirochi
  • 1 Can of Tomatoes to Bokasha
  • 1 Can of Tomatoes to ParaDyne
  • 1 Can of Tomatoes to Dark Oblivion
  • 1 Can of Tomatoes to Sirtalmor
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