
From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 14:23, 4 May 2007 by Ankhareon (Talk | contribs)

Ankhareon is a 15 year old Bunny who makes video games. Sometimes he draws stuff too. His name is often shortened to "Anky" because Ankhareon is too long.



"In Soviet Russia, wiki page writes YOU!!"

-Russian Reversal on Anky's user page

"Subtle like a brick to the face"

-Anky's subtlety rating

"Stop Hammertime! - It's more dangerous than you know"

-Anky, on Hammertime

"What would Beatrix Kiddo do?"

-Anky's decision making process

On the Forums

While he mainly posts on the Main forum, he has also been known to participate in some of the game threads on Mayhem, mainly Word Association, Word Disassociation, Word Chain and Let's Count to a Million!!!. He's a regular greeter in the Newbie intro thread and hands out Gravity levellers as part of his Newbie packs. He is now involved in the upcoming Davian civil war RP and has finally gotten around to creating a character.

He has started an art thread which can be found here. It currently holds 7 pieces of EGS fanart, including one fan comic, a birthday present for Dan, as well as posting several links to his favourite non-EGS drawings.

RP Characters

Davian Civil War RP


Anky's Inventory is contained in a flat-space projector - Basically a watch enchanted with a Spell of Holding. This allows for easy access without the encumberment of a real bag.

  • A Gravity Leveller
  • An Emu
  • a Squirrel Teddy
  • A TF gun
  • TF lightsaber
  • Custom-made Katana
  • 2 TF uzis
  • A Zen garden with real sand
  • A Japanese Dictionary
  • A Samurai Sledgehammer
  • A shiny hubcap
  • An undetermined amount of TF-grenades
  • A shiny, top of the line TARDIS
  • The symbol for the element Mercrury - ☿
  • A Grace Plushie with cupid bow and arrows, for recruiting llbg2
  • A bag of dimension crossing marbles


Andrew "Anky" Kazan and Anya Kazan are Ankhareon's two primary characters and the ones used in his avatar. They are werecat twins, recently separated via dewitchery diamond. He has a muse in the form of Raen - an Ilsaer/

Both feature in Last_Post_Wins!!!!!!!, Carrot..? and the ROCK game, as well as anywhere else Ankhareon wants them to.


Name: Anky (Feminine is still Anya although there is no longer a personality change)
Gender: Male (usually)
Age: 15
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 58kg
Eye colour: Blue
Hair: Gold, short, spiked forward
Species: Shapeshifter (part Seyunolu?)
Favourite Food: Bacon Carbonara
Favourite Movie: Equilibrium
Favourite Character: The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Clothing: Colbalt blue t-shirt with a dark grey X design, Dark grey pants, mid-grey shoes
Anky is usually very calm and methodical. Unless of course he finds something he's interested in in which case his mood will become rapidly more enthusiastic. He is a practitioner of Wing Chun kung fu although he prefers armed melee combat (ie with a katana). When angry, however he has been known to go on rampages (ie after being split from Anya). He owns a TF gun which he tinkers with a lot in order to program in new forms (it currently holds dozens of forms, not including variations, many if not all of which he and Anya were zapped with multiple times by Raen). He also enjoys drawing and sketches things often.
Notable abilities:

  • Can switch between any number of forms and either gender (as a result of being dewitchery-diamonded) at will and can combine multiple forms.


Name: Anya (Masculine is Antony)
Gender: Female (usually)
Age: 15
Height: 1.7m
Weight: 55kg
Eye colour: Blue
Hair: Gold, shoulder length with two large strands at the front
Species: Werecat (part Seyunolu?)
Favourite Food: Prawn Tempura
Favourite Movie: Kill Bill Volume 1
Favourite Character: Alfred Bourdon (The Prestige)
Clothing: Colbalt blue t-shirt with dark grey stripes running down the sides and arms, Dark grey pants, mid-grey shoes
Was the female form and is now the female duplicate (or twin if you prefer) of Anky after an incident with Raen and a dewitchery diamond. Anya is naturally very Cheerful and hyperactive, but unlike Anky when she finds something interesting she becomes very focused and thorough. While the details of her life up until now are identical to Anky's (being the same person and all) she prefers unarmed combat and never uses the TFG any more (having been zapped by Raen with every form it had, thus gaining the ability to zap people with all those forms). She is currently trying to figure out her new life now that she is separate from Anky, although is still adapting to being permanently female.

As a result of her low inhibition if she is V5ed, drugged, hypnotized or any self-control is removed from her, she goes completely psychotic, and in a total personality reversal becomes homocidally insane, to the peril of all around her. However she loses much of her finesse and as such requires out-thinking. Shis first occured when she was V5ed in a fight with Squata, ending only when Squata pacified her with catnip (she was in werecat form at the time)
Notable abilities:

  • Can assume a werecat form at will.
  • Can fire beams of energy from her hand (as a result of being dewitchery-diamonded) that transform whoever they touch into any number of the forms that she has at her disposal.


Name: Raen (Feminine is Raenna)
Gender: Male
Age: unknown
Height: 1.2m
Weight: 32kg
Eye colour: Green
Hair: Gold, shoulder length
Species: Ilsaer
Favourite Food: Chocolate
Favourite Movie: King Kong (2006 remake)
'Favourite Character: Nicholas Angel (Hot Fuzz)
Clothing: Red and Grey t-shirt, Blue shorts
His history is unknown prior to a few days ago when he was summoned up by a morally questionable ritual to be Anky's (the real one's) muse. He is extremely hyperactive, brimming with ideas (as all muses should be) although slightly clumsy. He enjoys very much taunting the twins and is responsible for their separation and subsequent transformation into dozens of new forms.
Notable abilities:

  • Is a master illusionist


Previously a pixel artist Anky was known to draw all the graphics his games use. However ha has now ventured into other forms of art - ie cartoons and has a deviantArt gallery. There are some exceptions, however.

Video Games

Anky is a Game Designer/Spriter/Programmer for a number of prolific and not-so-prolific games on the web (few of which have been released but that's beside the point). These games include:

Halo: Blood Covenant (Currently Semi-Resigned) The original 2D Halo fangame. It has yet to release a demo, but is already highly anticipated by many. He insists the demo is nearly done, but many are skeptical after this long. HBC is a very high quality game promising much in the way of storyline and content. He does not work alone on it, but is the only Bunny to do so. He is both a spriter, programmmer and designer for it, and is responsible for the creation of many of it's weapons, the shielding system and some enemies (to name but a few). His usefulness is limited, however due to a chronic inability to understand his co-programmer's code, so he now mainly sticks to spriting.

Prince of Persia: The sands of Time 2D (On Hold) The game the Talisman Engine was made for. It's essentially a 2D version of PoP: SoT. You play as the Prince and have to find a way to seal the sands of time which you've accidentally released.

The Talisman Engine (Revamping for rampant commercialism) A highly advanced 2D Prince of Persia Game Engine and to a point, a game in itself. Basically a showcase of all Anky's game making prowess, and his most proud achievement.

The TF-Gun Simulator (On Hold) A simple program to simulate the effects of the TF gun on a subject. It's currently waiting on art that he never gets around to drawing, and is so far very limited.


  • As a Member of Theatre Sports he is legally obliged to add "Ba-Dum-Tsh" to any puns he may come across, regardless of how lame they may be.
  • Following the above reply he has been known to use his sledgehammer on those who make particularly bad puns. He occasionally sets them on fire instead.
  • He wishes his cat form had a bell collar, but it can't because it looks weird on humans.
  • Is a body counter on Movie Body Counts
  • Is a gymnast in real life
  • Believes Cluedo to be racist. It never helps real people figure out mysteries, not matter what it may tell you. Cluedo looks out for plastic people and nobody else, anything else you may have heard is a filthy lie.
  • Believes Cluedo is out to get him for exposing it's treachery

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