Joat Delia

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 00:41, 23 October 2006 by Joat (Talk | contribs)

Warning: Due to the fact that not all information about Joat Delia is known, there may be some information in here that is either false (due to people believing the said false data) or not here (due to nobody knowing the said data)
This character was created by Joat


Basic Statistics

Joat Delia
Greater Seyunolu (usually in human form)
Gender: Male
Class: Calica*, ex-Pastamancer**
Age: 15
Appearance: Dark blue cloak (the hood is down), brown hair, dark blue eyes, and a white T-shirt. Will almost always have chrome staff in hand.
Special Abilities: None
Unsloved Mysteries: He tends to glow brightly white at times, after which he falls deep asleep.
Birthplace: the Kingdom of Loathing
Current Home: Homeless

*Calica is a holy art. It offers a wide variety of spells. However, Calica is hard to master and the spells take up much energy. Calica wizardry is powered by faith and the will to do good. it is a born-not-learned skill given only to good souls, although it is said that some may be able to gain such power from Sevilin (god of Calica) herself. Casting too many spells causes “Calica Exhaustion”, which causes the Calica user to fall asleep for a while. Calica wizards can talk to animals (And humans, of course, if the wizard is an animal).

**Exactly what it sounds like.


Joat is a very nice person who cares much about others and will put his life on the line to save others. He is obediant to his friends, but can be a bit naive at times.


Joat was born in the Kingdom of Loathing. Not much is known about him in this time period, at least by those in the forums. He was a pastamancer (KoL class) at the time, able to summon noodles and cast a variety of pasta-related offensive and aid spells. He completed many quests and soon was faced against the Naughty Sorceress herself. He fought an epic battle against her and eventually won. When he did, he rescued King Ralph XI, who had been imprisoned in a crystal for a long time. He cast a spell to shatter the crystal. When it shattered, one of the shards of the crystal ripped a hole in the fabric of reality. Joat’s curiosity overwhelmed him and he entered the newly made portal.

Instead of ascending, like he should have, he was taken to another place. The Keenspot Forums. He could sense why: he was too epic for a place like KoL. He was needed in the Keenspot Forums more.

Unfortunately, times were not easy for him. Being in a new land left him without a home. He might not have survived if he had not met Draco Blazer. Draco taught Joat how to survive in the wild. In time, he and Draco became the best of friends. It was also during this time that Draco and Joat gained the gift of Calica, though nobody but they themselves know why.

He finally came to the Newbie Introduction thread. He got a newbie pack from Teddverres, which included the Transformation Gun, a Kamikaze Pack Extension, a cookie, a six-pack of unlabeled soda, a dead fish, and a squirrel teddy. He gave his thanks and left the thread. He had no idea what the fish was for and, since it was still edible, he and Draco ate the fish later that night while in the wilderness.

Knowing that they could not stay at the newbie introduction thread, they moved onward. After days of travel, they finally arrived at Last Post Loses


Joat is a <i>very nice person. He cares very much for others and would risk his life to save the lives of the innocent. Joat will not willingly stand by and watch his friends be in danger. However, he may sometimes be persuaded by the person who is in danger to not interfere, due to the fact that he is sometimes too obedient for his own good. He is a bit naive. He has an extremely powerful will. “Will of diamond” might be an appropriate term.


Transformation Gun (with basic half-animal and gender forms, plus clone form of Draco and half-veron form)
Kamikaze pack extension (Connects to the Transformation gun. Transforms everyone within 20' into a random form)
Wand of Nagamar (from the Kingdom of Loathing)
Chrome Staff (Also from the Kingdom of Loathing)
6-pack Unlabeled Shrink Soda (3 left)
Yet Another Can of Unlabeled Soda
Squirrel Teddy
Book of Taeri (Enchanted book of facts)
Draco, the Talking Pet Veron (Fire-breathing, teleporting fox)

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