Aurora (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 04:56, 25 January 2010 by OzLionHeart (Talk | contribs)

Full name: Marion "Aurora" Knave.

Age: Uncertain (effectively immortal).

Gender: Female.

Species: Anthrofeline (mostly).


Aurora basically looks like Ann, but has spines growing from her forearms and some in a crest on her head (the spines are soft, and have rounded tips), one bat-like wing and one feathered, scalable eyelashes (that double as feelers), a longer (and slightly prehensile) tongue, a rat-like tail with scales at the tip, a radial eye pattern (one yellow, one blue), and randomly-coloured fur.


Aurora is the sister/clone of Knave. She was created as a result of a glitch in the "respawn" process created by Knave for Mossy Knoll.


  • Aurora was originally designated (OOC) as "Rose-KF" when she first manifested. Later, her transformation (due to eating an expired sandwich) led to her being (again, OOC) dubbed "Rainbow-KF", until she finally named herself "Aurora".
  • Ann was extremely distressed by witnessing Rose-KF's transformation into Aurora, and has had great difficulty dealing with Aurora face-to-face as a result. Aurora is understandably upset by this.
  • Knave and Aurora shared the Office of local 'Death' in Mossy Knoll.
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