Backstory125 MKRP
From Egs Mayhem
- OOC: AP declares that Mossy Knoll is an alternate universe of the War thread, where the War itself did not take place:
- "Lets say that the war with Svensylsquatostan happened, but came to a peaceful ending, and afterward Kraggi decided to send people on an expedition into the wastelands, those of whom found 'oasis', and seeign as it had excellent defences from attack, found it to be a good Haven to vacate to for some R&R. Though Ann took the opportunity first, Kraggi soon followed and joined the small recreational town."
- OOC: Grim explains how the Author Brothers came to Mossy Knoll.
Clothing Store (midnight)
- Xiao emerges, wearing his newly-purchased clothing, and looks around for some shelter. He enters the Rex, which is open, even though it is midnight for him. Then again, he did just come from the clothing store, which was somehow also open at midnight... He then sits down at an empty table, and falls asleep.
The Rex (somewhat earlier)
- Ann giggles as the other "Anns" lick her paws clean. Lomgren is somewhat embarrassed to view this, and asks if they can go now.
- JJA and company arrive at Jusenkyo.
- Scribble dives into one of the springs, and emerges unchanged, much to JJA's surprise (and confusion). Scribble explains that being a shapeshifter, he is not affected by the water unless he cooses to be.
The Rex
- Ann retracts her paws, and gets ready to go. Knave has already put money on the table to pay for the meal.
- Ann, the Knaves, Rose and Lomgren leave the Rex, and set out for the Deathmanse.
- Lomgren finds the whole idea of the Deathmanse a bit creepy, especially with all the ghosts around.
- The five walk into the Deathmanse, which has a number of ghosts present, plus all the usual touches of a haunted house. This does nothing for Lomgren's nervousness...
- Ann-KF and Rose-KF give a tour.
- Ann and Lomgren get tired and sleepy. Lomgren goes off with a ghost butler, who looks remarkably like the waiter at the pub, to the Black Suite, where he spends the night.
- JJA and company arrive back home, with Jusenkyo water.
- Sage goes back to his tower, and goes to sleep.
- The others go off to the Royal Engagement Suite, where they all go to sleep.
- Lomgren did not sleep well, having had disturbing dreams. He wakes up, disoriented.
JJA's Lab
- Scribble and JJA combine forces to create the TF-X, the most powerful TF gun ever created.
- The Crew (Krid) turn up. They go down into the abandoned Soviet underground shelter that Keb has somehow transported to Mossy Knoll.
The Rex
- Xiao wakes up. He then goes out, and finds out where he is from a random passer-by.
Tower of VOR
- Lora wakes up, to discover a large black cat sitting on her chest. The cat introduces herself as Liz, and insists that Lora put out food for her. After some discussion, Liz instructs Lora to make pasta.
- Lomgren manages to find his way to the door of the Black Suite (everything in the room is black, and there are no light sources). The appearance of the butler does not help his nervousness any...
- The butler checks on the Knaves, and informs Lomgren that they are just waking up.
- The others wake up in the Royal Engagement Suite.
- Ann is tackle-hugged from behind by Ann-KF. Rose rolls over on Rose-KF. There is much purring.
- The butler leads Lomgren on a roundabout tour of the Deathmanse.
- Knave's first name is revealed to be "Marion".
- Yeah, not much happens on this page...
- Lomgren is not at all enjoying the scenic route.
Tower of VOR
- Liz tells Lora that she is there to visit Voey.
JJA's Lab
- JJA takes the TF-X down to his lab to study it.
- Scribble meets up with JJA, and shows him how the TF-X works, using Shampoo as a (volunteer) test subject.
- JJA explains to Scribble about how he became a mad scientist.
- Lomgren is being led around in circles by the butler. Because, apparently, this is the quickest route...
Tower of Sage
- Sage wakes up, and discovers that he is out of tea and coffee. He goes out to buy some.
Tower of VOR
- Lora tells Liz that she has to go out and find a job. Liz tells her that she will sleep in her chair until Lora gets back.
- Lora goes out to look for a job.
- Lora walks into town, looking around, and goes to the pub to see about getting a job there.
- Scribble suggests finding Lomgren or Kraggi or the Author Brothers as possible test subjects for the TF-X. he then spots Grim and Kraggi at the diner, and drags JJA over to them.
- Both Grim and Kraggi decline to be test subjects.
- Atescu goes to the bakery, and opens up for customers.
- Scribble then goes to the bakery, and asks Atescu to volunteer. Atescu also declines, and asks JJA about getting something for the store.
- Grim and Kraggi discuss advertising for the diner. They decide on a flyer featuring a photo of Grim holding a platter of food. Kraggi races off to his house, to collect some clothing for Grim to wear for the flyer, while Grim rummages around in the back room to find a platter to use.
Kraggi's House
- Kraggi wakes up Chuck, who attempts to follow him. Chuck nearly gets eaten by a lake monster, and kills it instead. After eating part of it, he then reanimates the corpse, and uses it to ride on to chase after Kraggi.
- Ann and the others get up, and Ann discovers that all of them, including herself, are in their fur.
Bakery Atescu explains what he wants - a TF firearm that only he can use, with a detector to prevent him from firing it if he is drunk. JJA promises to send one over.
- Kraggi arrives back at the diner with the clothing.
- Grim uses the phone (that was absolutely there all along, really) to call Eshli and ask her to bring a camera. She then goes into the back room and changes into the outfit Kraggi brought.
- Eshli brings the camera, and Kraggi takes pictures. Grim then changes back out of the outfit.
The Rex
- Sage arrives and orders tea. Earl Grey.
- Xiao searches for work.
Diner Grim and Kraggi discuss Atescu. Grim suggest that Atescu needs either a girlfriend or a cat. Kraggi offers to reanimate one (cat, not girl!).
- Grim calls Eshli and asks her and Freek to come over and help drum up business. She then goes off to make some breakfast.
- Fred bursts in at a plot-convenient moment, and says that Brad went crazy and sacrificed a whole bunch of kittens.
- Kraggi goes out the back, finds what he needs, and creates a new cat out of bits and pieces.
The Rex
- Lora goes into the Rex, and asks to speak to whoever's in charge.
Town Square
- The kittens (plus one lake monster) respawn. The lake monster returns to the lake.
- The lake monster is added to the NPC roster by eternaljwh.
- Kraggi takes the new kitten back to the diner, as Freek and Eshli arrive.
- Lomgren is led around by the butler.
- Rose-KF explains that the "disrobing" is a side-effect of the room.
- The butler has Lomgren stand on a particular spot, and opens a trapdoor under him. Lomgren falls through into a dungeon, and then through another trapdoor into the Royal Engagement Suite, landing in a pile of pillows.
- Lomgren is Not At All Happy, and swears never to come to the Deathmanse again.
The Rex
- Lora, after standing around for 4.348 seconds, has a shyness attack, and leaves. Having a better idea, she goes back to the lake, and hops into her dinghy.
The lake
- The lake creature pokes its head up, and asks Lora if she is allied to a "little furry monster". Lora asks if she means Voey. The lake creature describes Chuck.
- OOC: The Lemurteam comes up with the name "Nonah" for the lake creature.
- Nonah tells Lora that Chuck killed and ate her. Lora asks how she knows that Chuck ate her, if he killed her first.
- JJA orders a large breakfast. Grim tells him it will take a while to cook. JJA sits down to wait for his order, fiddling with a TF gun.
- Eshli and Freek both order breakfast.
- Sage runs in, attracted by the smell of caffeine, and asks what they serve. Grim tells him (standard '90s breakfast fare), and Sage orders breakfast.
- Ann-KF turns on the lights. Lomgren is still half-buried in pillows, so doesn't see what's going on.
- Ann recognises Lomgren's tail (all that can be seen of him), realises that she is still in her fur, and hastily gets dressed.
- Xiao walks into the diner, hoping to get some breakfast on credit.
- Lomgren starts digging his way out of the pile of pillows.
- Lora heads for her tower, to grab her sax.
- Nonah introduces herself properly to Lora. (Nonah becomes one of eternal's characters at this point...)
Tower of VOR
- Lora grabs two sax cases, and heads back to the dinghy.
- Lora hops in the dinghy and heads for shore. She asks Nonah if she (Nonah's gender is not established at this point) likes music. Nonah does.
- OOC: Description of Nonah
- Lora is pleased, and asks if Nonah plays any instruments, and can get to land. Nonah can, but is not comfortable doing so. Plus she has nothing to wear.
- OOC: The lake's name is established as Redstone Lake.
- Ann is dressed (mostly) by the time Lomgren emerges.
- Lomgren is not happy about the trapdoor thing.
Redstone Lake
- Lora offers to come back later, and play for Nonah. Nonah is pleased by this offer. Lora then hops out of the dinghy, and heads for the town square with cases in hand.
- Ann-KF attempts to calm Lomgren down. This does not go so well, partly because Ann-KF is still in her fur.
- Grim finishes cooking the food, and Kraggi serves everyone.
- Eshli pets the kitten, and Kraggi checks it out for any signs of weird stuff.
- Lomgren is having trouble with Ann-KF's nudity. Ann tells her to cover up.
- As Kraggi is going over the kitten, she wakes up and complains in Feline. Kraggi talks to her in the same language.
- The kitten introduces herself as Terra, Third Duchess (and Duchess-in-Exile) of San Antonio. And apparently, a relative of Chuck...
- Kraggi introduces himself, and explains that a baker in town has been suggested as a companion for her. Terra agrees to this. It seems she has a fondness for bakers.
- Ann and Lomgren talk. Lomgren is embarrassed by the idea of them all sleeping together. This is not helped by Ann-KF hugging Ann while she talks, and Rose and Rose-KF both being still not dressed yet.
- Terra and Kraggi talk, as Kraggi heads for the bakery.
Town Square
- Lora sets up by the fountain, and starts playing. She is very good.
- It turns out that Atescu and Terra were old friends, in Terra's previous life. A joyful reunion ensues.
- Sage pays for his food.
- Xiao asks Grim if there is any way he can get food on credit.
- Rose-KF dons the Robe, and uses the Scythe to make a direct exit to outside (the others are all dressed).
- Ann smiles to see it's a nice day out, and plans to go clothes shopping. Rose is more interested in breakfast.
- Lomgren's brain is breaking at this point, or fairly close to it.
- Grim offers Xiao a job waiting on tables. He accepts.
- Sage pays with a large bill, and tells Grim to keep the change. He rushes out to hear the music.
- JJA orders a second course.
Town square
- Lora's playing attracts a good crowd.
Outside the Deathmanse
- Rose-KF goes back in, and sets a skeleton crew to work building an addition.
- Lomgren heads for home.
- Ann heads for home.
- Xiao gets to work, using magic to collect the plates.
- Ienyr starts to build a shack at one end of the park. A tall girl comes up to him, and they talk. The girl turns out to be Nonah, in human form...
Ann's House
- Ann arrives home, tidies up a bit, then goes to have a shower.
Town Square
- Lora has done rather well with her busking. She asks for requests.
- Grim finishes up JJA's second serve of breakfast, and servers it to him.
- "The Crew emerge", and go off to the diner for breakfast.
Lomgren's House
- Lomgren arrives home, has a shower and changes clothing. he then goes to the diner for breakfast.
The Rex
- It's Happy Hour, apparently. Or at least a sign is put up to that effect.
Ann's House
- Ann goes through her morning routine. She nearly goes out without a shirt...
- A Scythe blade cuts through reality as Lomgren walks past, and Rose-KF emerges. Lomgren is spooked by this.
- Sage realises that he is late for work. He Leaves Lora a small bag of gold, and casts a remote listening spell to enable him to listen to her playing at his office.
- Nonah runs back to the lake.
- Rose-KF tells Lomgren about the roller-coaster through the Deathmanse. Lomgren is sceptical.
- Ann sees Lomgren and Rose-KF, and starts to sneak up on Rose-KF.
Diner Kraggi is deep in thought, which is unusual in itself. Grim asks him what he's thinking about, and he says "Jabberwocks".
Town Square
- Lora does a couple of requests, checks her take, and is VERY happy. She goes to the diner to celebrate with some food.
- Lora orders a hot tuna sandwich.
- Kraggi compliments her playing, and asks if she would be willing to play in the diner some nights, for pay. Lora is very pleased with this idea.
- Liz appears, having heard a can of tuna being opened.
- Kraggi offers Liz her own tuna. Liz is extremely pleased by this.
- Kraggi brings tuna for Liz, who devours it.
- Lora negotiates a reasonable fee to play in the restaurant some nights.
- Ann sneaks up on Rose-KF.
- Lomgren is busy talking with Rose-KF, and doesn't notice Ann.
- Ann is just about to pounce on Rose-KF's tail, when Rose pounces on hers.
- Lomgren, Ann, Rose, Ann-KF and Rose-KF enter the diner. Lomgren holds the door for the others.
- Lomgren says that he is paying, this time.
- Ann-KF asks for something spicy. VERY spicy.
- Kraggi sees the four Anns, and decides the pancakes he made that morning were bad.
- Lora looks up and waves at the Four Anns, and goes to introduce them.
- Ann starts to order a non-spicy breakfast, just as Rose spots Kraggi.
- Kraggi is more than a bit confused.
- Rose hugs Kraggi. (In her timeline, Kraggi died...)
- Lomgren is somewhat confused by things between Rose and Kraggi.
- Kraggi faints as Ann calls Rose by name. Rose and Ann catch him as he falls.
- Liz jumps on him, extremely upset that the giver of tuna has taken ill.
- Ann and Rose do their best to look after Kraggi. Lomgren stays out of the way, feeling that this is the best way he can help.
- JJA comes over to find out what happened, and why there are four Anns. Ann explains matters.
- Ann-KF and Rose-KF help carry Kraggi into the kitchen.
- Ann asks Grim for some smelling salts, or strong-smelling spice. Grim produces a jar of pure vanillin.
- JJA goes into shock on seeing Liz.
- Lomgren follows the others into the kitchen.
- Liz asks JJA why he's scared of her.
- Kraggi awakes, still rather shocked at the four Anns.
- Ann does her best to explain matters.
Church James announces that any who come near the church shall be given the blessings of fertility gods.