Backstory275 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem


Pages 251 to 255

Page 251


  • The name of Eighth Hell is Tribeikhas and it’s where Demons come from.
  • Tribeikas Demons are immune to Death.
  • Nonah is a half-succubus.
  • Liver’s Last Leg Pub, Tuksal, Galzabor introduced.
  • Master Grenith has been dead for over 100 years.
  • Lomgren keeps his CD player underneath his TV set.
  • A Pacifism Spell is a Zone in which no harm can come to those within it.


  • F-Grim leaves the House and goes to the lake where she is shocked by what she sees.
  • Kraggi is Stopped and Ann is moving in slow motion.
  • F-Grim and Freek argue over Freek’s involvement with a succubus.
  • Sage froze Kragi to prevent him from killing demon Nonah.
  • Sage has put a pacifism spell on the area and contemplates releasing Kraggi from the freeze.
  • Ann-KF reminds everyone she is death but Nonah claims death can’t kill a Tribeikas.
  • Nonah mentions she is only half succubus.
  • Sage asks Kraggi if knowing Nonah is only half demon will change his mind.
  • Kraggi is not swayed by this knowledge about Nonah.
  • Grim and Freek discuss demonology and mating.
  • Atescu claims demons don’t exist and that Nonah is half-dragon.
  • Rose attempts to stop slow motion Ann from running at Aurora and Nonah by pulling on Ann’s tail.
  • Rose’s attempt fails and she is dragged along.
  • Sage talks to Rose telepathically and asks if she’s willing to let him establish a telepathic link between her and Ann to force Ann to listen.
  • Atescu uses the spell “Akhane Duini” to silence F-Grim and Freek who were shouting at each other.
  • Sage confronts Kraggi about his hatred for Nonah.
  • Ateschu insists once more that there are no demons only half-dragons.


  • JJA wakes up after standing for several hours and goes home to prepare for a party.


  • Lomgren and Elshi dash across the street once it is clear.
  • Lomgren keeps a look out while trying to keep up with Elshi who is dragging him by the hand.

Author Brother’s House

  • Elshi brings Lomgren some CD’s from her room and asks if he has a CD player.
  • Lomgren keeps his CD player underneath his TV set.
  • The two sneak out of the house and head to Lomgren’s house.

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren locks the door behind them as they enter.
  • He asks a pale Elshi if she is okay.
  • Elshi gives Lomgren a CD and to play saying it’s been far too long since she heard this one.

Liver’s Last Leg Pub, Tuksal, Galzabor

  • A poker game is underway between three men.
  • Stark, the taller man, wins the hand with a full house, queens over sevens.
  • The grey robbed man, Master Grenith, approaches the three men and two of them bow while the larger man nods.
  • Grenith states Kraggi is getting married and asks Stark to do the honor.
  • Master Grenith has been dead for over 100 years.
  • Jeff Stark protests the dangers of crossing the wastes and the shorter man, a disciple named Ben Charron, is volunteered for the job in Stark’s place.
  • Arrangements are made for travel and the group parts ways.

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  • JJA’s grandfather was a demon of chaotic alignment. JJA is ¼ demon.
  • Ateschu has been female this whole time apparently.

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren and Elshi listen to Queen.

General Store

  • Xiao senses large magical energy fluctuations and steps outside where he can see the people at the lake.

Krid’s Truck

  • Xaych is checks the truck after a sniper shoots.
  • Xaych wakes Keith to alert him and heads out to investigate.
  • Keith follows her to a "gunfight" at the "beach" (Lake).


  • List of characters at the Lake: Sanchay (inactive), Nonah, Kraggi, Grim, Atescu, Freek, Random_Sage, Ann, Rose, Aurora, Knave, Chuck, and Skippy
  • Kraggi rebuttals and sneers at Sage.
  • Aurora mentions she and Ann-KF are ghosts.
  • Ann-KF walks into Ann and attempts to dissuade her from killing Nonah.
  • Nonah claims to not be evil, but to have at times killed when forced to do so.
  • Kraggi doesn’t believe Nonah and hisses at her.
  • JJA walks over and asks about the Pacifism spell and the demonic presence.
  • Sage more or less calls Kraggi a racist against demons.
  • JJA claims his grandfather was a demon of chaotic alignment.
  • Kraggi is not impressed with Sage’s argument.
  • Sage intends to telepathically link Kraggi and Nonah to prove his point. Kraggi refuses this.
  • Eric appears holding a golden bat and attempts to tell Kraggi that demon-akin are different from Infernal Beings.
  • Xiao pulls an enchanted bough from a tree and gains a magic staff.
  • Sage threatens Kraggi with dimensional banishment if he refuses the link again.
  • JJA lets Kraggi know he is one fourth demon.
  • Ateschu continues his claims that demon = dragon.
  • Nonah asks Sage to silence Ateschu.
  • Nonah recounts how Chuck killed, ate and reanimated her without her permission, but that she let him keep her old body.
  • Nonah asks if yogamancy can be used to revive fallen al-Kiraqi demons.
  • Grim and Freek continue to have no voice and mouth words at each other.
  • Xaych and Keith arrive stealthily.
  • Keith yells out to Kraggi that the telepathy is a demon trap.
  • Xaych elbows Keith hard.
  • Kraggi begrudgingly consents to the link.
  • Sage tells Keith why his earlier statement was incorrect and that the link is safe.

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  • Nonah has a literal forked tongue.
  • Freek is a member of the Order of the White Dawn, a line of demon hunters.


  • Ateschu uses the silencing spell “Akhane Duini” on Keith and Xaych.
  • Eric speaks to Keith about demonology.
  • Sage admits he would have made the link regardless of Kraggi’s decision.
  • JJA offers a second time to act as an intermediary for the link between Kraggi and Nonah.
  • Freek attempts to tell James that, in his professional opinion as a demon hunter, not all demons are evil. The attempt fails as he is still under Ateschu’s silencing spell.
  • Keith makes a speech about how wet:water::evil:demons. ie. It is a demon’s very essence to be evil incarnate.
  • Kraggi mentally prepares himself with happy thoughts involving Grim and bunnies.
  • Eric continues talking about demonology.
  • Sage makes the Kraggi-Sage-Nonah mind link.
  • Nonah argues with Eric’s statements on demonology.
  • Ann has no immediate reaction to Ann-KF’s presence in her body.
  • F-Grim’s voice returns and she lets go of Ateschu
  • Freek and Eric continue to argue about the definition of what is a demon.
  • Keith is relieved to hear that Nonah is a half-demon explaining that this means she has free will.
  • Xachy asks Keith how he knows so much about demonic breeding to which Keith responds by distracting her and escaping without explaining.

Ann’s Mindscape

  • A large brick wall figment blocks Ann-KF from the part of the brain in control.
  • The wall is graffitied with a horror scene of a shrouded grinning figure who has stabbed with a sword through the chest of a now dead woman who looks similar to human form Ann whose hand lies outstretched to the viewer.
  • Muffled crying is behind the wall.

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren plays Elshi’s CD and sits down on his couch.

The Tunnel

  • Lora decides not to wait for Death to guide her and walks towards the light.

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  • Likal's first appearance in MKRP. -Feb 22, 2006
  • Nonah's mother’s people have no souls.
  • Atescu was raised by the Valermi.
  • Sayobi is the 10,000 year old succubus ancestor of Nonah.


  • Atescu concedes the possibility of the existence of demons and half-demons.
  • Invisible Rose stops Ann’s motion by leaning against her.
  • Rose asks Ann-KF via Ann’s ear if Ann-KF is talking to Ann.
  • Aurora tells Rose to go for the sides.
  • Likal watches the scene, turns himself invisible, and then approaches the others.

Ann’s head

  • The title of the graffiti is ‘’Rose Senior, portrayed at the moment of death’’.
  • The wall echoes and the weeping continues.
  • Ann-KF hits the wall at the point where Morfazar is painted.
  • The wall ripples and the image of Mofazar is replaced by a hooded Nonah, and the image of Rose senior is replaced with Kraggi. The image flicks back to normal a second later as the ripple passes.
  • Ann-KF vouches for Nonah’s character.
  • When Rose speaks into Ann’s ear the words echo off the wall, but also rattle the bricks.
  • Ann-KF pounds on the walls some more as she can’t respond to Rose.

Kraggi’s Mind

  • Nonah recaps her life story to Kraggi via Sage’s mind link. It involves lots of being driven out of lakes by people and some time spent with a kind pirate at sea.
  • Kraggi feels a slight amount of regret and disapproves of Chuck having reanimated Nonah, but is still rather prejudiced.
  • Sage instructs Nonah to share more of her mind including emotions, and also to not skip over parts – it’s suspicious.
  • Nonah agrees to a point, she doesn’t want to share the details of her sex life.
  • Kraggi’s mind is shared with Nonah: “a basically good mind, tormented by magic bound to his mind, the only way to remove it would kill him. It halts rational thought, enhances hatred, and quickens sadness. It adds wild impulses and desires, and makes him regret it later. Rose's broken corpse is int he forefront of his mind, and a weeping Ann beside her.”
  • Kraggi concedes Nonah is basically good natured. He pokes looks over things a bit longer to make sure nothing was missed.
  • Nonah starts to fantasize about Freek until Sayobi addresses Kraggi.
  • Kraggi is alarmed by the second mental presence.
  • Sayobi introduces herself as Nonah’s 10,000 year old succubus ancestor. She then hits on Kraggi.
  • Kraggi is surprised that he detects little malice in a true demon.
  • Nonah and Sayobi engage Kraggi in light banter.
  • Kraggi apologizes for attempted murder.

Town Square

  • Lora is resurrected. She jumps into the fountain due to the embarrassment of being nude.
  • The Gravekeeper presents Lora with her body and clothes.
  • Lora asks the skeleton to hand over her clothes. Gravekeeper complies.
  • Lora gets dressed.

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren listens to the CD and is lost in worry about Ann being gone too long.
  • Elshi sings along with the CD.
  • Lomgren can’t focus on anything but Ann.

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  • Nonah is half succubus.
  • The Gravekeeper once was Death, but grew bored with being a ghost.

Kraggi’s Mind

  • Soyabi and Nonah continue to talk about themselves.
  • Kraggi didn’t guess that Soyabi was a succubus.
  • Sage gets tired and breaks the link.

Ann’s Mindscape

  • The wall Echo’s only the word Rose this time.
  • Gravity tilts a bit and some loose bricks by the sword image slide forward.
  • Ann-KF pulls on the sliding bricks.
  • Louder crying.
  • Ann-KF continues pulling bricks.
  • The Morfazar section of wall falls/vanishes revealing Ann on a patch of sand weeping over Lora’s body.
  • Ann-KF reminds Ann that death is not permanent here.
  • Ann is distraught over having shot Lora. The surrounding blackness reveals the images of hundreds of rogue zombies attacking women and children. Some of the zombies are being shot by a magnum.
  • Ann-KF consoles Ann.
  • At Ann-KF’s touch, Ann and Lora vanish in blue flame wisps. Ann reappears holding Rose.
  • Ann asks why the innocent always die.
  • Ann-KF doesn’t know.


  • Rose tickles Ann. She stops to avoid being clawed not realizing she can not be harmed at present.
  • Sage splashes water on his face and sits by the shore.
  • Kraggi reverts to his normal form and apologizes again. He has no one to blame for Rose’s death but himself.
  • Nonah forgives Kraggi, hugs him, and asks him for Ann’s name.
  • Kraggi fights his revulsion at her touch and returns the hug.
  • Nonah releases Kraggi.
  • Ann’s claws retract and her absent stare loses its focus.
  • Kraggi notices blood and realizes that by ordering Ann to shoot he was responsible for Lora’s death.
  • Ann’s eye’s tear heavily.
  • Grim stops Kraggi who is banging his own head into the ground.
  • Aurora holds on to Ann, but lets go when Ann-KF state this is pulling her out.

Deathmanse Lawn

  • Nyx: "Um...Liz? Spell?"
  • Liz gives Nyx a Sunlight activated reflective shielding. It does not protect her eyes.

Town Square

  • The Gravekeeper tells Lora that he once was Death, but got bored with being a ghost.
  • Gravekeeper comments how Knave has gotten the skeletons out of the closets he hid.
  • Lora tries to shake the Gravekeeper’s hand.

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren is completely lost to worry as he sits there rocking.
  • Elshi plays the air-guitar.

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