Backstory25 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

Revision as of 13:03, 17 July 2009 by Anti-paragon (Talk | contribs)

This is the start of the RP, and no locations of characters can be made yet. Why? None are created yet! In fact, at the start of this RP, there was simply a portal and an endless grassy field that would rival certain depictions of purgatory. But from this would spring so much...

Forwarning: The start of this RP is very chaotic, rough, and generally unrelated. Many unrelated parts are cut out, since they are not part of this story, and a lot of the stuff may not make sense, since... well actually they didn't make much sense at the time either. You've been warned.

Page 1:

  • The RP is made, the premise as a casual RP to RP in while waiting for others to RP in your other RPs so you could RP in those RPs instead of this RP is proposed. (This post was overwritten by the First Post bulletin board)
  • General OOC silliness ensues.
  • Ann enters from 'the portal' wearing a 'Frisky kitty' shirt.
  • Lomgren joins the RP.
  • Ann asks Lomgren what they should do first.
  • James, god of awesome, enters the RP. James summons Brad Atrumavian, Diana, Frederick Spellblade, Marcus Foretale, Kitty Niantresurs, Alex Gearat, Kirk Gunwing, Belle Darckow, Ex and Harinekodoragon.
  • Lomgren interacts with some OOC on-goings (which are not recorded in this synopsis) and then asks Ann where they left off (from RPing in parent thread).
  • Sanchay enters the RP, cheerfully exclaiming that Ann and Lomgren are not alone.
  • Lomgren blushes heavily at remembering where they left off in parent thread.
  • Ann blushes slightly, remember with Lomgren, and states she'll pay half (Can't recall what they were paying, sorry. Moot point anyway). She waves to Sanchay.
  • Sanchay asks Ann and Lomgren what there is to do.
  • Lomgren states Ann should keep the money and blushes more upon thinking HelenNet may join the RP.
  • Brad turns Lomgren into supergirl.
  • Sage joins the RP. Merrily.
  • Lomgren uses a Transformation Gun (TF Gun) to turn himself back to his natural state while grumbling about always being targeted for transformation antics.
  • Ann comforts Lomgren and cuddles with him.
  • Sage is made a Demi-God and set as a maximum power level for the RP.

Page 2:

  • A character (James forgot to state who) pays Kitty to steal one of Brad's spellbooks. The character casts a spell from it to make all female's chests bigger.
  • Lomgren cuddles with Ann, stating Helen will probably find the RP soon.
  • Ann is thrown off by the sudden mammary growth and was thankful Lomgren was not in her shirt. (Note: Lomgren was known for being shrunken down and placed in cleavage frequently at this date and time).
  • Lomgren tries not to think dirty thoughts.
  • The spell is quickly removed by an OOC action. All characters return to normal.
  • Sage, pleased about having his powers back, makes it rain catnip and cookies.
  • Ann, being an anthrofeline and sensitive to catnip, covers her nose.
  • Lomgren, being the same, does so as well.
  • Ann looks around for somewhere safe to go from the 'rain'.
  • Kitty and Harine (Harinekodoragon) go nuts.
  • Brad, Kirk, and Alex grumble about the catnip rain and its effects on their 'sisters'.
  • Belle rejoices for the same reason.
  • Marcus, Fred, and Diana leave the area. (Where to? No one knows.)
  • Lomgren thinks they should transform to avoid the effects of the catnip.
  • Ann agrees with Lomgren.
  • Lomgren turns Ann and himself human.
  • Sage pouts about Ann and Lomgren being no fun.
  • Ann seems a little weirded out by begin human, curiously looking at the changes.
  • Kirk, with two of Brad's books, casts spells that give all women bigger chests, make everyone into cats, give all females larger rumps and finally seals the former spells until he wills them away.
  • Ann, having been turned into a simple cat, meows.
  • Kirk is assaulted for his antics while Kitty kidnaps Lomgren. (I think, it's hard to decipher the post.)
  • Alex squeaks happily to have a girlish form. (Your guess is a good as mine, folks.)
  • Several unimportant idle posts about Ann and Lomgren acting like regular cats are made.

Page 3:

  • Marcus runs in on fire, but the fire has chaotic properties that only the PC of this character really cared about. (James certainly was annoying back then. --Anti-paragon 16:29, 6 July 2009 (PDT))
  • Ann hunts and eats crickets in the grass.
  • Someone (James forgot to state who) asks what to do with Lomgren, and is promptly beaten up for the comment by Belle.
  • Brad retrieves his book and restores everyone back to normal.
  • Lomgren, returned to normal, has a yearning for fish.
  • Ann, returned to normal, gags as she suddenly tastes crickets.
  • Lomgren asks what to do now.
  • Grim(Later renamed to Atescu), Eshli, and Freek enter the RP. Arguing.
  • Lomgren greets the new characters.
  • Ann's house is added to the world. (Courtesy of Anti-Paragon)
  • Ann stops picking cricket bits out of her mouth to stare at her new house.
  • A Lake, with a beach, is added to the world. (Courtesy of Lomgren)
  • Squato joins the RP. Via jetpack landing.
  • Lomgren greets Squato, stating that they are adding scenary to the world.
  • Lomgren's house is added to the world. (Courtesy of Lomgren)
  • An escarpment is added to the side of the lake. (Courtesy of Squato)
  • Squato's house is added to the world. (Courtesy of Squato)
  • A town Square is added to the world. (Courtesy of Squato)
  • Lomgren shows his approval for the new scenery.
  • Eternaljwh joins the RP.
  • Vor joins the RP.
  • Vor's tower is added to the world. (Courtesy of Vor)
  • Vor brings over some RPing with Eternaljwh from the parent thread. It is generally unrelated.

Page 4:

  • Helen enters the RP.
  • A mountain is added to the world. (Courtesy of HomerNet)
  • The sun is made to rise from the south and set in the north. (Courtesy of Vor)
  • Lomgren goes into his house and goes to sleep.
  • Vor puts a note in Lomgren's mailbox.
  • A forest is added to the far side of the lake. (Courtesy of Vor)
  • Eternaljwh goes to sleep.
  • Vor goes to sleep.
  • Sanchay's cavern is added to the world. (Courtesy of Sanchay)
  • Peragrin joins the RP.
  • A cabin in the forest is added to the world. (Courtesy of Peragrin)
  • JonJonAUG joins the RP. (Technically he was already in it, but only in OOC)
  • Jon's TF lab is added to the world. (Courtesy of JonJonAUG)
  • Sanchay makes evil plans against Peragrin for visiting him randomly by springing out of the water. (Her cave is right near his cabin, underwater.)
  • Peragrin welcomes her to.
  • JonJonAUG offers his TF services to everyone.
  • Sage's tower is added to the world. (Courtesy of Sage)
  • Lomgren wakes up, goes to read Vor's letter from his mailbox, and comments about the rapid development.

Page 5:

  • Freek and Grim(Atescu) argue about how, exactly, they want to have their housing.
  • Freek's house is added to the world. (Courtesy of Grim Atescu)
  • Eshli is aged to 11 (from 6) by Freek. Freek grumbles about having an adolescent running around.
  • Lomgren greets the new neighbors.
  • Lomgren and Eshli talk about what there is to do around here. (which is nothing so far)
  • Lomgren states they are still getting settled.
  • Homer joins the RP. (Separate from Helen)
  • Homer finishes the cabin in the mountains, complete with non-functioning death ray pointed at the town.
  • JonjonAUG offers to help Homer with a pregnancy problem. (Homer is female and pregnant)
  • Lomgren refutes that Jon could not fix Homer.
  • Jon argues back.
  • Jonjonaug opens a TF shop in the town square.
  • Some miscellaneous trees and vegitation is added to the world. (Courtesy of Lomgren)
  • The general store is added to the town square. (Courtesy of Lomgren)
  • The fountain is added to the town square. (Courtesy of Anti-Paragon)
  • The pub is added to the town square. (Courtesy of Anti-Paragon)
  • The barber shop is added to the town square. (Courtesy of Anti-Paragon)
  • Sanchay's age is set to 16 for this RP (from 13).
  • JonjonAUG adds TF pie to the TF shop.

Page 6:

  • JonJonAug assures everyone that his lab's security is virtually foolproof.
  • The Jail is added to the world. (Courtesy of Anti-Paragon)
  • HomerNet makes a sign to explain how he was stuck in Ranma form and HelenNet being pregnant.
  • JonJonAug debates to himself about trying to change HomerNet back, but refrains.
  • Lomgren, seeing Helen here, retreats into his house.
  • Freek, Grim(Atescu), Eshli and Grim have their ages set to 17, 19, 11, and 18, respectively.
  • Lomgren's age is set to 25.
  • Lomgren explores the road to the jail. Comments about never wanting to be put in it.
  • JonJonAug remains ageless.
  • Grim (Atescu) and Freek talk amongst themselves. Eshli goes to knock on Ann's door.
  • JonJonAug states he will be giving a tour of his house soon.
  • Lomgren, returning home, tells Eshli Ann may not be in.
  • Sage enjoys the day from atop his tower. He goes to take a walk, but tires himself out taking the staircase down his tower.
  • JonJonAug opens his lab for the tour.
  • Sanchay returns to her home under the lake, morphing into a more aquatic form as she jumps into the water.
  • Lomgren looks for anyone else to take JonJonAug's tour with him.
  • JonJonAug talks about his lab complex stretching below town.
  • Lomgren agrees to take the tour.
  • Eshli tells Lomgren he's a catman.
  • HomerNet sees some activity in town, but decides to go to bed instead of interacting.

Page 7:
JJA begins tour of his house. He also makes a giant TV on top of his house so everyone else can see, then admits how bad of a plot device it is.
JJA guides Lomgren around and shows some TF stuff with the help of a servant.
Sanchay cooks herself some food in her house.
Lomgren questions the servant's freedoms, thinking they might be slaves.
JJA continues tour. He turns a pair of rats into anime characters and almost loses control of them. They are turned back into rats and tour continues.
Lomgren questions safety measures.
JJA shrugs the comment off and continues tour.
Lomgren starts getting frightened.
Scribble brings in James and demands a recap.
JJA and AP give recap.
Ann returns from grocery shopping and sees Lomgren on the Big screen TVs placed on top of JJA's house.
JJA shows cough drop producing machine and offers cough drop to Lomgren.
Lomgren declines.
James immediately takes cough drop and ingests it himself. He is subsequently turned into a foxgirl.

Page 8:
Ann drops off groceries and goes back outside. Gets tail caught in door.
James doesn't mind changes.
James expresses a desire to read the Kama Sutra.
JJA produces a copy and gives it to James.
James spits out the cough drop at JJA's request, and immediately returns to normal.
JJA remarks that although variants 5 and 6 have a few mental problems, the simpler forms work just fine.
Lomgren remarks on JJA's obsession, than asks what's next.
JJA leads the group to a room which he advises is extremely dangerous, and advises the group not to touch anything.
JJA then opens the door to reveal a room with many glowing TF guns, and explains that these combine magic and technology to produce new forms. He then demonstrates on himself, turning himself into a male centaur with fox ears. After zapping himself back to normal, the tour continues.
Ann frees her tail from the door, and heads for the estate.
JJA continues the tour, leading the group past several rooms, and then finally to an elevator.
Lomgren questions the safety as the elevator goes down. JJA insists it is quite safe.
Ann steps up to the portal, and tests it with a paw.

Page 9:
The elevator opens on to a room containing what JJA decribes as his greatest invention - "The Transformatrix".
JJA describes how it works, and asks if anyone wishes to volunteer.
Lomgren declines, stating that he's seen the movie, and doesn't want to risk getting stuck in it if something goes wrong.
JJA concludes the tour, setting up a portal to return everyone to the town square.
Ann summons up the courage to jump through the portal to join the tour, just as the portal vanishes. She manages to catch herself just in time to avoid colliding with the wall.
Sage arrives in the town square, sees all the people and asks what's going on.
Lomgren looks around to see Ann, and greets her. She turns around and smiles at him.
Scribble creates the Church of a Thousand Gods.
Sanchay's group gathering senses start tingling, and she leaves her underwater home, heading for the group.
Sanchay arrives, colliding with Ann. In the confusion, she morphs into a snake, creating more confusion.
Eshli, Freek, and Atescu arrive in the town square.
Freek accidentally creates the "Author Brothers Pie Factory". Atescu changes it to a bakery. Atescu spots Lomgren and Ann, and goes over to introduce himself.
Ann gets to her feet, confused about where the flying snake came from.
Lomgren greets Freek and Atescu, while Sanchay morphs back into her squirrel-girl form.

Page 10:
Ann brushes off her uniform shirt, and greets Freek, introducing herself.
Iggark Q. Rhinoshirt appears, accompanied by his son Xavier.
This is then revealed to be a fake intro, and Kraggi enters, eating popcorn.
AP boggles at the fake intro, before catching on. He suggests that Kraggi get a house to avoid having to live with his daughter (Ann), which would not be a good thing from her perspective.
Eshli pushes Freek aside to introduce herself to Ann.
Lomgren greets the new person, noting that Sanchay seems to have vanished.
Kraggi introduces himself (sort of), then wanders off to go house hunting.
Ann is not overly happy about the entrance made by Kraggi. AP decides to maintain Ann's relation to Kraggi.
Scribble decides that the town needs tourist attractions, and brings in a collection of kaiju.
Atescu promptly freezes all of the giant monsters.
Out of character Lomgren removes the monsters completely.
Kraggi wonders what he should be doing.
AP adds Kraggi's house to the map.
Kraggi inquires if the house is made of living rock or bought from a realtor.
Lomgren notes 'instant creation mode' should end soon and that the RP should start taking a more realistic tone.
AP jokes to Kraggi that the house could be made from the realtor and bought from the living rock. Kraggi obliged. The living rock was hence named rocky, and his house made of the realtor. Kraggi tended to his farm animals.
Ann remembers her groceries and promptly heads back home.

Page 11
Kraggi returns to the town square.
James (Scribble’s unmentioned character) builds a church. Brad builds a base of operations besides JJA's house. Diana builds a clinic. Several more characters build a Dojo.
Lomgren offers to help Ann with groceries.
Kraggi does something spontaneous and creepy. He declares the town be named 'FLORCH'
Lomgren is creeped out by Kraggi and quickly flees, following Ann.
Kraggi tries to stop Ann to talk.
Lomgren catches up with Ann and queries Kraggi's mentality.
Ann spares Lomgren, sending him to her house to help with groceries, while she talks with Kraggi.
Kraggi inquires why Ann is in Mossy Knoll.
Lomgren gratefully obliges Ann.
Ann tell Kraggi why she is here, states the town shouldn’t be named 'FLORTCH', but does agree it needs a name.
James proclaims loudly of the church's completion.
Kraggi gives some names entirely based off his ego. Except for Gaaaaaathumb, which is completely random.
Brad states that Kraggi should not be the only person to decide the name.
Lomgren continues putting away groceries. (Offers the name 'Lakeview' OOC)
Kraggi ignores Brad's comment and calls Rocky for more names. 'Urk' and 'Townland' are suggested. Ann suggests 'Pertchin Valley' and 'Knaveston'.
Kraggi asks where Knave is and makes a crude comment.
Ann did not take it well.
Brad states the founder should name the town, and promotes his church.
Kraggi apologizes.
Lomgren finishes with Ann's groceries and goes to see if Ann is finished talking with Kraggi.
Brad suggests 'Paragonville' and 'Omni town'. Diane states a council should be grouped to decide.
Kraggi offers his house for the council.

Page 12
Sage comments on the town's growth, inquires if he is in the church, and takes pleasantries in having a local madman (Kraggi).
Ann mumbles something. AP leers at James’s choice of names OOC.
Brad teleports the group into Kraggi's house.
Lomgren attempts to join the conversation involving Ann and Kraggi, which just got teleported.
AP abruptly stops the teleport on overpowered and intrusive grounds. The town is named Lakeview.
Sage introduces himself to Kraggi.
Lomgren greets Sage.
Sage reciprocates.
Ann also greets Sage, and inquires his presence.
Lomgren makes a mutual inquiry.
Sage states he is just out to stretch his legs.
Brad's phone goes off and he informs everyone the 'base of operations' is complete.
Lomgren informs Sage of the ongoings.
James agrees with the name Lakeview. Kitty and Kirk make a brothel.
Kraggi asks Sage to tell his fate.
Ann declines Brad's offer of sparring services at the 'base of operations', and promptly leaves after hearing Kraggi's inquiry to Sage.
Kraggi wants some brothel action.
Lomgren joins Ann, heading home himself.
Kraggi says something lewd, and almost pays for it.
Brad shuts down the brothel (I think?)
Ann storms off after Kraggi's treatment.
Lomgren quickly catches up.
Grim Atescu shares some jeers between his characters. Freek comments about Kraggi's language in front of an 11 year old Eshli.

Page 13
Kraggi sincerely apologizes.
Ann cools her rage a bit - now a fair distance from Kraggi.
Grims characters interact with Kraggi. Eshli calls him a nutter. Atescu makes his way to Ann and Lomgren and asks who Knave is (and if Ann has a sister).
Kraggi confirms his insanity.
Lomgren comments back to Ann.
Eshli is bubbly at Kraggi, Freek observes the two talking, throwing a comment in himself.
Scribble explains the layout of the 'base of operations'.
Kraggi tries to pronounce 'xx', and then promptly gives Eshli garlic.
Knave (and subsequently eternaljwh) arrive.
Lomgren heads home for the night.
Alex (Scribble character) offers to give people a tour of the base.
Freek and Eshli talk about how 'xx' is part of Freek's real name, and is very hard to pronounce.
Ann informs Atescu that Knave is her boyfriend, and ponders if she has a sister herself.
Scribble gets bored and calls it a night.
Atescu realizes who Ann's father is and apologies for a potential misinterpretation.
Ann takes a second to get why Atescu is apologizing and promptly disregards the comment.
The avatar of Death (Knave) creeps up on Ann, compliments the place, and states he would like to take office here.
VOR creates (or rather modifies 'Me' to) Lora Rudonkitz.
The forums eat Ejwh's post. Knave gives Ann a familair memento shirt and goes off to check out Kraggi's house.
Ann accepts the shirt and goes home.
OOCVOR rambles and continues private universing with ejwh. Lora goes to the town square. In her robe and slippers.
Squato comes in and decides to place a pub in the town square.
Vor gives the pub idea a thumbs up.

Page 14
The Deathmanse is created by Knave, whom promptly returns to and glomps Ann.
Ann stumbles under the glomp but is pleased to see Knave.
AP approves Squato's pub.
Lora spots the moon that looms above the Deathmanse and is confused.
Squato offers to run the pub with AP's character Grant.
AP accepts, but lets Squato run the pub first, as Grant hasn't arrived yet.
Knave offers to show Ann how he does his job. (That being Death.)
Squato builds the currently unnamed pub.
Ann agrees to see Knave work.
Knave shows Ann her own ghost.
Ann is baffled and stunned.
Knave goes to turn on the resurrection machine (conveniently in the Deathmanse) and returns to Ann while the three (Ann, her ghost, and Knave) talk.
Ann recovers herself and realizes her ghost isn't really hers.
Knave explains that the ghost Ann is from his timeline, where she was killed, how he became Death, and that the two of them ended up here.
Matthlord volunteers to be the barmaid at the new pub.
Ann is still upset, and asks if the ghost Ann can be returned to life. Ghost Ann explains that her body was destroyed.
Ann offers to share her own body, since she has no soul of her own. Knave explains that this is not the same thing.
Lomgren wakes up, realises he has no groceries in his house, and goes out to buy some.

Page 15
Sqauto describes the layout of the pub (still unnamed as yet), and IC Squato hires May as a barmaid.
JJA finishes preparations for the TF store.
Peragrin retreats to the cabin by the lake with the lead.
Lomgren favours the name "Mossy Knoll" for the town. IC Lomgren puts away his groceries, and goes to bed.
Kraggi wakes up, and goes to the pub in search of a drink.
Lomgren, being unable to sleep, heads out to look around the town.
OOC Lomgren makes several suggestion for the name of the lake, including "Redstone Lake". IC Lomgren goes to check out the park in town, giving the (now-open) TF store a wide berth.
Discussion OOC ensues over what the lake should be named.
Lomgren heads back to town, planning a party in the park.
Kraggi goes to the clinic, deciding to be a woman today.
Diana (Scribble) suggests he go to the TF store. Kraggi leaves in a huff, going to the greengrocer's instead.

Page 16
Atescu opens the Author Brothers Bakery for business.
Sage walks through the town, and (OOC) confirms the location of his tower on the map.
Tired from his planning, Lomgren goes home, and back to bed.
Grim arrives to stay with Atescu, Eshli and Freek.
JJA leaves a special TF gun on HomerNet's doorstep, with a note.
Kraggi drops in on the Author Brothers, being bored.
JJA walks down the street, giving away free TF items. He gives Kraggi a powerful TF gun, and each of the Author family receives an item.

Page 17
Kitty (Scribble) came past in a blur.
Kraggi took his new TF gun, and v5'd himself.
May(Matthlord) wanted a sky palace for herself.
Kitty hopped onto JJA's shoulders, high on catnip.
Freek confiscated the TF blaster pistol that Eshli was given.
Kraggi wanted new clothes for her new body.
JJA gave Kitty a TF gun, and went off to check on the Transformatrix.
Kraggi went charging off to the bakery after detecting the smell of pies.
Atescu, seeing them coming, locked up the pies before Kraggi and Co. arrived.
Atescu attempts to sell pies for a ridiculous amount.
Kraggi attempts to buy as many as he can with all his pocket change and/or selling his body.
Kitty steals all the pies in an instant, then gives all but one pumpkin pie back an instant later, despite the locks. OOC Grim claims shenanigans.
JJA find all anime characters (various anime series) have broken out of his lab.

Page 18
Atescu sells Kraggi pies. Kraggi wonders why pheromones aren't working.
Marcus (Scribble) announced he's getting married to a purple haired girl.
JJA goes over the list of the different character's quirks.
Sage flees to his tower once he sees Happosai (one of the anime characters) is loose.
Freek (Grim) protects pie store from anime characters. Atescu checks over security camera footage to see who stole (and unstole) the pies.
Kraggi doesn't care about the invasion and demands her(his) pies.
May (matthlord) enters pie store to help Atescu with thief problem.
Kraggi gets upset that his transformation's power is being useless as May ignores him.
Atescu demands justice.
Sage continues alerting people about Happosai on the loose.
Kitty (Scribble) enters the store as a small orange cat. (shapeshift?)
Happosai eats the pies and goes to steal underwear.
Atescu offers a reward to whever captures the thief.
Kitty does something horrible to Kraggi's leg. Kraggi decides to kill the cat. Kitty returns to human form and holds Kraggi at knifepoint.
Sage returns to the bakery since Happosai is nowhere in sight.

Page 19
Grim hauls Kitty off to jail. Atescu determines Happosai owes him $7,653.18 and demands it be paid within 3 days.
Scribble conducts a small recap. Ex and Belle are dispatched to track down Happosai.
Sage senses Happosai is on the west side of town. Ex and Belle head off that way.
Lora awakens from her trance in front of the Deathmanse and hears Sage shouting about Happosai.
Lora goes to the bakery looking for something to eat.
Lora finds the bakery empty and goes to the General Store for cat food.
Alex (Scribble) meets Lora leaving the bakery.
Alex begins giving Lora a tour of the base of operations.
Lomgren wakes up and goes to the Town Square.

Page 20
Sanchay leaves her cave and does some exploring.
Lomgren looks for anyone who might be in the town square.
Squato goes to see how the pub is doing.
Lomgren sees Squato and goes to greet him.
Eric the cleric (Scribble) begins building a home for himself, in an area south of the park.
Lomgren continues walking around the town square. He is greeted by Eric, and Sage.
JJA gets rid of all the anime characters, except for Kasumi (who stays on to help out at the bakery) and Shampoo, who is apparently getting married.
Eric introduces himself to Lomgren, and explains his purpose in being in town; he's here as a servant of James, the God of Awesome, who has taken residence (sort of) in town.

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