Erina Borgerson

From Egs Mayhem

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Current revision as of 22:50, 27 March 2007

Erina is a Player Character from the Creation RP 2.0. Erina is played by jwrebholz.



  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'
  • Weight: Varies between 95-100lbs. Due to factors mentioned below, she has difficulty maintaining her body weight.
  • Build: Waif-like
  • Measurements: 32A-20-31
  • Hair: Platinum blonde, straight, falls to just below her chin. Has bangs on either side of her face that obscure most of her peripheral vision
  • Eyes: Hazel
  • Skin Tone:
  • Race: Norwegian

She is physically a very small girl, in many respects. Her metabolism seems to be stuck in overdrive, and she has seemingly boundless amounts of energy. Because of her hyperactive metabolism however she must eat about 5,000 calories a day just to maintain her waifish body weight. (She challenged the school's biggest linebacker to an eating contest and utterly humiliated him) She works out about 3 hours a day after classes just to burn off all the energy she builds up while sitting at a desk for 7 straight hours. Her small frame makes her extremely agile and flexible, making her perfectly suited for martial arts. She currently holds a black belt in tae kwon do and has defeated men three times her size with ease. Also because of her metabolism she can't eat, drink or otherwise consume anything with any chemical stimulants (this includes caffiene)


Mentally, she's pretty average. Maybe a little smarter than most, but not by too much. If she had ever bothered to take an IQ test, she'd land somewhere between 110-120. It's hard to tell though, as her hyperactive nature makes her seem to be a bit of an airhead. She is extremely curious about anything she doesn't know much about, and she's willing to try almost anything. She sometimes acts like a cheerleader, although she detests the cheerleading squad with a passion unlike any the world has ever seen--primarily because the cheerleaders consistently taunt her lack of "feminine assets", to put it delicately. It's not HER fault she's built like a bean pole. She ordinarily doesn't have a short fuse, but don't make fun of her height or her build. The results will not be pretty. It didn't help that the guy she was dating dumped her for some moron brunette with double-Ds.

She's a very gregarious young woman. She makes friends easily and is the type that once you are her friend, you're her friend for life. She'll do ANYTHING to help her friends if they're in trouble--she would literally risk her life if necessary.

She's also a huge anime fan--mostly the fantasy swords and sorcery genre like Lodoss War and The Slayers, but she also has a thing for giant mecha anime like Gundam and Evangelion and comedies like Love Hina. Musically her tastes lean toward the last thing you'd expect--80s hair metal. Van Halen, Motley Crue, Ratt, that kinda stuff. She also really likes Queen.


Her parents emigrated from Oslo in the early 1970s, as teenagers. She is the first in her family to be born in the USA. Otherwise she is a basically unremarkable teenage girl. She had a pretty normal family life, considering her parents spoke only broken English. As a result of her parents' poor English skills, she had to learn both English and Norwegian to translate for them--so she speaks both languages effortlessly. (Because of this, she is exempt from having to take a foreign language class at school). The only black mark on her history is once, about a year ago, she tried snorting cocaine at a party (not for any particular reason--she was curious). The extreme physical stimulation combined with her already-high metabolism sent her heart rate into the ionosphere. By the time she arrived at the hospital she had been clinically dead for nearly three minutes. It was a miracle they were able to bring her back to life. Once she regained consciousness she swore she'd never repeat that mistake--however, because of her one-time drug use, she was sentenced to three years probation, to end when she turns 18. (due to her high metabolism, there are rumors going about that she's still a coke-head)



Grows long, pointed ears (elf-like, as if she wasn't already elf-like in build). Her hair grows to shoulder-length and her eyes change color from hazel to ice-blue.


Her revved-up metabolism goes even higher, and she gains the ability to cast powerful offensive magic. There is a drawback to her offensive magic, in that the stronger the spell she casts is, the heavier of a toll it will take on her body. Things such as a light or levitation spell will only feel like vigorous exercise to her--she'll be slightly to moderately winded when she's through, but little more. Bolt/fire/wind spells may do physical damage (she can be injured by her own spells if she's careless), including bruises and electrical/heat burns. Extremely powerful spells could cause temporary paralysis, nervous system disruption, shock, respiratory failure, and cardiac arrest. The spells she can cast are mostly elemental-based (earth, air, fire, water) but she can also throw lightning. Water spells require her to pull moisture from the air--they work poorly in low-humidity environments. Fire-spells require her to pull oxygen from the air, and work poorly in low-oxygen enviroments (they don't work at all underwater, and get progressively more difficult to cast at higher altitudes). Wind spells rely on a gaseous atmosphere, not necessarily breathable. Earth spells require her to be on solid ground. (she can't cast an earthquake spell inside unless she's on a floor that has nothing below it but earth) Fire spells include explosion spells (an explosion is just something burning VERY FAST) but these take a disproportionately large amount of energy and can suck all the breathable oxygen out of a small to medium-sized room. Thusly it's not a good idea for her to use this spell indoors. List of spells she'll be able to cast once she gets used to her powers:

Fireball: Fist-sized to basketball-sized ball of flame, affects one target. Short/medium range. Power is indicated by the color of the flames, following the fire spectrum. Dull red, bright red, orange, yellow, white, blue-white, in order from weakest to strongest.

Flare Arrow: Precision fire spell. Fires thin bolt of flame at one target. Longer range and greater accuracy than Fireball, but lower overall power. Power indicated by color as above.

Flare Lance: Continuous flamethrower effect, short-range, effects as many targets as she can hit. EXTREME energy drain. Sustaining this spell for too long could kill her. If any of these previous three spells backfire, it's likely she'll be caught in her own flames.

Detonate: Explosion spell, directed to one target. The air around the target, along with anything combustible, will literally explode into flame. Very high damage, but also extreme energy drain. She can only cast it once or twice from full strength before running out of energy. She can be caught in the blast radius if she's not careful, and if the spell backfires it could kill her quite easily.

Whirlwind: directed wind blast at one or multiple targets. Short/medium range, grows weaker as distance increases.

Tornado: Powerful wind-based attack, affecting anything in its path. Medium range. Cannot be cast indoors. If she's careless, she can be caught in her own whirlwind. If the spell backfires, it could leave her and the entire area devoid of breatheable air temporarily.

Freeze Arrow: Long-range ice bolt; freezes whatever it comes in contact with. Reduced effectiveness in high-temperature environments. Heavily reduced effect in low-humidity environments. If this spell backfires, she could freeze herself solid.

Ice Storm: Multiple ice daggers from several directions rush to impale target. High energy required. Can affect one or several targets. If this backfires she could either freezer herself, or be impaled by an errant dagger.

Mega Bolt: High-energy short range electrical strike to one target--approximately 100kV. High energy required to control. Range can be extended by passing the spell through an electrical conductor. If target is wet, effectiveness roughly triples. If she is wet, there's a near-100% chance of the spell backfiring--potentially fatally.

Ray Wing: Levitation and limited flight. Low energy required for levitation, however when flying she cannot fly with anything she couldn't ordinarily lift. Max airspeed 20 knots. Max distance 10 miles. Using other spells while flying, or carrying heavy loads will sharply reduce speed and range.

She will also have the ability, though extremely difficult and time-consuming to use, to transfer body energy from another person to herself through physical contact. The more surface area in contact, the stronger and faster the transfer will be. Also, the closer the contact to her body's center of mass, the stronger the connection (human center of mass is around the heart), but she cannot take energy from an unconscious donor--ie, they must be awake and willing. If either changes the transfer stops. Concentration is required by both parties; their minds must both be focused on the same thing, which is why it's so difficult.

Short range: Under 10 yards. Medium range: 10-25 yards. Long range: Over 25 yards.

Notes and Errata

  • She just got her driver's license but doesn't have her own car. She currently drives her parents' car, a 1989 Volvo 240 GLT wagon. Cars aren't important to her, but if she had to pick one she'd like something cute, either a Mini Cooper or VW New Beetle.
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