Sapphire Ryo

From Egs Mayhem

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Revision as of 22:28, 27 March 2007

Sapphire is a Player Character from the Creation RP 2.0. She is played by Author-Man.



  • Age: 17
  • Gender: Female
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Build: Slight
  • Hair: Shoulder length, dyed blue
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin Tone: Unspecified

Kind of androgynous, and the fact that she tends to wear baggy clothing that doesn't help.


Very shy, and has serious self esteem issues. That being said, she's also very smart... but is also very lazy, and so she tends to get abysmal grades. She's also seriously insecure when it comes to her appearance, hence the baggy clothes. She has a very bad habit of listening to very loud music via headphones, thus shutting out the rest of the world. She also has a very bad temper. It takes a lot to get her angry, but when she is angry, she looses all control and just starts trying to kill anything that moves.


She has lived in the same place for most of her life. She has two older siblings, one guy and one girl, both of whom are in college, both of whom did (and still do) obscenely well in school. They were also both overachievers; the brother was the school marching band's drum major two years in a row and class president, and the sister was president of the NHS and also class president. Due to this, her parents put a lot of pressure on her, which results in stress, which results in bad grades. She also has a very bad temper as I mentioned earlier. She does her best to keep herself in check, but once (and only once), waaaay back in the seventh grade, she managed to get suspended for beating the tar out of an asshat Senior. Her parents never really forgave her for this.



She is now a mouse-girl. Don't ask why. She just is. Other than that, she's pretty much the same. Perhaps a bit shorter, but that's it.


She can turn invisible and has control over water in all of its forms. This seems a safe enough power, but is can be very bad if someone goes one step too far and she goes berzerk and removes all the water from his bloodstream. When using the latter power, her eyes glow blue.

Notes and Errata

  • None yet!
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