Backstory75 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

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Alternate Dimension High School
Alternate Dimension High School
*Kirk has impregnated the entire staff (all female) of the high school and the principle announces this.
*Kirk has impregnated the entire staff (all female) of the high school and the principle announces this.
[ Page 63]
Ann's House
*Ann says hi to Lora then delivers KF's message to Ann-KF.
*Rose didn't see Lora fall asleep earlier.
*Lora is freaked about her abnormal sleep habits and is hungry.
*Lomgren hears yelling and checks in on the group in the bedroom.
*Ann-KF asks about the "other KF" then confirms Lora fell asleep in the street and tells her about the respawn machine.
*Ann informs Lora they're medics and tells Ann-KF that the other KF is in her head.
*She then tells Lomgren that everything is about to . . .
*Lora is in total spaz mode and asking rapid fire questions while hyperventilating.
* . . . explode. Ann finishes her sentence.
*Lomgren attempts to calm Lora.
*Ann-KF asks Lora to keep it down (hangovers) and says she had medical training as a solider.
*Ann has mixed emotions of happiness and guilt about the whole Ann-KF / Lomgren relationship (triangle?) thing.
*Rose offers to feed Lora.
*Lora has a volume control problem but calms down and accepts the offer.
*KF is confused.
*Ann-KF asks what Ann means KF is "in your mind".
*Lomgren offers to make sandwiches.
*Lora wants sandwiches.
*Ann explains about KF while fighting feelings of guilt.
*Ann declines Lomgren's sandwhich offer and says she will make eggs and bacon after her shower.
*Rose, having been a ghost for many years, is excited about taking a shower.
*Rose's statement "in many years" confuses Lomgren as he still thinks she's Ann's sister.
*Everyone, save Lomgren who doesn't have a change of clothes, wants a shower now that Ann has mentioned it.
*Ann imagines all of them showering together then sets a schedule as follows: Lora then Ann then Rose and Ann-KF together.
*Ann-KF debates telling Lomgren the truth about who Rose is really.

Revision as of 04:01, 4 August 2009

Page 51

  • Grim remembers his accidental daughter from the world Breath of Fire, Amy, who was a Mary Sue.
  • Amy was given a new soul.
  • Space stuff happens


  • Belle gets barraged with cheesy pick up lines from a gang member.
  • Belle has Ex force choke the lad and push him into the trash.
  • Ex, now alone, is confronted by members of a gang of anthrodogs.
  • Ex, being a Sith, makes quick work of the gang using a lightsaber.
  • Ex calls Diana to tend to the injured gang then heads to the Pub.

The Pub

  • Atescu gives Kasumi the Bakery keys and goes to the pub.
  • It is raining.
  • Atescu orders a glass of wine then sleeps there over night.
  • Homer showers, dresses, then heads toward the pub for work.
  • Homer blushes at the sight of the large, tastefully censored pictures of Grim and Kraggi.
  • Homer wakes Atescu up and notes the wasted wine sitting in front of him.
  • Atescu orders more wine.
  • Helen pours him some left over wine then throws out the bad wine.
  • Helen washes the glass by hand to avoid using the industrial dishwasher in back.
  • Helen comments on how he is a "lucky bastard" to have employed Kasumi.
  • Atescu contends that luck had nothing to do with it and that he is "of legitimate parentage".
  • Helen retorts that it is luck then puts up the cleaned wineglass.
  • Kasumi is considered the best chef in 9 universes.
  • Ex enters the pub and orders a soda.
  • Homer gives him a soda then returns to Atescu.
  • Atescu claims to be the best pie-maker in the multiverse.
  • Ateschu leaves, sees the erotic pictures in the Town Square then returns to the pub for a screwdriver.
  • Homer learns Atescu and Grim are brothers.
  • Sage enters after seeing the pictures, and he offers to aid Atescu with his request for a memory wipe.
  • Ex recognizes Eric the Cleric and thinks he must work there in shifts.
  • Eric has no idea what a shift is and says he's just "there a lot."

Author Brothers House

  • Elshi creeps into Freek's study and sees him asleep at the computer.
  • She begins to read his epic fiction and five pages into it, Freek starts to read along too.
  • Startled, Elshi drops the computer mouse.

General Store

  • 73 year old Wilma McNelson finds that she has been transformed into a well endowed twenty year old.
  • This is a product of Scribble's earlier TF rampage as Vor calls it.
  • She wakes her husband Wiley at the General store.
  • They rejoice at this miracle.
  • Wilma believes the Lord has rewarded her for decent living, while Wiley believes otherwise.
  • Wiley contemplates the use of performance enhancing pills.

Page 52

General Store

  • Scribble sees Wilma is happy and vows to make everyone's life better with transformation.
  • He enters the TF shop then freaks out at the sight of five identical women.
  • He returns to the General Store flailing and screaming then turns Wiley young too.

The Pub

  • Atescu turns down Sage's offer in favor of getting drunk.
  • Atescu asks Homer if he can stay the night.
  • Homer offers to either put him in the backroom or to call him a cab.
  • Atescu declines the cab in favor of the backroom.
  • Scribble enters the Pub.
  • This startles Ex who spills his second soda over his robes.
  • Scribble asks Ex about his (Scribble's) daughter.
  • Homer pours Atescu eight Pan Galactic Gargleblasters.
  • Rocky orders another drink.
  • Atescu drinks all eight and then quotes a nonsense version of "The Raven" before collapsing.
  • Homer puts Atescu in the backroom.
  • Homer then gives Rocky a can of WhoopAss.

The Restaurant: on a Stove.

  • Female Kraggi retroactively falls asleep and is "friggen HOT."
  • Kraggi wakes up and wakes Grim up.
  • Kraggi wants to "get on with it."
  • Grim wasn't asleep. He was resting and watching Kraggi sleep.
  • Grim and Kraggi go at it as a tasteful curtain falls.
  • This brings them out of yesterday and into the current time frame.

Ann's House

  • Ann think talks with the KF who is in her head.
  • She asks what he means when he said he departed his body earlier.
  • Ann grabs a drink and checks Ann-KF's pulse again.
  • KF claims his body is still alive without him.
  • KF and Ann feel Ann-KF's pulse.
  • AP gives an OOC recap of current locations and time frames.
  • Ann is drunk, wobbly, and confused.
  • Ann sees Rose wrapped around around Ann-KF and thinks it cute.
  • KF seconds this and then explains about why he was duplicated being a corporeal soul and all.

Author Brothers House

  • Elshi comments on Freeks story and asks for clarification.
  • Freek explains the part about amnesia juice.

Page 53

The Restaurant

  • Grim and Kraggi move from the stove to kitchenside booth seventeen.
  • Grim offers to cook eggs (both fried and scrambled) and bacon.
  • Kraggi was really hot and spoke "sexy as hell".
  • Grim cooks at the grill wearing only socks and underwear.
  • Female Kraggi strikes poses in front of the reflective fridge.
  • Grim poses next to Kraggi.
  • Kraggi starts to giggle.
  • The first MV5 beam hits Kraggi mid giggle turning it into a scary deep laugh.
  • Kraggi (after checking) is shocked that he is male.

The Pub

  • Rocky's drinking, like the Energizer Bunny, keeps going and going.
  • JJA drinks fifteen drinks.
  • He relies on TF tech to avoid drunkenness and alcohol poisoning.
  • This scares Ex who then runs screaming from the Pub.
  • Ex breaks into a random house.
  • Scribble and Eric greet each other.
  • JJA leaves the Pub very drunk.
  • A female Brad enters the pub looking for Scribble.

Author Brothers House

  • Freek leaves Elshi to her reading.
  • He then changes clothes and shaves.
  • He heads out to open the bakery.


  • JJA goes on a TF rampage on the way home.
  • Brad, a bat morph, is turned into a woman again.
  • Freek is hit with FV1 and turned female.
  • Freek sees the large pictures in the Square and takes them down.
  • She is worried about Atescu seeing them and getting drunk.

TF Shop

  • JJA presses the "Do Not Press! Ever!" button.
  • This causes a large ray gun to come out of his roof.
  • This gun fires the MV5 beams at Grim and Kraggi.
  • It also hits JJA's house with an FV4 beam.
  • JJA's head clears a bit, but he gets hammered on and so he teleports away.
  • The TF shop is closed.

Ann's House

  • Ann sips her whiskey and asks KF to clarify his earlier statement.
  • KF is also affected by the drink.
  • His other thirds or selves represent Past and Present.
  • The body he departed is a "forth third."
  • Space stuff happens.
  • Drunken Ann asks if she can have KF's body.
  • She almost spills her whiskey on herself.
  • She throws her whiskey at the nightstand.
  • The whiskey glass slides off the nightstand and onto the floor.
  • Ann decides that she has had her "fill for the night".
  • AP fills in plot holes OOC using updated weather reports - and a shovel.
  • KF gets hiccups even though he is in thought form.

Page 54

TF Shop

  • JJA watches Grim and Kraggi using his security system.

The Restaurant

  • Grim is creeped out by Kraggi's sudden maleness and asks if it is his normal form.
  • Grim is hit by the second MV5 beam becoming taller.
  • Kraggi says this form is more muscular and then confirms "it's a lot bigger".
  • Kraggi is wearing women's underwear still.
  • Grim prefers his normal baritone voice to the new bass one, but he enjoys physical strength.
  • Grim says "I am Hans!" (Hans and Franz joke)
  • Kraggi laughs then gets flustered when he realizes his wardrobe is inappropriate.
  • Grim flinches and asks about reversing the changes.
  • Kraggi mentions the TF gun at his home but doesn't see whats wrong with the current situation other than clothes.
  • Grim is unhappy with the voice of his new form.
  • Grim becomes interested in being a woman.
  • Grim gives Kraggi his Khakis and they plan to go to Kraggi's home.
  • Kraggi wonders if Grim needs his pants, but Grim says boxers alone are fine for now.

Clothing Store

  • Patricia Davis is created as owner of the clothing shop.
  • She doesn't enjoy being next to the new pub.
  • She gets TF'd taller and with longer hair and bigger assets.
  • She looks down and then gets TF'd back to normal.
  • She writes the experience off as a product of late night mixers at the new pub.

Ann's House

  • Ann shouts drunkenly at the room before flopping over Rose and Ann-KF to protect them from nothing.
  • (:rootbeer:?)
  • KF says ow to the yelling, and he says mmm to the nice feeling of where they flopped.
  • Ann is oblivious about lying across two naked versions of herself.
  • She plays with Ann-KF's hair.
  • She thinks about how Kraggi will freak when he hears this.
  • KF says "Hears ... are we going to be THAT loud??". (HA!!!)
  • The meaning of KF's joke slowly dawns on Ann.
  • KF starts to wonder how he ended up trapped in Ann's head in the first place.

Page 55

TF Shop / JJA's Residence

  • Freek asks JJA to for TF related help.

Eric's House

  • Eric screams at the intruder (Ex).
  • Silence follows.

Clothing Store

  • Scribble makes Patricia sexy then leaves to go on another TF rampage.

The Restaurant

  • Grim confirms his desire to go to Kraggi's to become a woman.
  • Kraggi leads Grim by the arm to his home.

Kraggi's House

  • Kraggi looks for his TFG.
  • Grim looks for women's clothes.
  • Lewdness ;P
  • Kraggi FV6's Grim.
  • Grim pokes her chest and notes its softness then strikes a sexy pose against the wall.
  • Kraggi is aroused and attempts to burry his face in the boobies.
  • Grim responds in kind and tasteful curtains fall.
  • Time passes and the curtains rise again.
  • Grim claims that sex is better as a woman.
  • Grim Gets dressed in an evening gown then asks Kraggi where he keeps the rest of the clothes.

Ann's House

  • Ann closes her eyes as she trails off towards sleep.
  • She thinks KF can get out of her head.
  • She thinks intimate thoughts, purrs, and continues to use Ann-KF's belly as a pillow.
  • Ann falls asleep.
  • KF spends the next hour attempting to leave Ann's head without success.
  • He becomes aware of Ann's (:rootbeer:?) worthy dream.

Page 56

Kraggi's House

  • Kraggi tells Grim where the clothes are located.
  • Grim puts on a new t-shirt and jeans, then poses in front of a mirror.
  • She grabs more clothes and sleepwear.
  • She kisses Kraggi on the cheek and leaves while inviting him to her house at 6:00.
  • Kraggi dances a jig then goes to bed.
  • He sets an alarm for 3:00 PM.

Ann's House

  • Rose wakes up first.
  • She suffers from photosensitivity and other well described hangover symptoms.
  • Rose is pinned under Ann and attempts to wake her by calling her name but it doesn't work.
  • Ann is still dreaming about before.
  • Rose pulls Ann's tail.
  • Ann's arm shoot's out instinctively in response to the pain and it lands on an eyeopening, furry, squishy place.
  • Ann moves her hand lower and rubs Rose's belly saying "good morning".
  • Rose responds "good afternoon" as it is 2:00PM.
  • Rose purrs and doesn't want Ann to stop the belly rub, but Ann reminds her of the earlier tail pulling.
  • Ann rolls over to let Rose up.
  • Rose heads to the washroom and Ann reminds her to take clothes.
  • Lomgren is awakened by the faint sounds of footsteps and voices.
  • He decides to remain quiet.

TF Shop

  • JJA shoots Freek with a "normal" form from his TFG then returns to bed.

The Pub

  • Kirk declares to femme-Brad (henceforth called Brenda) that his "sex senses" are tingling.
  • Brenda feels like remaining female.
  • Homer puts up a sign informing others that Nabiki 2 will be taking bets on how many drinks Rocky will consume before using the bathroom.
  • Atescu wakes up, stumbbles, falls, and calls for help.
  • Homer teases Atescu about his hangover a little and helps him to his feet.
  • Atescu leans on her for support as he is in bad shape.
  • Homer helps him to a booth then brings him a "hangover kit", a shotglass, and some whiskey.
  • The kit contains Aspirin and a can of Red Bull.
  • Atescu takes everything Homer gives him and says the hangover hurts less now.

The Restaurant

  • A sneaky form steals something from the diner then leaves through the back window giving a low chuckle.


  • Krid asks to join the RP.
  • Krid's tanker truck is mentioned for the first time.

Page 57

Clothing Store

  • Scribble's earlier attempt to transform Patricia's essence failed.
  • She closes shop early today.

Author Brothers House

  • Grim arrives home at 7:00 AM and promptly goes to bed.
  • At 12:00 PM Elshi goes looking for "Uncle Grim" only to find "Auntie Grim" sleeping.
  • She wakes Auntie Grim up.
  • Elshi notices that Grim is a girl now and thinks it might be due to karma.
  • Grim affirms she feels good and she has long hair, "finally".

The Pub

  • Sage is lonely and drinking root beer.
  • Eric talks to Sage and cleans a glass.
  • Homer gives Atescu a head and neck massage to aid blood flow.
  • Eric disapproves of Homer's display of intimacy with a customer but continues to work anyways.
  • Atescu introduces himself to Homer.
  • Homer introduces herself to Atescu and smiles a big full smile.
  • Eric speaks of a drink more powerful than what Atescu had, but refrains from making it as it requires virgin sacrifices made to the Dark Lord Getdrunkofyerass.
  • Bob enters the RP and the pub (Bio on this page).
  • Bob sits a at the bar. He owns a tanker truck.

Ann's House

  • Lomgren quietly pings for interaction.
  • Rose emerges from the washroom fully dressed and says hi.
  • Lomgren asks "which one are you?" as Rose and Ann look the same.
  • Rose says she is Rose as Ann slams her way into the washroom.
  • Lomgren wants to talk with Rose as he doesn't know her very well.
  • Rose ignores her headache and accepts.

Kraggi's House

  • Kraggi's alarm goes off and he smashes it into oblivion.
  • He heads to the diner to retrieve his clothes.

Page 58

Ann's House

  • Lomgren asks Rose about herself.
  • There are mild creaking noises in the hall.
  • Ann comes out of the bathroom and gives Rose a kiss in full view of Lomgren.
  • KF shares Ann's hangover.
  • Lomgren stares, blushes, then returns to the couch in shock.
  • Ann is really still in bed stretching in a feline manner.
  • Rose is surprised, but then realizes it that it is really Ann-KF.
  • Rose gives Ann-KF a big hug and a kiss back.

The Pub

  • Sage's eye's water at the sight of Bob's hideous shirt.
  • He tells Bob this, "no offense meant of course."
  • Eric introduces himself to Homer as "you coworker".
  • Homer, still massaging Atescu, didn't know about any others working for Squato.
  • Atescu can't remember what he was trying to forget. It must have worked.

The Diner

  • Kraggi enters and panics at how his "lacey unmentionables" have been stolen.
  • He leaves the diner.

Town Square

  • The cloaked figure raises Kraggi's stolen clothes on the flagpole then sneaks out of town.

Clothing Store

  • Kraggi enters the store just as Patricia is closing shop and asks for ladies undies.
  • Patricia ". . ."
  • Kraggi asks to get waht the "pretty lady" from earlier (Female-Kraggi) got.
  • Pat goes through the motion of selling him the clothes but is not used to "weirdos".
  • Kraggi buys the lingere then leaves humming "Catholic Girls" by Frank Zappa.

TF Shop

  • Random TF explosions occur as JJA develops the T1001 and the M/FV9 forms.

The Park

  • Kraggi, hearing explosions, hides behind a bench until 6PM .

Author Brothers House

  • Grim has Elshi promise to keep his womanhood secret from the others for now.
  • Ggrim leaves and heads towards the diner.

The Park

  • Kraggi jumps out from behind the bench and yells "BOO!" as Grim passes by.
  • Grim is mildly startled but recovers quickly and asks where Kraggi's off to.
  • Kraggi sees his panties hanging from the flagpole then points at them and screams about it.

Page 59

The Pub

  • Homer says Atescu was forgetting about pictures but not to worry.
  • Homer hears Kraggi's yell of "Lacey Unmentionables!" and decides to ignore it.
  • Eric informs Homer that he has been working next to her mixing drinks for "quite a while."
  • Sage confirms Eric's identity then complains of being unable to drink.

TF Shop

  • JJA's roof explodes sending large chunks of shrapnel flying.

Town Square

  • Grim asks if he can have the panties.
  • Kraggi agrees then climbs up the flag pole in squirrel form.
  • Just as Kraggi grabs the panties a slab of JJA's roof whizzes by and shreds the panties nearly hitting Kraggi and landing next to a frightened Grim.
  • Grim yells for Kraggi to get down, and Kraggi leaps for it.
  • Kraggi cries out in pain as he nearly breaks his legs.
  • JJA rushes out of his house FV7'd and apologizes before returning inside, completing the T1001, and going to sleep in his now roofless house.
  • Grim rushes to Kraggi's aid.

The Park

  • Kraggi has Grim help him to the park bench.
  • Grim is relieved that Kraggi is alright.
  • Kraggi says he's glad he grew up with flying squirrels and not "pathetic" tree squirrels.
  • Grim continues to offer help.

Town Square

  • A tree squirrel drops a lone tear.

Ann's House

  • KF complains again about drinking.
  • Ann-KF kisses Rose some more.
  • Lomgren is shocked and confused.
  • Ann's sexy thoughts return and she smiles and purrs in bed.
  • Rose tells Lomgren this isn't Ann and then mentions the laundry should be done now (Ann-KF is naked.)
  • Lomgren realizes now that Ann-KF is death.


  • Belle is awakened from a meditative state by a disturbance in the force created by the T1001.
  • Scribble freaks out about the T1001.

Page 60


  • Harine's bio on this page.

The Park

  • Kraggi wonders what the explosion was.
  • Grim tells Kraggi they'll have shrimp pasta an pecan pie for diner.
  • Kraggi is exited by the prospect of pie but his leg still hurts.
  • Harine, a dragon-Jeremy, runs out to the flag pole and asks Kraggi if he's alright.
  • Grim is confused by Harine.

Ann's House

  • Ann-KF says she's not scary once you get to know her.
  • Lomgren asks her to put some clothes on. She's embarrassing him.
  • Ann-KF and Rose go to the laundry room and ask Lomgren about his stated second fear.
  • Lomgren says that he isn't into girls kissing girls, especially sisters.
  • Rose and Ann-KF exchange glances. "But I'm a girl," Ann-KF responds.
  • KF: "Chitter-mrr!"

Page 61

Ann's House

  • Lomgren replies that Ann-KF is a guy who happens to be a girl right now.
  • Ann-KF gets her robe from the drier and asks Lomgren how that matters.
  • Ann continues to imagine impossible yet sexy acts as KF comments.
  • Ann-KF and Rose return to Ann's bedroom.
  • Lomgren still thinks of Ann-KF as a guy, but he says its not important.
  • Ann-KF asks Ann for a spare uniform.
  • Lora wakes up stinking of sweat.
  • She realizes she's been sleeping for a long time and is very hungry.
  • She hears a voice she believes to be Rose's.

The Park

  • Harine bounds off.
  • Eric arrives at the scene.
  • Kraggi introduces Eric to Grim.
  • Eric confuses Grim for Atescu the drunk (The Author brothers are identical triplets though Grim is currently female.)
  • Grim slaps Eric for accusing her of being a drunk as she never drinks.
  • Kraggi confirms that Eric is confused.
  • Eric persists saying that Homer threw Grim in the backroom.
  • Grim refrains herself from slapping Eric again at Kraggis behest.
  • Grim says Atescu or Freek might drink but it is unlikely for them to get drunk.
  • Eric realizes his mistake about the triplets and then tells Kraggi about his job at the pub and Dark Lord Getdrunkofyerass.
  • Kraggi says bye to Eric then heads to the diner to look for his jeans and tank top.
  • Grim follows after Kraggi and giggles at the thought of Atescu being drunk.

Page 62


  • Ann's closet and contents are described.
  • New location: Alternate dimension high school.
  • New character: Kirk

Ann's House

  • Ann directs them to the closet still really hungover.
  • She warns Rose not to play with the jar.
  • KF asks Ann about the jar.
  • The jar contains catnip.
  • Ann asks Rose to get her a fresh uniform. Ann-KF does this right away.
  • KF asks where the body (Ann-KF) is currently.
  • Ann wakes up abruptly as she notices Ann-KF is not in bed.
  • Ann asks when she got up and why catnip makes her (KF) think of dreams.
  • Ann-KF answers then asks about the catnip.
  • KF tells Ann to get up already.
  • Lora sees the triplets then asks where she is, what about catnip, and what day is it.
  • Ann-KF answers Lora's questions.
  • Ann hints about KF's existence then repeat answers Lora's questions.
  • Lora doesn't remember sleeping and doesn't know Ann.
  • Ann raises her hand.*Ann-KF, who met Lora previously, identifies herself as death.
  • Death has no job openings for Lora.
  • KF asks Ann to warn the others about the respawn machine glitch.
  • Lora starts to freak out about her alleged magical narcolepsy.

The Pub

  • Squato counts the Rex's earnings and gets Homer a bonus for working hard.

The Park

  • Grim asks Kraggi didn't you already go looking for your clothes?
  • Kraggi had been so upset about his lost panties that he had forgotten to look for the rest of his clothes.
  • Eric heads to the diner behind Grim and Kraggi.

Alternate Dimension High School

  • Kirk has impregnated the entire staff (all female) of the high school and the principle announces this.

Page 63

Ann's House

  • Ann says hi to Lora then delivers KF's message to Ann-KF.
  • Rose didn't see Lora fall asleep earlier.
  • Lora is freaked about her abnormal sleep habits and is hungry.
  • Lomgren hears yelling and checks in on the group in the bedroom.
  • Ann-KF asks about the "other KF" then confirms Lora fell asleep in the street and tells her about the respawn machine.
  • Ann informs Lora they're medics and tells Ann-KF that the other KF is in her head.
  • She then tells Lomgren that everything is about to . . .
  • Lora is in total spaz mode and asking rapid fire questions while hyperventilating.
  • . . . explode. Ann finishes her sentence.
  • Lomgren attempts to calm Lora.
  • Ann-KF asks Lora to keep it down (hangovers) and says she had medical training as a solider.
  • Ann has mixed emotions of happiness and guilt about the whole Ann-KF / Lomgren relationship (triangle?) thing.
  • Rose offers to feed Lora.
  • Lora has a volume control problem but calms down and accepts the offer.
  • KF is confused.
  • Ann-KF asks what Ann means KF is "in your mind".
  • Lomgren offers to make sandwiches.
  • Lora wants sandwiches.
  • Ann explains about KF while fighting feelings of guilt.
  • Ann declines Lomgren's sandwhich offer and says she will make eggs and bacon after her shower.
  • Rose, having been a ghost for many years, is excited about taking a shower.
  • Rose's statement "in many years" confuses Lomgren as he still thinks she's Ann's sister.
  • Everyone, save Lomgren who doesn't have a change of clothes, wants a shower now that Ann has mentioned it.
  • Ann imagines all of them showering together then sets a schedule as follows: Lora then Ann then Rose and Ann-KF together.
  • Ann-KF debates telling Lomgren the truth about who Rose is really.
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