Backstory375 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

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=== [ Page 360] ===
=== [ Page 360] ===
*HelenNet sets down her drink.
*Fireworks start.
*Ann accepts Lomgren’s offer to dance.
*Rose whispers about a ninja suit.
*Kraggi takes a moment to remind Rose she can’t make grandkids while Knave is ‘like that’.
*Ann-KF’s jaw drops at Kraggi’s line.
*Ann suggest Aurora try some of JJA’s food while Ann and Lomgren dance.
*Rose blushes and asks if she should smack Kraggi for that. Ann-KF declares “Hammer time”, and the two of them sneak up on Kraggi.
*Kraggi notices the sneaks and has his tail ready to trip.
*Freek attempts to comfort Nonah.
*Nonah offers to cure Aurora’s drunkenness with a TF item.
*Aurora declines the offer then asks about a smoking drink. JJA explains it is a strong drink with quite the kick. It is a firewine.
*Nonah wants some burgers.
*This is Lomgren’s first time dancing.
*Ann finds it funny that Lomgren lets her lead him. She finds the situation cute and tells him to just follow her feet.
*Ann-KF and Rose pull out big hammers and swing at Kraggi yelling “Now!”
The Rex
*HelenNet tells Sage she has to finish helping Squato.
*Squato loads food for the Clydesdales onto the carriage.
*Sage was going to give them a lift to the party but they appear to have their own.
== Pages 361 to 365 ==
== Pages 361 to 365 ==

Revision as of 19:18, 6 March 2011


Pages 351 to 355

Page 351

Lomgren’s House

  • Lomgren motions HelenNet into the kitchen. He then puts the shoebox (of blackmail photos) under his bed.
  • Lomgren asks HelenNet to help carry soda, barbeque supplies, pies, plates, and cups onto a wagon. Together they pull the wagon to the pavilion. They talk about books.

Prior to reaching the Pavilion

  • HelenNet feels winded. She mentions that she is pregnant.
  • Squato takes a few boxes and directs HelenNet to put the soda on the lift to take to a truck.
  • Lomgren expresses concern for HelenNet. He didn’t know she was pregnant. HelenNet is dismissive of his concerns.
  • Homernet loads the truck.


  • Rose examines an JJA’s drink
  • Ann is a little frightened at Nonah’s arrival.
  • Kraggi nods and looks for food.
  • Freek worries Elshi might unleash holy magic if she ever conducts a wedding. Elshi reassures him it would be sacred magic and not holy. Nonah isn’t concerned.
  • Elshi takes this to mean Freek and Nonah are getting married. Nonah believes this to be the case.
  • Sage mentions a mysterious covered cage he brought for the party.
  • Sanchay flips to the ground and feels dizzy.
  • Lomgren is surprised at how many people have already arrived. Ann-KF blames Sage for this. Aurora asks about the TF sodas.
  • Likal believes the party is really a wedding. He pulls two bottles with elven script from his pack claiming it is “the good stuff.”


  • Nyx notices tentacles change from rubbery and suctioned to furry and blunt then asks if cuddling will help.

Page 352


  • Ann hugs Lomgren and says she was the one who leaked the information about the party.
  • Lomgren is glad Ann is well again.
  • Freek says he needs to wear his robes for the wedding.
  • JJA lists the available party foods and drinks.
  • Aurora grabs a fox soda.
  • Nonah tells Freek he won’t need to bother… today.
  • Squato mentions having to make more supply trips.
  • Lomgren tells Knave of the soda selection while unloading the wagon.
  • Elshi drinks a TF soda and turns into a wolf-girl.
  • Aurora drinks her fox soda, but retains her fur color and tail spines.
  • JJA explains the food and drink he brought.
  • Likal pours himself a glass of the elven wine he brought.
  • Sage unveils his mystery cage. It contains 30 Jello Butterflies, Sage’s own creation. The guests admire the butterflies.
  • JJA explains to Nonah that Jello is a type of food. Nonah hopes they can’t feel pain.
  • Aurora says that the sandwhiches are permanent as she gets a cup of JJA’s special drink.

Page 353


  • Freek asks Likal about the elven wine.
  • Sage explains the Jello butterflies are only animated, not actually alive.
  • Aurora takes a sip of JJA’s special drink then spits it out finding it not to her tastes. She now has a glowing halo.
  • Sage tells Aurora that she has a halo.
  • Kraggi has difficulty deciding which butterfly to eat first.
  • Aurora’s halo turns red and wobbles.
  • Sage asks JJA what kind of drink is his special drink.
  • Lomgren stops his unloading of the wagon to ask what’s going on.
  • Aurora’s halo becomes a pair of horns and attaches to her head.
  • Kraggi drinks a Squirrel TF-soda. Ann-KF comments on this being redundant.
  • Sage wants to know what the big secret is about JJA’s drink.
  • Lomgren comments on the horns.
  • Ann wants Sage to release the butterflies.
  • Rose says the horns are cute while Ann fears them.
  • Lomgren asks Ann if she is okay.
  • Aurora attempts to see her horns using her scythe as a mirror, but they disappear whenever she looks.
  • Kraggi is disgusted to find he is turned into a grey squirrel. He has a bad history with grey squirrels.
  • Sage releases the butterflies.
  • JJA gives Sage the list of ingredients and explains it isn’t dangerous and that effects last up to an hour.
  • Ann is also disgusted by Kraggi’s grey squirrel form and advises he drink something else quick.
  • Kraggi can’t find the TF drinks.
  • Sage decides to try JJA’s drink. He becomes covered in silver and green fire.
  • Nonah bumps into people as she follows around a Jello Butterfly.
  • Aurora takes another sip of JJA’s drink. This time her fur changes colors as she moves.

Page 354


  • Kraggi drinks another Squirrel TF-Soda. It is another “one of those evil sanje-hating ground squirrels” (African grey squirrel).
  • Ann-KF gives Kraggi a wolf soda.
  • Kraggi is pleased not to be “one of the lesser squirrels”.
  • Rose bumps into Nonah and follows the same butterfly. Ann prepares to pounce on a butterfly.
  • Sage finishes his drink causing his hair to turn white and his eyes to turn silvery green to match the flames.
  • Kraggi approves of Sage’s new look.
  • JJA eats a nearby jello butterfly.
  • Kraggi eats the butterfly Ann was stalking.
  • Sage explains these flames are his aura but he typically suppresses them. He shows why by touching one of the butterflies. It begins to recite Shakespeare. JJA finds this humorous.
  • JJA eats the talking butterfly to prevent it from reciting anymore of TITUS ANDRONICUS.
  • Sage is surprised it wasn’t reciting Measure for Measure.
  • Sage comments that all the stress of late will make his hairs turn grey. JJA points out that it is already white.
  • Nonah apologizes for bumping into Ann.
  • Likal tells Freek that there is no such thing as a ‘bad year’ for elven wine.
  • Freek tries JJA’s drink and his aura manifests itself as “the black layer is about three inches thick; the white layer is a foot thick. Otherwise, the two layers are translucent.” He changes in color to match this aura and is thus invisible.
  • Sage asks about his own eye color.
  • Rose tells Nonah that she is Ann, but from another universe.
  • Ann pounces and grabs a similar butterfly to the one Kraggi just ate. After her fall it slips through her fingers and hovers in front of her face:


  • Ann declares the butterflies too pretty to eat.
  • Lomgren manages to finish unloading the barbeque supplies.
  • HomerNet helps Squato carry two more pallets.
  • HelenNet giggles at Ann, calling her a “silly kitty”.

Page 355


  • JJA confirms that Sage’s eyes have changed color.
  • Nonah says it’d be silly to call both Rose and Ann ‘Ann’. Rose tells her she’s called Rose now.
  • Rose sees Aurora’s color changing and walks toward her.
  • Nonah catches the butterfly and declares she “can’t eat something this beautiful.”
  • Rose impulse pounces at Aurora’s tail spinning antics.
  • Aurora continued twirling, ending in Rose's arms with her tail wrapped around her several times. "Hi there! You want my tail?"
  • Rose starts to slow dance.
  • Aurora asks if Ann is feeling frisky. Rose says maybe later. Right now she is just warm. The two of them hum as they dance.
  • Lomgren lights the coals in the grill.
  • HelenNet says they are still waiting for HomerNet to Return.
  • Sage facepalms and says he won’t have anymore of JJA’s drink.
  • Ann-KF and Nonah tell Sage he shouldn’t have to hide his true appearance. JJA agrees.
  • Sage doesn’t want others to receive massive bursts of knowledge. He does however consider keeping the hair and eye changes.
  • JJA remembers someone with a similar appearance.
  • JJA takes a sip of his drink. It causes his thought to be audible.
  • Nonah drinks a glass of JJA’s drink, but there is no immediate effect apparent.
  • Ann gets up and asks JJA about his other foodstuffs. He says they are safe.

Pages 356 to 360

Page 356

Redstone Lake Shore

  • Liz introduces Nyx to her sister SD.


  • Sage, feeling mischevious, tells JJA “Don’t think dirty thoughts”.
  • Freek laughs at Sage’s cruelty.
  • Sage wants to prive his theory about telling people not to think things.
  • Lomgren asks Sage to make sure everybody is present at the party.
  • JJA hums FFIV battle music very loudly for 30 seconds.
  • Ann eats one of the foods and says it isn’t bad.

The Rex

  • HomerNet wants to return, but Squato wants her to yell at the chiefs he employs that he needs food ASAP.
  • Homernet uses ki to express anger and yell at the chefs.


  • Lomgren thanks Sage to look for the remaining guests then starts grilling.
  • Sage goes to the Rex.
  • Grim grabs a can of male TF soda.
  • Ann watches Aurora and Rose dance. Aurora and Rose speed up the dance. They are both a little tipsy.
  • Rose looses her balance from spinning and bumps into Lomgren.

Page 357


  • Nonahs robe turns white and lengthens.
  • Rose waves Ann over to her. She whispers to Ann to dance with Aurora, to which Ann whisper yell responds, “What?!”. Rose pleads with Ann.
  • Fox-Aurora giggles helplessly in Roses arms.
  • Grim chugs the Male TF soda, but it has no effect (pregnant).
  • JJA explains “Most transformation things override any previous transformation. The only rule they are bound by is that the subject can't be too weak for transformation or unless they are pregrent or have another person directly affected by it, as would be in the case of conjoined twins with shared systems.”
  • Ann giggles and asks Aurora if she’d like to dance.
  • Aurora unwinds her tail from Rose and agrees, with sparkly eyes, to dance with Ann.
  • Ann can’t look Aurora in the face.
  • Lomgren announces the burgers will be ready soon. Then he worries about Ann.
  • Aurora purrs the song she had hummed with Rose. She leads Ann.
  • HelenNet tells Lomgren that Ann and Rose need to be careful. She got pregnant while dancing.
  • Grim says it’s a good thing the wedding is soon. She then tells Kraggi she’s pregnant.
  • Kraggi has déjà vu. He says it is great new and that he doesn’t want to lose Grim too.
  • Grim reassures Kraggi he won’t lose her.
  • JJA warns that pregnant women can’t have his special drink.
  • Nonah grows wings as Freek informs her of her new look.
  • Kraggi asks Grim to dance.

The Rex

  • Sage calls to Homer and Squato.

Page 358


  • Grim and Kraggi dance.
  • Freek asks Nonah if she has Angelic ancestry. She does not.
  • Grim tell Kraggi about DVDs and musicals they can watch.
  • Ann worries about having to lug the metal chest back into her closet.
  • Rose slips away and asks wallflower Ann-KF to dance.
  • Aurora sings the mysterious song again only with La replacing any words.
  • Kraggi tells Ann to loosen up.
  • Grim wonders if JJA’s drink just had a bad reaction to Nonah.
  • Ann focuses on Kraggi and dances a little less rigidly.
  • Ann-KF gives the song words.
  • Nonah’s stomach is upset. The halo turns to horns when she isn’t looking.
  • Elshi climbs on a bench and dedicates the song, ‘You Make Me Feel So Young’ to her dad and his girlfriend.
  • Aurora asks Ann to sing along. Ann doesn’t know the words. Aurora asks her to hum along.
  • Grim sings along with Elshi.
  • Lomgren transfers the cooked hamburgers to a plate and announces they are done.
  • JJA’s thoughts are no longer projected. He takes another sip of his drink and transforms into his demon-form. JJA concentrates and shifts back to normal.
  • Ann didn’t see JJA’s accidental demon-form swap since she was dancing.

Page 359


  • Kraggi also doesn’t see JJA’s temporary transformation.
  • Lomgren decides to walk over to Ann and Aurora.
  • Rose sees JJA’s transformation and comments on the weird side-effects of his drink, unaware that it is his demon form.
  • Squato talks to his horses.
  • Nonah needs a drink.
  • Lomgren asks Aurora if he can dance with Ann.
  • JJA chuckles that being transformed cures drunkenness.
  • Freek takes Nonah to a bench to sit down.
  • Nonah hopes Sage will help her as the mild holiness is making her nauseous.

Redstone Lake

  • Liz asks Nyx to stay behind while she and SD go to deal with D.
  • Nyx is sad that Liz has to go.
  • They leave Nyx at the lake.

Page 360


  • HelenNet sets down her drink.
  • Fireworks start.
  • Ann accepts Lomgren’s offer to dance.
  • Rose whispers about a ninja suit.
  • Kraggi takes a moment to remind Rose she can’t make grandkids while Knave is ‘like that’.
  • Ann-KF’s jaw drops at Kraggi’s line.
  • Ann suggest Aurora try some of JJA’s food while Ann and Lomgren dance.
  • Rose blushes and asks if she should smack Kraggi for that. Ann-KF declares “Hammer time”, and the two of them sneak up on Kraggi.
  • Kraggi notices the sneaks and has his tail ready to trip.
  • Freek attempts to comfort Nonah.
  • Nonah offers to cure Aurora’s drunkenness with a TF item.
  • Aurora declines the offer then asks about a smoking drink. JJA explains it is a strong drink with quite the kick. It is a firewine.
  • Nonah wants some burgers.
  • This is Lomgren’s first time dancing.
  • Ann finds it funny that Lomgren lets her lead him. She finds the situation cute and tells him to just follow her feet.
  • Ann-KF and Rose pull out big hammers and swing at Kraggi yelling “Now!”

The Rex

  • HelenNet tells Sage she has to finish helping Squato.
  • Squato loads food for the Clydesdales onto the carriage.
  • Sage was going to give them a lift to the party but they appear to have their own.

Pages 361 to 365

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