Backstory25 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

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* Lomgren suggests they have a party to celebrate the new town.
* Lomgren suggests they have a party to celebrate the new town.
* Ann remembers her groceries and excuses herself.
* Ann remembers her groceries and excuses herself.
'''Page 11''' []
* ''[[James_Base|Children of the Scribe's Base]] is added to the world.'' (By [[Scribble_The_Scribe]])
* ''[[Clinic_(MKRP)|The Clinic]] is added to the world.'' (By [[Scribble_The_Scribe]])
* ''The town is named Florch.'' (by [[Kraggi]])
* ''The town is renamed New Kraggiland'' (by [[Kraggi]])
* ''The town is renamed Kraggsville'' (by [[Kraggi]])
* ''The town is renamed Gaaaaathumb'' (by [[Kraggi]])
* ''The town is renamed Lakeview'' (by [[Lomgren]])
* ''The town is renamed Pertchinville'' (by [[Anti-Paragon]])
* ''The town is renamed Knaveston'' (by [[Anti-Paragon]])
* ''The town is renamed Townland'' (by [[Scribble_The_Scribe]])
* ''The town is renamed Granite Lakeview'' (by [[Lomgren]])
* ''The town is renamed Lake Graniteview'' (by [[Lomgren]])
* ''The town is renamed Forest Lakeview'' (by [[Lomgren]])
* ''The town is renamed Paragonville'' (by [[Scribble_The_Scribe]])
* ''The town is renamed Omni Town'' (by [[Scribble_The_Scribe]])
''Ann's House''
* Lomgren (From town square) puts away Ann's groceries, trying to put Kraggi out of his mind. (He renames the town OOC.)
* Lomgren, finished with the groceries, goes to check on Ann. (and gives more OOC names)
''Kraggi's House''
* Kraggi decides to grace the mortals at the town square with his presence.
''Town Square''
* Brad and the other characters summoned by James build Children of the Scribe's Base. Diana builds a Clinic. Kirk and Kitty build something secret.
* Lomgren asks Ann if she needs help with the groceries. He greets Kraggi.
* Kraggi greets the earth scum and renames the town Florch.
* Lomgren, freaked out by Kraggi, runs to help Ann.
* Kraggi asks Ann to halt her progress so he may communicate verbally with her.
* Ann tells Lomgren to go help her while she braves talking with Kraggi. Lomgren thanks Ann and promptly goes to do so.
* Kraggi and Ann talk about what's up. They talk about the potential for a town name. Kraggi changes the name a few times.
* James hawks all mortals to behold the completed church. Brad states that some other people should have some say in the town name.
* Kraggi calls upon Rocky, a certified naming expert, to name the town.
* Ann takes a few stabs at naming the town herself. They're both bad. Brad gives his own guess. Bland.
* Kraggi asks where Knave is very tactlessly, causing Ann to bare teeth and threaten him.
* Kraggi apologizes but comments that Ann looks funny angry.
* James gives more names and suggest that a council be formed.
* Kraggi suggests they convene at his place, since it's neato.

Revision as of 19:09, 23 July 2009

This is the start of the RP, and no locations of characters can be made yet. Why? None are created yet! In fact, at the start of this RP, there was simply a portal and an endless grassy field that would rival certain depictions of purgatory. But from this would spring so much...

Forwarning: The start of this RP is very chaotic, rough, and generally unrelated. Many unrelated parts are cut out, since they are not part of this story, and a lot of the stuff may not make sense, since... well actually they didn't make much sense at the time either. You've been warned.

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The field

  • Ann enters from 'the portal' wearing a 'Frisky kitty' shirt.
  • Ann asks Lomgren what they should do first.
  • James summons Brad Atrumavian, Diana, Frederick Spellblade, Marcus Foretale, Kitty Niantresurs, Alex Gearat, Kirk Gunwing, Belle Darckow, Ex and Harinekodoragon.
  • Lomgren interacts with some OOC on-goings (which are not recorded in this synopsis) and then asks Ann where they left off (from RPing in parent thread).
  • Sanchay cheerfully exclaims that Ann and Lomgren are not alone.
  • Lomgren blushes heavily at remembering where they left off in parent thread.
  • Ann blushes slightly, remember with Lomgren, and states she'll pay half (Can't recall what they were paying, sorry. Moot point anyway). She waves to Sanchay.
  • Sanchay asks Ann and Lomgren what there is to do.
  • Lomgren states Ann should keep the money and blushes more upon thinking HelenNet may join the RP.
  • Brad turns Lomgren into supergirl.
  • Lomgren uses a Transformation Gun (TF Gun) to turn himself back to his natural state while grumbling about always being targeted for transformation antics.
  • Ann comforts Lomgren and cuddles with him.

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  • A character (James forgot to state who) pays Kitty to steal one of Brad's spellbooks. The character casts a spell from it to make all female's chests bigger.
  • Lomgren cuddles with Ann, stating Helen will probably find the RP soon.
  • Ann is thrown off by the sudden mammary growth and was thankful Lomgren was not in her shirt. (Note: Lomgren was known for being shrunken down and placed in cleavage frequently at this date and time).
  • Lomgren tries not to think dirty thoughts.
  • The spell is quickly removed by an OOC action. All characters return to normal.
  • Sage, pleased about having his powers back, makes it rain catnip and cookies.
  • Ann, being an anthrofeline and sensitive to catnip, covers her nose. Lomgren, being the same, does so as well.
  • Ann looks around for somewhere safe to go from the 'rain'. Kitty and Harine (Harinekodoragon) go nuts.
  • Brad, Kirk, and Alex grumble about the catnip rain and its effects on their 'sisters'. Belle rejoices for the same reason.
  • Marcus, Fred, and Diana leave the area. (Where to? No one knows.)
  • Lomgren thinks they should transform to avoid the effects of the catnip. Ann agrees with Lomgren.
  • Lomgren turns Ann and himself human. Sage pouts about Ann and Lomgren being no fun.
  • Ann seems a little weirded out by begin human, curiously looking at the changes.
  • Kirk, with two of Brad's books, casts spells that give all women bigger chests, make everyone into cats, give all females larger rumps and finally seals the former spells until he wills them away.
  • Ann, having been turned into a simple cat, meows.
  • Kirk is assaulted for his antics while Kitty kidnaps Lomgren. (I think, it's hard to decipher the post.)
  • Alex squeaks happily to have a girlish form. (Your guess is a good as mine, folks.)
  • Several unimportant idle posts about Ann and Lomgren acting like regular cats are made.

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  • Marcus runs in on fire, but the fire has chaotic properties that only the PC of this character really cared about. (James certainly was annoying back then. --Anti-paragon 16:29, 6 July 2009 (PDT))
  • Ann hunts and eats crickets in the grass.
  • Someone (James forgot to state who) asks what to do with Lomgren, and is promptly beaten up for the comment by Belle.
  • Brad retrieves his book and restores everyone back to normal.
  • Lomgren, returned to normal, has a yearning for fish. Ann gags as she suddenly tastes crickets.
  • Lomgren asks what to do now.
  • Grim(Atescu), Eshli, and Freek Argue. Lomgren greets the new characters.
  • Ann stops picking cricket bits out of her mouth to stare at her new house.
  • Squato makes a jetpack landing.
  • Lomgren greets Squato, stating that they are adding scenery to the world. Lomgren shows his approval for the new scenery Squato adds.
  • Vor brings over some RPing with Eternaljwh from the parent thread. It is generally unrelated.

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  • Lomgren goes into his house and goes to sleep.
  • Vor puts a note in Lomgren's mailbox.
  • Sanchay makes evil plans against Peragrin for visiting him randomly by springing out of the water. (Her cave is right near his cabin.) Peragrin welcomes her to.
  • JonJonAUG offers his TF services to everyone.
  • Lomgren wakes up, goes to read Vor's letter from his mailbox, and comments about the rapid development.

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  • Homer finishes the cabin in the mountains, complete with non-functioning death ray pointed at the town.


  • Freek and Grim(Atescu) argue about how, exactly, they want to have their housing.
  • Freek grumbles about having an adolescent running around.
  • Lomgren greets the new neighbors.
  • Lomgren and Eshli talk about what there is to do around here. Lomgren states they are still getting settled.
  • JonjonAUG offers to help Homer's form problem. Lomgren refutes that Jon could not fix Homer. Jon argues back.

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  • HomerNet makes a sign to explain how he was stuck in Ranma form and HelenNet being pregnant. He plants it outside his cabin.
  • HomerNet sees some activity in town, but decides to go to bed instead of interacting.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage enjoys the day from his balcony. He decides to take a walk, but tires himself out taking the staircase all the way down his tower. He complains about a need for elevators.


  • JonJonAug assures everyone that his lab's security is virtually foolproof.
  • JonJonAug debates to himself about trying to change HomerNet back, but refrains.
  • Lomgren, seeing Helen here, retreats into his house.
  • Lomgren (later) explores the road to the jail. Comments about never wanting to be put in it.
  • Grim (Atescu) and Freek talk amongst themselves. Eshli goes to knock on Ann's door.
  • JonJonAug states he will be giving a tour of his house soon.
  • Lomgren, returning home, tells Eshli Ann may not be in.
  • JonJonAug opens his lab for the tour.
  • Sanchay returns to her home under the lake, morphing into a more aquatic form as she jumps into the water.
  • Lomgren looks for anyone else to take JonJonAug's tour with him.
  • JonJonAug talks about his lab complex stretching below town.
  • Lomgren agrees to take the tour.
  • Eshli tells Lomgren he's a catman.

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JonJonAug's lab

  • Jon begins the tour of his lab. He briefly shows his living quarters before using a (now, not so) secret panel on a wall, opening a passage. Lomgren nervously enters, alone.
  • Jon states that anyone can join the tour via a blue portal in front of his house. (There is also a massive Television on the lab's roof that is broadcasting this.)
  • Lomgren asks if it is dangerous, to which Jon replies its safe unless you wander off.
  • Jon displays some of his TF effects. Lomgren refuses to be a test subject. Jon uses it on a manservant instead, whom is transformed into a red-headed female, then promptly turned back.
  • Lomgren questions the manservant's free will. Jon dismisses it.
  • Jon shows his collection of living anime characters, made from transformed lab rats. During a minor display, some of the anime break the safety glass and are turned back into rats.
  • Lomgren questions how good the security measures are in the labs. Jon dismisses it.
  • Jon shows his transformation machine that turns lab rats into celebrities.
  • Lomgren refrains from picking a celebrity to test it, and admits he's slightly frightened of how much TF stuff is down here.
  • Jon shows his TF coughdrop maker and offers Lomgren to try. Lomgren declines.
  • James (From Town Square) joins the tour and tries the coughdrop. He is immediately turned into a female anthrofox.

Sanchay's Cave

  • Sanchay pretties up the place, planting a few aquatic plants near her entrance. She decides to cook some fish.

Town Square

  • James is surprised at how much was added while he slept and asks what has been going on. He is informed of the tour.
  • Ann, returning home from grocery shopping, hears Lomgren's voice on the Lab's TV and wonders what he got himself into. She rushes home to put her groceries away.

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Ann's House

  • After some trouble with the front door, Ann drops her groceries off, puts the frozen stuff away, and quickly leaves again. She accidentally slams the door on her tail.

Jonjonaug's Lab

  • Jon comments about the mental effects the cough drops have (egging James to play along). James has an urge to read the Karma Sutra.
  • Jon asks James to spit out the cough drop and James promptly turns back upon doing so. Lomgren makes a comment about obsessions. It is dismissed.
  • Jon shows his more powerful TF guns, which can turn people into semi or non-humanoids. He notes he is running out of time, and quickly whisks the group by several other rooms and finally to an elevator.
  • The group get into the elevator, which takes a while. Lomgren and Jon talk about the size of his lab.
  • Ann (From Town Square) nervously tests the portal in front of Jon's house with her hand, but doesn't enter.
  • James idly swings his bat in the elevator.

Town Square

  • Ann (from Ann's House) walks towards the estate, rubbing her tail.

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Jonjonaug's Lab

  • The elevator stops to reveal a massive terminal with human-sized pods. Jon states that its like the Matrix (the movie just came out at the time. Hot Topic.) and asks if anyone wants to have a go. Lomgren declines.
  • Jon states there are some bugs and problems with addiction, anyway.
  • The tour group is teleported to the town center.
  • Ann finally attempts to step through the portal, only to have it turn off abruptly as the tour concluded. She stands there, confused. She starts walking back to her house.

Sanchay's Cave

  • Sanchay's group-crashing senses tingle and she promptly leaves her house to find said group.

Town Square

  • James (From Jonjonaug's lab) thinks the machine is awesome and wants to try, but was teleported out already. Jon says he can visit later and bids the group adieu, leaving.
  • Sage comes into Lomgren and James' view and asks what was going on.
  • Lomgren spots Ann walking home and calls her over, greeting Sage as well.
  • The group talks about the tour.
  • James asks if the town needs a church and promptly makes one.
  • Sanchay (From Sanchay's cave), interrupts the conversation by tackling Ann over and simultaneously morphing into a snake.
  • Freek, Eshli and AGA (Atescu) join the group at the town Square. Freek poofs the Bakery into existence.
  • Ann looks confusedly at the snake that just knocked her over. Lomgren greets Freek & co. while commenting Ann might need helping up.
  • Sanchay morphs into a squirrelgirl and asks if she missed anything interesting.
  • Freek greets Ann, while Lomgren comments that he vaguely recognizes Sanchay.

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Town Square

  • Ann gets up and dusts herself off while greeting Freek.
  • Iggark Q. Rhinoshirt enters the RP, but it is revealed to be Kraggi in disguise. Eating popcorn.
  • Freek introduces himself, Atescu, and Eshli. Eshli comments about Kraggi and then introduces herself instead. Freek does a Rodney Dangerfield impression.
  • Lomgren greets Kraggi and asks if he has seen Sanchay, whom vanished.
  • Kraggi bursts into a screaming rage at Lomgren's question, promptly going to look for somewhere to live. He promptly deals with the Realtor to find a place.
  • Ann introduces Kraggi, annoyed by his antics.
  • Kraggi turns the realtor into his house, and talks with his roommate, Rocky. He promptly gets bored of Rocky and goes to talk to his Flaming fetal pigs. They tell him they can't talk.
  • Lomgren suggests they have a party to celebrate the new town.
  • Ann remembers her groceries and excuses herself.

Page 11 [11]

Ann's House

  • Lomgren (From town square) puts away Ann's groceries, trying to put Kraggi out of his mind. (He renames the town OOC.)
  • Lomgren, finished with the groceries, goes to check on Ann. (and gives more OOC names)

Kraggi's House

  • Kraggi decides to grace the mortals at the town square with his presence.

Town Square

  • Brad and the other characters summoned by James build Children of the Scribe's Base. Diana builds a Clinic. Kirk and Kitty build something secret.
  • Lomgren asks Ann if she needs help with the groceries. He greets Kraggi.
  • Kraggi greets the earth scum and renames the town Florch.
  • Lomgren, freaked out by Kraggi, runs to help Ann.
  • Kraggi asks Ann to halt her progress so he may communicate verbally with her.
  • Ann tells Lomgren to go help her while she braves talking with Kraggi. Lomgren thanks Ann and promptly goes to do so.
  • Kraggi and Ann talk about what's up. They talk about the potential for a town name. Kraggi changes the name a few times.
  • James hawks all mortals to behold the completed church. Brad states that some other people should have some say in the town name.
  • Kraggi calls upon Rocky, a certified naming expert, to name the town.
  • Ann takes a few stabs at naming the town herself. They're both bad. Brad gives his own guess. Bland.
  • Kraggi asks where Knave is very tactlessly, causing Ann to bare teeth and threaten him.
  • Kraggi apologizes but comments that Ann looks funny angry.
  • James gives more names and suggest that a council be formed.
  • Kraggi suggests they convene at his place, since it's neato.
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