
From Egs Mayhem

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(What other Bunnies think of me)
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A bunny in the EGS MAyhem forums as well as a 4' talking Chocolate Monkey who has the power to manipulate chocolate, cadnies, and fruits(as long as it is conected to chocolate or candy in some way) and is a shapeshifter(though always made of chocolate.)
A bunny in the EGS Mayhem forums as well as a 4' talking Chocolate Monkey who has the power to manipulate chocolate, candies, and fruits (as long as it is connected to chocolate or candy in some way) and is a shapeshifter (though always made of chocolate.)
==RP Characters==
CCCM departed from Mayhem on April 3, 2009.
Coming soon...
==Chewy's Evil Agenda==
Few know, or at least believe, that CCCM is trying to take over EGS Mayhem, but it is true.  Thoguht apposed by a select few, he still managed to gain more and more power.
If you're a minion of mine, please add yourself to the list.
===In the Begining===
It started with a simple thread in Mayhem.  The Battle Arena RP.  Created when he was still a newbie bunnie, CCCM started his first ever RP thread, which was quickly joined by [[Jesse_God_of_Awesome]].  Following a number of RPing errors, CCCM god modded and autoed the first fight without meaning to, still being new to forum RPing.  severla pages of argument insued thereafter, with many bunnies jumping in to point of flaws.  One that stuck out, however, Was [[Cameo]].  Even then, Chewy knew she ment trouble.  After the argument, Chewy felt betrayed and defeated, appologizing for his wrong-doings and restarting the RP with a new character, Feral the cat creature.  Soon a fight with Jesse's character, Darth Exitum(or some such name) began, going much smoother know, though Chewy was abviously cuasious to RP anything hitting without giving the others a chance to counter.  During this fight, unknown to all others, Chewy had secretly began his plans for ruling EGS Mayhem.
===The Protagonist===
==RP Characters==
After the initial fight in the renewed RP, other bunnies began to flock to it, all in search of the same thing; Plottles violence.  It insued as such for a while, before someone in the thread began making plot, thus begining the first step in chewy's plan.  with the newly found plot, he began contacting a few of the people who posted when he had made the autoing mistakes and asked them if they would join his RP.  Each one more of less politely turned down his offer, while a few didn't reply at all, though one reply stood out.  Again, it was Cameo.  that single insulting refusal sparked the begining of the great Fued between CCCM and Cameo.  This fight, however tedious, was nessesary to Chewy's plan. Having compleasted his first step, he continued with the Rp, inevitably leading it up to a climax involving a giant demon and TeddVerres's characters. a few random fights later, the thread died.
Coming soon...
===The "Fight" Insues===
The death of Chewy's First RP was required for his plan.  It set the foundation for many an argument.  By this time, many had forgotten Chewy's initial RPing mistakes, but one bunnie, BlinkDog, remembered the thread and created a sequal to the Battle Arena.  The Omega Leage RP was born.  Joining it, CCCM waited for it to gather more people.  after a time, bunnies stopped showing up, so Chewy took it apon himself to PM the bunnies fro m teh original RP to join.  By know, Chewy had a few people who respected him, and called apon them to join the RP, though that was not enough.  He needed to creat a conflict once more, to insure his inevitable rule.  He PMed Cameo again.  This time, asking her to join the new RP.  She replyed, saying that RPs with no plot and senceless fighting didn't interest her, althoguh it was said in a rather rude way.  This simple act of PMing someone already with a negetive view of him increased the allready large amount of hatered towards him.  All acording to plan.
===The Set-back===
The RP itself served no purpose other than to  be used as fodder for later fights.  At least, that was the plan.  During a "fight" with Blinkdog's character, Chewy became enraged, as he believed Blinkdog was autoing hits onto his character.  hits that he could most likely avoid.  This OOC argument went on for a few posts, ending in Chewy's character exploding, sending him out of the RP.  This was a set back.  He had given himself a bad image and had to fix it.  He thus began to make the Ranting Game threads.  Thease would be used to help people forget about his rage induced argument.  Mainly, the thread were made to eat up time.  Time needed to help people forget.  In the course of the 2 ranting games, Chewy spent his time posting in other forum games, as well as a few RPs, several of which seemed to die soon after he joined.  after the Rps and the games, it was time to begin the next phase of his plan.
===The Climax===
Having delt with his problem, Chewy began to make several, very contriversial thread, most of which were flame bait.  Trying to pass themm off as attempts to spark inteligent conversation, he began with his plan.  Soon after the first first post, Cameo would show up and claim that his threads were nothing but spam and flaim bait, which they were.  Chewy never admitted this, and engaged Cameo in fight after fight.  Threw most of it, it apeared as though Cameo was winning, but in reality, Chewy was mearly streching the arguments out for as long as he could.  Eventualy, Cameo made the mistake of saying his thread were pointless, thus giving Chewy the opening he needed.  He replied as such:<br>
"Cameo, pointless, useless threads are what make EGS Mayhem great... you give me a few minutes and I could dig through the archives and find 5-10 useless threads not made by me. For instance, carrot..? Started out with a simple question and a random string of insanity and from that one simple pointless post grew the most random thread I have ever seen and an EGS Mayhem milestone. probably if you were there, you would have said something rude or just answered the question, or both, thus effectively killing the thread before it could become anything worthwhile."
===The Truce===
With this small victory, he began to turn the tide in the battle with Cameo.  After a few fights, Chewy decided to take a slight break from his plans to join in on a forum game.  The title is lost, but the premiss was simple, what you say is the opisite of the truth.  Posting for a few pages and days, Cameo joined in and started a small fight, which resulted in many joking that the two were secretly in love.  This took Chewy slightly by surprize.  He haddn't guessed that so many important bunnies thought that thier fighting was a simple case of Slap Slap Kiss.  During all  this, Chewy created a thread for the recrutment of minions.  this seemingly harmless thread lead to yet another fight, albeit more of a battle of egos.  In the end, Chewy Ended up with two loyal minions and Cameo ended with one.  After this, Chewy joined the OOC Fights thread, created by [[Atashi Cloud]].  Soon, however, Chewy became the GM, even thoguh it didn't mean much thanks to the rules set in place, but it did have it's benifits.  After a few fights, Cameo entered the thread, asking how Chewy had become Acting GM.  Chewy and a few others answered this and chewy asked if she only came in the ask that question, or to join the thread, to which Cameo replied: "Not if your GM."  this simple coment spawned yet another fight, which ened with a virtual unknown bunnie to take Chewy's side.  Afterwards, Chewy began an RP fight with this bunnie, know as Hyperblade, as well as commission one of his closer aquaintences to creat both a new avatar for him, and a "Fight Night Poster" of him and Cameo.  With new avatar and art in hand, chewy created a new thread.  This thread was created to introduce the artwork after gaging reactions.  Yet another flambait post.  However, much to Chewy's delight, Cameo ruined the thread by posting a link to the picture in Aknearion's  DA account.  This spawn the final argument between the two, with many taking Chewy's side, as Cameo had obviously made an unprovoked attack on Chewy(so to speak).  the fight went on for a few pages and finaly ended with the sugestion of a truce.  though not originaly in the Plan, Chewy worked it it and agreed.  Though there were a few rough spots to work out, the truce was made, and the fighting had ended, as well as spawned a very poorly written fanfic, which was oddly acurate with the protraial of CCCM as the villain and Cameo as the Heroine  of a Slap Slap Kiss story.
===The Curent situation===
Curently, Chewy and Cameo are under a Truce, forbiding them from fighting eachother.  if one does start the fight again, however, all will return to the way it was, and the one who mbroke the truce will be discredited.  This has eliminated Chewy's biggest threat.  Without Cameo able to aposse him, Chewy is free to take over <ayhem, which he has slowly done.  creating a new RP and forum game.  He joined two new Rps, which he is still involed with, as well as joining carrot..? and the Random Video Thread.  Although joining and making thease threads may not seem like much, they are the next step for Chewy's Take over of Mayhem.
===Why post this?===
You may ask, Why post this?  Why give away my plans?  The answer is simple.  It's all part of my plan.  Many of you probably don't believe that I am slowly taking over and thus won't appose me.  Others who do believe are too weak to stand against me now.  My Rule is at hand.  Be prepared bunnies.  Be prepared...
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has the longest name in all the EGS forums.  Probably the entire keenspot board as well.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has the longest name in all the EGS forums.  Probably the entire Keenspot board as well.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey Has been known to chance the way it acts, thinks, and posts pretty much every week or so.  [[Cameo]], however, will allways see it as it was the first day in the Forums.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey Has been known to change the way it acts, thinks, and posts pretty much every week or so.  [[Cameo]], however, will always see it as it was the first day in the Forums.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey's first RP was a simple random battle thread created after watching one of [[Squato]]'s RP threads, which just so happened to be chock full of autoing and God Moding.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey's first RP was a simple random battle thread created after watching one of [[Squato]]'s RP threads, which just so happened to be chock full of autoing and God Moding.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has a split personality.
*ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has a split personality.
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==What other Bunnies think of me==
==What other Bunnies think of me==
Come on, I  know you people have something to say about me!
Come on, I  know you people have something to say about me!
*I heartily endorse this product and/or service! -[[Cheez]]
*Oh yeah, and minioning for him is good, worthwhile and minty. -Also [[Cheez]]
*Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Monkey? The Lurker in the Shadows knows! -[[RichM90071]]
*Does he.  WHOO NEFARIOUS PLOTS!!  I'd offer to minion, but I don't like mint. -[[LittleBeast]]
[[Category: Bunnies]]
[[Category: Bunnies]]

Current revision as of 02:16, 4 April 2009

A bunny in the EGS Mayhem forums as well as a 4' talking Chocolate Monkey who has the power to manipulate chocolate, candies, and fruits (as long as it is connected to chocolate or candy in some way) and is a shapeshifter (though always made of chocolate.)

CCCM departed from Mayhem on April 3, 2009.



If you're a minion of mine, please add yourself to the list.

RP Characters

Coming soon...


  • ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has the longest name in all the EGS forums. Probably the entire Keenspot board as well.
  • ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey Has been known to change the way it acts, thinks, and posts pretty much every week or so. Cameo, however, will always see it as it was the first day in the Forums.
  • ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey's first RP was a simple random battle thread created after watching one of Squato's RP threads, which just so happened to be chock full of autoing and God Moding.
  • ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has a split personality.
  • ChewyChunkyChocolateMonkey has a fake eye.

What other Bunnies think of me

Come on, I know you people have something to say about me!

  • I heartily endorse this product and/or service! -Cheez
  • Oh yeah, and minioning for him is good, worthwhile and minty. -Also Cheez
  • Who knows what evil lurks in the heart of Monkey? The Lurker in the Shadows knows! -RichM90071
  • Does he. WHOO NEFARIOUS PLOTS!! I'd offer to minion, but I don't like mint. -LittleBeast
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