Backstory175 MKRP

From Egs Mayhem

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([ Page 160])
(Pages 171 to 175)
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=== [ Page 161] ===
=== [ Page 161] ===
''Kraggi's House''
*Nonah says that she does not judge on appearances, being a shape-shifter herself.
*Ann-KF talks about meeting an imp in Hell. ''(The details are omitted, since the story was never written.)''
*Ann comforts Kraggi, who is distressed by the thought that he might be betraying Ann's mother by falling for Grim. She tells him that it is time he moved on.
''General Store''
*Lomgren enters, and is confused by finding Wiley McNelson to be much younger than he was previously. wiley tells him that his order will arrive the next morning.
*Lomgren thanks him, and exits. He then heads to the diner for lunch.
*Harrison enters, and orders.
''Kraggi's House''
*Liz talks about a name for DC.
''Halfway to the Diner''
*Grim stops, feeling a disturbance in the Force. She begins thinking about Bleu.
*Grim then proceeds to the Diner, and meets Lomgren outside.
*Lomgren arrives, and waits outside as he sees Ann and Kraggi talking.
*Ann asks Kraggi what he sees when he looks into Grim's eyes. Kraggi's reply is (a description which Kraggi did not have the necessary descriptive powers to write, but should apparently include mention of limpid pools.) Kraggi spaces out thinking about those eyes...
*Ann follows up the question by asking if he loves when Grim comes around. Kraggi says that he is happy when anyone talks to him, even Ann.
*Ann (ignoring the implied insult) asks him if her regrets loving Grim. Kraggi goes into thought. Ann snaps him out of it, telling him not to listen to his brain in this matter.
=== [ Page 162] ===
=== [ Page 162] ===
''Outside the Diner''
*Grim peeks inside, and seeing that Kraggi and Ann are having a father-daughter moment, decides to wait outside with Lomgren.
''Inside the Diner''
*Kraggi quickly decides that no, he does not regret loving Grim. He then asks Ann about ''her'' situation with the Knaves and Lomgren.
*Ann thinks about it, and realises that the problem with Knave is that Knave has been female so long that she feels more like a sister than a boyfriend.
*Kraggi asks about Lomgren, and how Ann feels about ''him''. Ann replies with a gushing description.
*Kraggi turns around, and spots Grim in the doorway. He trips over his tail, and falls over.
*Ann turns to look, and sees Lomgren. She then remembers what she has just spouted off, in his hearing. Cue blush and fainting...
*Grim and Lomgren both rush in to help. Kraggi is all right, but Ann has passed out.
*Sage teleports in, having sensed the trouble, and offers to help.
=== [ Page 163] ===
=== [ Page 163] ===
*Kraggi explains the situation. Grim is upset, because she had a plan, and Kraggi has tromped all over it.
*Kraggi quickly back-pedals, and says that they actually prefer Ann as she is.
*Sage produces a stick of smelling salt, and offers it to Kraggi.
*Grim puts Lomgren into position, supporting Ann, while Kraggi applies the smelling salts.
*Ann wakes up, to find herself looking up at Lomgren.
*Grim and Kraggi quietly slip out, leaving Ann and Lomgren to have a private moment.
*Sage teleports back to the kittens, and takes them to his tower.
''Sage's Tower''
*Sage shows the kitties to his tower, and the tuna.
''Kraggi's House''
*DC and Nonah talk, while Ann-KF eats her sandwich.
*Rose-KF goes for a walk through the Deathmanse, while eating a ''sandwich''. The ''sandwich'' has apparently expired magically last year.
*Lomgren and Ann talk. Much awkwardness.
*Outside, Grim passes Kraggi a certain box, and waits.
*Thunder is heard, as Rose-KF finishes her ''sandwich''...
=== [ Page 164] ===
=== [ Page 164] ===
*Ann apologises for advancing on Lomgren so quickly two nights ago. Lomgren is surprised at this.
''Kraggi's House''
*Atescu, who has barely understood most of what was being said (in Feline), finishes his sandwich, and compliments Ann-KF on her sandwich-making skills. And also asks for her name again.
Ann-KF is flattered, repeats her name ("Marion Knave"), and says that she learned from the best.
Atescu introduces himself as Atescu, the Pie God. Er, just the best pie-maker in the Multiverse. Owner of the bakery. Not bragging at all, nope.
Ann-KF asks about "the one at the corner of Zebulon and Menendez in the capital of Rigel IV, universe 3249865". Atescu admits that he ties with that one.
*Ann and Lomgren have a moment. Lomgren takes the lead, surprisingly. Ann is more awkward at first, then kisses Lomgren.
''Kraggi's House''
*DC decides on the name "Nyx" for himself.
*Nonah decides that Chuck can keep her old body, as she has no further use for it.
*Liz reveals that her full name is Lizard Braine Rudonkitz. Apparently she was named by her father, who was a bit strange in that respect.
*Nyx's tentacles wrap around Liz, who doesn't mind.
*Liz invites Nyx to go out and do things that afternoon. Nyx explains that he is not fond of sunlight, which he finds painful.
*Ann-KF offers her place for Nyx to sleep any time he needs it, as the Deathmanse is shrouded in eternal night.
*Rose-KF decides to go for a walk, since the new extension won't be done for a while...
''The Rex''
*Freek enters, and asks for a mug of cream soda.
=== [ Page 165] ===
=== [ Page 165] ===
''Kraggi's House''
*Liz asks Ann-KF if there are trash-cans near her house to raid. Ann-KF says not, but there might be an extension in Nova Europa that does.
*Harrison pays the waiter, and leaves.
''Kraggi's House''
*Liz likes the idea of Europe, and sets up to go to Paris.
*Nyx wonders how they would get there, then realises that Liz can take them both.
*Terra asks Chuck to inform her of events that have affected her line.
''Diner, Outside''
*Kraggi takes the box, then gets down on none knee and proposes to Grim.
*Grim takes the ring, and puts it on. Both Grim and Kraggi are very happy.
== Pages 166 to 170 ==
== Pages 166 to 170 ==
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=== [ Page 166] ===
=== [ Page 166] ===
''Kraggi's House''
*Liz takes Nyx to Paris.
*Nyx is surprised by the arrival, and enjoys the moonlight.
*Lomgren and Ann enjoy a moment.
*Outside, Grim and Kraggi also enjoy a moment, to celebrate their engagement.
''Kraggi's House''
*Chuck relates the tale of his/their family line to Terra. There's a lot of it...
*Rose-KF decides to wear the toxic-green dress she purchased earlier. As she heads for the door, her fur begins changing colour...
*Ann looks around, not seeing Grim and Kraggi anywhere.
Lomgren also looks around, and wonders if Grim and Kraggi had plotted to leave the two together. Ann says she doesn't mind if so...
''Kraggi's House''
*Terra asks Chuck about the fate of Texas. Chuck tells of how it broke away, and became Felina.
*Terra asks about the Great Fall. Chuck relates the events of the Fall.
''Outside the Diner''
*Grim and Kraggi decide to head for Grim's place, to celebrate their engagement properly.
*Kraggi sends Skippy to give the good news to Chuck.
''Kraggi's House''
*Skippy turns up at Kraggi's. Chuck has trouble understanding him.
*Terra translates, having picked up some animal languages in her travels.
''En Route to Grim's Place''
*Grim and Kraggi run across Eshli and Freek. Eshli spots the ring, and goes off to tell Atescu the good news.
=== [ Page 167] ===
=== [ Page 167] ===
*Rose-KF steps out into the street.
''Kraggi's House''
*Ann-KF sits bolt upright, her tail frizzes out, and her ears turn backwards...
*Ann switches the deep fryer off with her tail (on the third attempt).
*Lomgren whispers into her ear.
''Grim's Place''
*Grim puts a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, and prepares lunch.
*Liz and Nyx go flying, under the silvery moon. In search of fish heads.
''Kraggi's House''
*Atescu excuses himself, and heads back to the bakery. En route, he encounters Eshli, who gives him the news. They then head back to Kraggi's house to tell Terra.
*Chuck and Terra discuss looking for a woman for Atescu. They then head out. En route, they encounter Atescu and Eshli, who pass on the news.
*Ann finds a "Do Not Disturb" sign, and gives it to Lomgren to do the honours.
=== [ Page 168] ===
=== [ Page 168] ===
''Clothing Store''
*Chuck and Terra enter, intent on evaluating the owner (Patricia) as a suitable mate for Atescu.
*Lomgren and Ann get down to business. Private business.
''Clothing Store''
*Terra and Chuck begin performing their evaluation of Patricia. She receives points in her favour for liking cats, and negative points for calling Chuck "tubby". She also receives a positive evaluation for giving good belly rubs.
*Psycrone (James) arrives.
''Clothing Store''
*Atescu enters, looking to buy some new clothing. Patricia leaves off petting the cats to serve him.
=== [ Page 169] ===
=== [ Page 169] ===
''Clothing Store''
*Atescu explains what he is looking for.
*Ann peels off Lomgren's shirt, then her own.
''Clothing Store''
*Atescu continues looking, and finds Terra has found her way to the store.
''Sage's Tower''
*Sage picks up a lot of love in the air. The kitties are more interested in the promised tuna.
''Clothing Store''
*Atescu and Patricia hit it off.
*Eric buys some shirts, then leaves.
=== [ Page 170] ===
=== [ Page 170] ===
''Tower of Vor''
*Lora lies back on her dock, and watches the clouds go by. She takes a recorder out, and begins playing.
*Nyx and Liz go rummaging through the trash cans, in search of fish heads.
''Near the Park''
*Eshli finds a pile of cinderblocks, and begins building a Church of May.
''Kraggi's House''
*Ann-KF and Nonah decide to leave, since everyone else has already.
*Rose-KF heads toward the diner, feeling like getting something to eat. She is still unaware of her technicolor fur...
*Eric has been spontaneously transformed into a Twi'Lek, and all of his clothing has vanished, except for his new shirts. He puts one on, then heads for the TF shop.
Rose-KF enters. Seeing none of the staff, she knocks on the kitchen door, ignoring the "Do Not Disturb" sign.
''Grim's House''
*Grim realises that they forgot to lock up the Diner before going out to lunch.
''Sage's Tower''
*Sage shows the kittens to their new room. They take to it with enthusiasm.
*Ann and Lomgren are surprised by the knocking.
== Pages 171 to 175 ==
== Pages 171 to 175 ==
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=== [ Page 171] ===
=== [ Page 171] ===
''Grim's House''
*Kraggi realises that they did not lock up the diner before leaving.
*Grim and Kraggi put on underwear and bathrobes, and head for the diner. Kraggi puts his on backward.
''Clothing Store''
*Patricia is confused by the idea of someone being afraid of cats, of all things.
*Atescu agrees, and describes what happened. He then asks Pat to show him some decent casual shirts.
*Patricia sorts through the rack sot find a a good one. Atescu tries it on, only to find it is too small.
''Clothing Store''
*Atescu tries on the new (larger) shirt, and looks very good in it. He asks Patricia out to dinner.
*They agree on a time, just as Grim and Kraggi come running past.
*Patricia falls over, and Atescu stoops to help her. Both sit a moment, to enjoy the effect of the light.
*Grim and Kraggi arrive, and Kraggi runs into the door.
=== [ Page 172] ===
=== [ Page 172] ===
*Ann calls out in her best Grim impression, "Who is it?"
*Rose-KF is not fooled.
*Ann frantically looks around for her shirt, and Lomgren's. She finds hers in the sink, which is also partially full of water.
*Rose-KF starts to open the door, only to be tackled by Kraggi.
=== [ Page 173] ===
=== [ Page 173] ===
''Clothing store''
*Atescu and Pat talk. Atescu reveals that he has never had a date before.
*Rose-KF blushes as she is tackled by Kraggi.
*Lomgren jumps in front of Ann as the door opens, in order to hide her shirtless state.
*Grim is not happy about the situation.
*Rose-KF is confused.
*Kraggi, being possibly even ''more'' confused, gets off Rose-KF and hides behind Grim.
*Rose-KF gets up, and promptly pounces Ann and Lomgren.
=== [ Page 174] ===
=== [ Page 174] ===
*Rose-KF tickle-attacks both Ann and Lomgren.
*Lomgren barely manages to keep from crashing down on Ann, but the tickling proves to be a bit much for him.
*Ann has way too much to deal with all at once, and faints.
*Rose-KF comes back to a semblance of rationality, gets off Lomgren, and checks Ann's pulse. Having Established that Ann's breathing and pulse are okay, she asks for smelling salts.
*Kraggi attempts to rummage in his pockets for the smelling salts Sage had given him earlier. Since he currently ''has'' no pockets, this does not work too well...
*Lomgren is concerned for Ann, and stays with her.
*Liz asks Nyx what he normally eats.
*Nyx says that he lives on whatever he can catch in the Wastes.
*Grim says they have Vanillin, which should do the trick.
*Rose-KF finds it, and opens it under Ann's nose. She then licks the inside of Ann's ear.
*Ann comes to, and sees all the people gathered around her.
''Clothing Store''
*Pat suggests they go to the Diner.
*Atescu thinks this would be a good idea.
*Terra is very pleased with her efforts to find a mate for Atescu.
*Chuck has fallen asleep.
=== [ Page 175] ===
=== [ Page 175] ===
*Rose-KF is greatly relieved that Ann is all right... and passes out.
*Kraggi decides to fall over as well.
*Rose-KF's fur goes even ''more'' technicoloured. Then...
**...her tail grows wider, and all the fur falls out.
**...her eyelashes begin growing.
**...two dissimilar wings pop out of her back, ripping her dress.
''Clothing Store''
*Pat and Atescu talk about how Grim and Kraggi met.
*Ann is horrified by Rose-KF's transformation. She leans back against Lomgren for support (and possibly reassurance).
*The fur grows a bit, and continues to shift colours.
*Ann backpedals away from ?-KF.
''Kraggi's House''
*Ann-KF and Nonah let themselves out.
*Liz teaches Nyx how to swim.

Current revision as of 14:13, 13 January 2010


Pages 151 to 155

Page 151


  • Brad says to Liz (in answer to her question) that he hopes he is sentient. Liz decides that it doesn't matter, since Brad is providing large quantities of salmon.
  • Brad tells the story of how he came to be arranging this for the cats.
  • Sage begins grilling a large fillet of the salmon. The odour begins wafting through the town.

TF store

  • Lomgren is having difficulties with the Nabiki clones, who have produced photos of him shrunken, and are threatening blackmail.
  • Lomgren eventually gives in, and asks what they have in the way of TF food and beverages. The Nabikis give him a list.


  • Freek and Eshli leave, and wander through the town.

Page 152

TF Store

  • The Nabikis describe what effects the sodas and foods have.
  • Lomgren decides on a case of shrink soda, along with male, female, Fox, wolf, and cat (a case of each).


  • Grim and Kraggi finish cooking all the dumplings, and call on Xiao to serve them.

Ann's House

  • Ann comes back into the bedroom, and plunks herself down on the bed next to Rose.


  • Sage finishes his meal of salmon, and decides to take the rest of the day off. Leaving the remaining salmon to his feline friends, he goes back to his office, and casts a spell to alert him should anyone enter the office.


  • James is served with the dumplings. Kraggi watches his reactions to them, expecting a reaction of no less than total euphoria.

Page 153

TF shop

  • "The Crew" go exploring, and discover the TF Shop. Being curious, they go in.
  • Lomgren pays for the sodas and the blackmail pictures.


  • Kraggi is terrified of the cat-killer (Brad), who comes in with a very content-looking kitten, and tries to talk to Kraggi.
  • Grim is annoyed at this, and tells Brad that his behaviour was not acceptable.

Page 154

TF Shop

  • Lomgren takes the cases of soda, and the box of pictures. He looks in the box, and is embarrassed by how many pictures there are.


  • Brad explains that he has paid his debts, which does not impress either Grim or Kraggi. Grim asks Brad to leave.
  • Much serving of dumplings ensues. Xiao uses a spell to aid in this.

James polishes off all of the dumplings, and asks what else they serve. Kraggi tells him to look at the menu, and asks for him to pay.

TF shop

  • Xaych and Keb look around, puzzled by some of the products on offer.


  • James pays with a large uncut diamond. And a bottle of dwarf polish. He then orders French fries.

Page 155


  • Kraggi asks James how many fries he wants. James tries to order eight thousand, and Grim flatly refuses.
  • James then orders 20 orders of fries, and Kraggi goes to cook them, grumbling that the payment should be a really nice ring.
  • Grim overhears this, and asks if the ring is for her. Kraggi mutters something about blown surprises.


  • Lomgren makes his way to his house with the cases of TF soda. It's a slow process, as they are heavy.

Pages 156 to 160

Page 156


  • James attempts to freak out Kraggi, by claiming to be able to read malicious thoughts.


  • Lomgren finally reaches his home with his purchases. This takes a while, as the items are heavy.

TF Shop

  • Xaych and Keb continue to check out the items sold by the store.

Tower of VOR

  • Lora sits on her dock, eating an avocado sandwich.

Lomgren's House

  • Lomgren stores the cases of soda, and sits down to write a letter of complaint to Jon about the behaviour of his employees.
  • Lomgren then goes out to Jon's house to deliver the letter personally. He then goes to the Rex, in search of some stronger drinks for the party.


  • Sage returns to the park, to find his new housemates gorged on salmon. He uses a levitation spell to take them to his tower.

Page 157

Ann's House

  • Ann decides to go out to find Kraggi. Rose decides to take a nap.
  • Ann steps outside... to find an ant-filled pie on her doorstep. Which she has just stepped in. after cleaning her boot and disposing of the pie, she heads out again.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF and Nonah arrive, to speak with Chuck.
  • Nonah is not happy with Chuck, and attempts to eat him, being restrained only by Ann-KF.
  • Chuck is very upset to learn that the lake-monster he killed and ate was in fact sentient.


  • Ann pokes her head in, in search of Kraggi, and is greeted by Grim.

Page 158

Kraggi's House

  • Chuck is very apologetic, and offers Nonah her old body back.


  • Rose-KF checks on the progress of a new extension to the Deathmanse.


  • James is served with his fries, and proceeds to eat them all.
  • Grim leads Ann into the back, where they talk with Kraggi.
  • James offers to pay in potatoes. Kraggi refuses to accept this.

Kraggi's House

  • Chuck invites Nonah and Ann-KF inside, to have some lunch.

Page 159

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF uses a can opener on a can of tuna (yes, with the underlines). This attracts the attention of all the local cats. Said cats then converge on Kraggi's house.


  • Ann, Grim and Kraggi have their discussion.
  • Kraggi calls Ann "squeemish". Ann is not pleased.
  • Grim introduces herself to Ann.
  • Kraggi explains how he and Grim hooked up.

The Rex

  • Lomgren fails to find Sqauto, and heads out.

Kraggi's House

  • Terra arrives, accompanied by Atescu. The house lets them in, and Ann-KF greets them.
  • Nonah, fascinated by the human technology, uses the can opener on another can of tuna.
  • Ann-KF takes the can opener away from Nonah, and makes sandwiches of the tuna for all.
  • A Random Mutant Cat arrives. The cat is then identified as a Displacer Cat.

Page 160


  • Ann is uncomfortable with the idea of Kraggi "getting any", and is more so when the subject comes around to her and Lomgren.
  • Grim excuses herself, and slips out, in search of a jewellery store.

Town Square

  • Lomgren heads for the General Store, to see if the items he ordered previously have arrived.
  • Grim finds a jewellery store, and buys a ring. She then changes into her Sexy Waitress outfit, and rushes back to the Diner.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF makes another sandwich for Atescu.
  • Liz appears, being attracted by the sound of the can opener, and the mention of Tuna.
  • Nonah sneaks around behind Ann-KF, and uses the can opener to open another can of tuna. She is really fascinated by that can opener.

Ann-KF pries Nonah away from the can opener (again), and distributes the remaining tuna to the cats.

  • Displacer Cat is confused by Liz greeting him, since he doesn't speak Human.
  • Ann-KF performs introductions, which is complicated by the fact that Nonah does not speak Feline.
  • Liz steps in, and infuses into DC and Nonah the knowledge of each other's languages.
  • Terra introduces herself and Atescu.
  • Liz hits on DC.

Pages 161 to 165

Page 161

Kraggi's House

  • Nonah says that she does not judge on appearances, being a shape-shifter herself.
  • Ann-KF talks about meeting an imp in Hell. (The details are omitted, since the story was never written.)


  • Ann comforts Kraggi, who is distressed by the thought that he might be betraying Ann's mother by falling for Grim. She tells him that it is time he moved on.

General Store

  • Lomgren enters, and is confused by finding Wiley McNelson to be much younger than he was previously. wiley tells him that his order will arrive the next morning.
  • Lomgren thanks him, and exits. He then heads to the diner for lunch.


  • Harrison enters, and orders.

Kraggi's House

  • Liz talks about a name for DC.

Halfway to the Diner

  • Grim stops, feeling a disturbance in the Force. She begins thinking about Bleu.
  • Grim then proceeds to the Diner, and meets Lomgren outside.


  • Lomgren arrives, and waits outside as he sees Ann and Kraggi talking.
  • Ann asks Kraggi what he sees when he looks into Grim's eyes. Kraggi's reply is (a description which Kraggi did not have the necessary descriptive powers to write, but should apparently include mention of limpid pools.) Kraggi spaces out thinking about those eyes...
  • Ann follows up the question by asking if he loves when Grim comes around. Kraggi says that he is happy when anyone talks to him, even Ann.
  • Ann (ignoring the implied insult) asks him if her regrets loving Grim. Kraggi goes into thought. Ann snaps him out of it, telling him not to listen to his brain in this matter.

Page 162

Outside the Diner

  • Grim peeks inside, and seeing that Kraggi and Ann are having a father-daughter moment, decides to wait outside with Lomgren.

Inside the Diner

  • Kraggi quickly decides that no, he does not regret loving Grim. He then asks Ann about her situation with the Knaves and Lomgren.
  • Ann thinks about it, and realises that the problem with Knave is that Knave has been female so long that she feels more like a sister than a boyfriend.
  • Kraggi asks about Lomgren, and how Ann feels about him. Ann replies with a gushing description.
  • Kraggi turns around, and spots Grim in the doorway. He trips over his tail, and falls over.
  • Ann turns to look, and sees Lomgren. She then remembers what she has just spouted off, in his hearing. Cue blush and fainting...
  • Grim and Lomgren both rush in to help. Kraggi is all right, but Ann has passed out.
  • Sage teleports in, having sensed the trouble, and offers to help.

Page 163


  • Kraggi explains the situation. Grim is upset, because she had a plan, and Kraggi has tromped all over it.
  • Kraggi quickly back-pedals, and says that they actually prefer Ann as she is.
  • Sage produces a stick of smelling salt, and offers it to Kraggi.
  • Grim puts Lomgren into position, supporting Ann, while Kraggi applies the smelling salts.
  • Ann wakes up, to find herself looking up at Lomgren.
  • Grim and Kraggi quietly slip out, leaving Ann and Lomgren to have a private moment.
  • Sage teleports back to the kittens, and takes them to his tower.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage shows the kitties to his tower, and the tuna.

Kraggi's House

  • DC and Nonah talk, while Ann-KF eats her sandwich.


  • Rose-KF goes for a walk through the Deathmanse, while eating a sandwich. The sandwich has apparently expired magically last year.


  • Lomgren and Ann talk. Much awkwardness.
  • Outside, Grim passes Kraggi a certain box, and waits.


  • Thunder is heard, as Rose-KF finishes her sandwich...

Page 164


  • Ann apologises for advancing on Lomgren so quickly two nights ago. Lomgren is surprised at this.

Kraggi's House

  • Atescu, who has barely understood most of what was being said (in Feline), finishes his sandwich, and compliments Ann-KF on her sandwich-making skills. And also asks for her name again.

Ann-KF is flattered, repeats her name ("Marion Knave"), and says that she learned from the best. Atescu introduces himself as Atescu, the Pie God. Er, just the best pie-maker in the Multiverse. Owner of the bakery. Not bragging at all, nope. Ann-KF asks about "the one at the corner of Zebulon and Menendez in the capital of Rigel IV, universe 3249865". Atescu admits that he ties with that one.


  • Ann and Lomgren have a moment. Lomgren takes the lead, surprisingly. Ann is more awkward at first, then kisses Lomgren.

Kraggi's House

  • DC decides on the name "Nyx" for himself.
  • Nonah decides that Chuck can keep her old body, as she has no further use for it.
  • Liz reveals that her full name is Lizard Braine Rudonkitz. Apparently she was named by her father, who was a bit strange in that respect.
  • Nyx's tentacles wrap around Liz, who doesn't mind.
  • Liz invites Nyx to go out and do things that afternoon. Nyx explains that he is not fond of sunlight, which he finds painful.
  • Ann-KF offers her place for Nyx to sleep any time he needs it, as the Deathmanse is shrouded in eternal night.


  • Rose-KF decides to go for a walk, since the new extension won't be done for a while...

The Rex

  • Freek enters, and asks for a mug of cream soda.

Page 165

Kraggi's House

  • Liz asks Ann-KF if there are trash-cans near her house to raid. Ann-KF says not, but there might be an extension in Nova Europa that does.


  • Harrison pays the waiter, and leaves.

Kraggi's House

  • Liz likes the idea of Europe, and sets up to go to Paris.
  • Nyx wonders how they would get there, then realises that Liz can take them both.
  • Terra asks Chuck to inform her of events that have affected her line.

Diner, Outside

  • Kraggi takes the box, then gets down on none knee and proposes to Grim.
  • Grim takes the ring, and puts it on. Both Grim and Kraggi are very happy.

Pages 166 to 170

Page 166

Kraggi's House

  • Liz takes Nyx to Paris.


  • Nyx is surprised by the arrival, and enjoys the moonlight.


  • Lomgren and Ann enjoy a moment.
  • Outside, Grim and Kraggi also enjoy a moment, to celebrate their engagement.

Kraggi's House

  • Chuck relates the tale of his/their family line to Terra. There's a lot of it...


  • Rose-KF decides to wear the toxic-green dress she purchased earlier. As she heads for the door, her fur begins changing colour...


  • Ann looks around, not seeing Grim and Kraggi anywhere.

Lomgren also looks around, and wonders if Grim and Kraggi had plotted to leave the two together. Ann says she doesn't mind if so...

Kraggi's House

  • Terra asks Chuck about the fate of Texas. Chuck tells of how it broke away, and became Felina.
  • Terra asks about the Great Fall. Chuck relates the events of the Fall.

Outside the Diner

  • Grim and Kraggi decide to head for Grim's place, to celebrate their engagement properly.
  • Kraggi sends Skippy to give the good news to Chuck.

Kraggi's House

  • Skippy turns up at Kraggi's. Chuck has trouble understanding him.
  • Terra translates, having picked up some animal languages in her travels.

En Route to Grim's Place

  • Grim and Kraggi run across Eshli and Freek. Eshli spots the ring, and goes off to tell Atescu the good news.

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  • Rose-KF steps out into the street.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF sits bolt upright, her tail frizzes out, and her ears turn backwards...


  • Ann switches the deep fryer off with her tail (on the third attempt).
  • Lomgren whispers into her ear.

Grim's Place

  • Grim puts a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door, and prepares lunch.


  • Liz and Nyx go flying, under the silvery moon. In search of fish heads.

Kraggi's House

  • Atescu excuses himself, and heads back to the bakery. En route, he encounters Eshli, who gives him the news. They then head back to Kraggi's house to tell Terra.
  • Chuck and Terra discuss looking for a woman for Atescu. They then head out. En route, they encounter Atescu and Eshli, who pass on the news.


  • Ann finds a "Do Not Disturb" sign, and gives it to Lomgren to do the honours.

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Clothing Store

  • Chuck and Terra enter, intent on evaluating the owner (Patricia) as a suitable mate for Atescu.


  • Lomgren and Ann get down to business. Private business.

Clothing Store

  • Terra and Chuck begin performing their evaluation of Patricia. She receives points in her favour for liking cats, and negative points for calling Chuck "tubby". She also receives a positive evaluation for giving good belly rubs.


  • Psycrone (James) arrives.

Clothing Store

  • Atescu enters, looking to buy some new clothing. Patricia leaves off petting the cats to serve him.

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Clothing Store

  • Atescu explains what he is looking for.


  • Ann peels off Lomgren's shirt, then her own.

Clothing Store

  • Atescu continues looking, and finds Terra has found her way to the store.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage picks up a lot of love in the air. The kitties are more interested in the promised tuna.

Clothing Store

  • Atescu and Patricia hit it off.
  • Eric buys some shirts, then leaves.

Page 170

Tower of Vor

  • Lora lies back on her dock, and watches the clouds go by. She takes a recorder out, and begins playing.


  • Nyx and Liz go rummaging through the trash cans, in search of fish heads.

Near the Park

  • Eshli finds a pile of cinderblocks, and begins building a Church of May.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF and Nonah decide to leave, since everyone else has already.


  • Rose-KF heads toward the diner, feeling like getting something to eat. She is still unaware of her technicolor fur...
  • Eric has been spontaneously transformed into a Twi'Lek, and all of his clothing has vanished, except for his new shirts. He puts one on, then heads for the TF shop.

Diner Rose-KF enters. Seeing none of the staff, she knocks on the kitchen door, ignoring the "Do Not Disturb" sign.

Grim's House

  • Grim realises that they forgot to lock up the Diner before going out to lunch.

Sage's Tower

  • Sage shows the kittens to their new room. They take to it with enthusiasm.


  • Ann and Lomgren are surprised by the knocking.

Pages 171 to 175

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Grim's House

  • Kraggi realises that they did not lock up the diner before leaving.
  • Grim and Kraggi put on underwear and bathrobes, and head for the diner. Kraggi puts his on backward.

Clothing Store

  • Patricia is confused by the idea of someone being afraid of cats, of all things.
  • Atescu agrees, and describes what happened. He then asks Pat to show him some decent casual shirts.
  • Patricia sorts through the rack sot find a a good one. Atescu tries it on, only to find it is too small.

Clothing Store

  • Atescu tries on the new (larger) shirt, and looks very good in it. He asks Patricia out to dinner.
  • They agree on a time, just as Grim and Kraggi come running past.
  • Patricia falls over, and Atescu stoops to help her. Both sit a moment, to enjoy the effect of the light.


  • Grim and Kraggi arrive, and Kraggi runs into the door.

Page 172


  • Ann calls out in her best Grim impression, "Who is it?"
  • Rose-KF is not fooled.
  • Ann frantically looks around for her shirt, and Lomgren's. She finds hers in the sink, which is also partially full of water.
  • Rose-KF starts to open the door, only to be tackled by Kraggi.

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Clothing store

  • Atescu and Pat talk. Atescu reveals that he has never had a date before.


  • Rose-KF blushes as she is tackled by Kraggi.
  • Lomgren jumps in front of Ann as the door opens, in order to hide her shirtless state.
  • Grim is not happy about the situation.
  • Rose-KF is confused.
  • Kraggi, being possibly even more confused, gets off Rose-KF and hides behind Grim.
  • Rose-KF gets up, and promptly pounces Ann and Lomgren.

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  • Rose-KF tickle-attacks both Ann and Lomgren.
  • Lomgren barely manages to keep from crashing down on Ann, but the tickling proves to be a bit much for him.
  • Ann has way too much to deal with all at once, and faints.
  • Rose-KF comes back to a semblance of rationality, gets off Lomgren, and checks Ann's pulse. Having Established that Ann's breathing and pulse are okay, she asks for smelling salts.
  • Kraggi attempts to rummage in his pockets for the smelling salts Sage had given him earlier. Since he currently has no pockets, this does not work too well...
  • Lomgren is concerned for Ann, and stays with her.


  • Liz asks Nyx what he normally eats.
  • Nyx says that he lives on whatever he can catch in the Wastes.


  • Grim says they have Vanillin, which should do the trick.
  • Rose-KF finds it, and opens it under Ann's nose. She then licks the inside of Ann's ear.
  • Ann comes to, and sees all the people gathered around her.

Clothing Store

  • Pat suggests they go to the Diner.
  • Atescu thinks this would be a good idea.
  • Terra is very pleased with her efforts to find a mate for Atescu.
  • Chuck has fallen asleep.

Page 175


  • Rose-KF is greatly relieved that Ann is all right... and passes out.
  • Kraggi decides to fall over as well.
  • Rose-KF's fur goes even more technicoloured. Then...
    • ...her tail grows wider, and all the fur falls out.
    • ...her eyelashes begin growing.
    • ...two dissimilar wings pop out of her back, ripping her dress.

Clothing Store

  • Pat and Atescu talk about how Grim and Kraggi met.


  • Ann is horrified by Rose-KF's transformation. She leans back against Lomgren for support (and possibly reassurance).
  • The fur grows a bit, and continues to shift colours.
  • Ann backpedals away from ?-KF.

Kraggi's House

  • Ann-KF and Nonah let themselves out.


  • Liz teaches Nyx how to swim.
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