Town (MKRP)

From Egs Mayhem

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:A small brick walled clinic adorned with a big red cross on the front.
:A small brick walled clinic adorned with a big red cross on the front.
[[God_Tower_(MKRP)|Random Sage's Tower (12)]]
[[God_Tower_(MKRP)|Random Sage's Tower (12)]]

Revision as of 19:05, 23 July 2009

(Note: Number in brackets refers to the numbered location on the map.)

Abandoned House (5)

Ann Pertchin's House (20) <-- Blank template for ease of use. Do Not override, please. I'll fill it in last.

Author Bros Bakery (17) <-- Use this as a reference for Shops.

Deathmanse (14) <-- Use this as a reference for Houses.

-Below this point still needs reworked.

Freek's House (18)

Freek's house, where Freek and Eshli live. ...and Grim and Atescu bum off of.

HomerNet's House (16)

HomerNet's house. Where HomerNet (permanently stuck in Ranma-chan form) and HelenNet (still pregnant with Squato's child) live.

JJA's Estate and Lab (8)

John's home and lab. Contains a lot of technology and anime characters trapped in their natural environment. JJA has maps. He'll post 'em here. Eventually.

Kraggi's House (13)

A zombified house made completely out of a person. Don't ask how or why, it's Kraggi.

Likal's Burrow

A small unvisited burrow of Likal. Poor Likalhole. Unloved.

Lomgren's House (19)

Map, I'll let Lomgren describe.

Medical Clinic (9)

A small brick walled clinic adorned with a big red cross on the front.


Random Sage's Tower (12)

Big tower, full of Sagedness. Also a number of kitties live there with him.

Redstone Lake

It's a lake, with red stones in it. Also contains Sanchay's Cave and the Tower of Vor.

Sanchay's Cave

Small cave, not so full of Sanchayness.

Sera's Ship (1) - No longer in MKRP

A Gummi ship that recently smooshed itself near the lake. May contain one Sera.

Squato's House

Squato's Property. Resting on an escarpment near the Lake.

The Graveyard (2)

Where dead people go. Or at least their bodies. Unless they're used again. It's kinda disturbing how so many people have died and there's barely any bodies in the grave yard. We can't even blame VOR.
But we do anyway. It's VOR's fault.

The Jail (4)

Should somebody do something horrid (IC or OOC, take your pick), there's a place for them to go. This rather unpleasant place drains those imprisoned within it of all magical, divine, or demonic powers, and bleeds off their life force to keep them complacent. It's a very un-nice place to be.

The Park (3)

For... walky people.

The Rex

The town's hotel/pub/tavern/watering hole. Located in a corner of the Town Square. Owned by Squato, and run by various NPCs.
Take note that Squato doesn't actually play the NPCs, so it's your own responsibility to feed yourself. Consider it self-service by proxy.
Currently, there are no named NPCs working there. However, there is a foxkin, who I shall call "Schalla"
So, I guess that means that there's currently one named NPC working there.

The Town Square (11)

The center of the town. Has lots of shops. Map

Underground Silo/Bunker/City

Conveniently located directly below the fountain is an old Soviet missile silo. Below the silo is a large bunker designed to keep quite a number of soldiers alive for two years in the event of a nuclear war. Below the bunker is a small city designed to keep a number of Soviet leaders and their families alive indefinitely.
Unfortunately, the city is infested with something very, very bad, and nobody has gotten around to cleaning it. Complicating the matter is the nature of the infestation; not only does it drain loose energy very quickly causing spells to fizzle, but it acts as a black hole of the dead - anybody who dies within it will be trapped there until retrieved or the effect collapses.

Vor's Tower (6)

A tower in the middle of the lake. I'll let Vor describe it. Because I'm running out of time.
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