Northern Harrier
From Devonshire
The Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) is a bird of prey of the harrier family. It breeds throughout the northern parts of the Northern hemisphere in Canada and the northernmost USA, and northern Eurasia. In North America it is known as the Northern Harrier or Marsh Hawk.
This species is polytypic, comprising two subspecies:
- Circus cyaneus cyaneus: Breeds in Europe and Asia.
- Circus cyaneus hudsonius: Breeds in North America (sometimes considered a distinct species Northern Harrier C. hudsonius). The male's plumage is darker grey than that of C.c. cyaneus and the female is also darker, more rufous in colour.
Except in the mildest regions such as France and Great Britain, it migrates to more southerly areas in winter. Hen Harriers will roost communally in winter, often with Merlins.
This medium-sized raptor breeds on moorland, bogs and (in Europe) farmland. In winter it is a bird of open country.
This is a typical harrier, with long wings held in a shallow V in its low flight. It also resembles other harriers in having distinct male and female plumages.
The male is grey above and white below, with black wingtips. The female is brown above with white upper tail coverts, hence females and the similar juveniles are often called “ringtails”. Her underparts are buff streaked with brown.
Hen Harriers hunt small mammals and birds, surprising them as they drift low over fields and moors. The Harrier's flight follows the contours of the land below it.
The nest of this species is on the ground. Four to six whitish eggs are laid.
This conspicuous raptor attracts intense illegal persecution from gamekeepers on hunting estates, particularly those managed for Red Grouse shooting. Because of this they are now very rare in the UK.
- Template:IUCN2006 Database entry includes justification for why this species is of least concern