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From Devonshire
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====Gamebirds==== | ====Gamebirds==== | ||
8 species -- LIST COMPLETE | 8 species -- LIST COMPLETE | ||
+ | |||
+ | *Phasianidae (pheasants, etc.): 6 species | ||
+ | *Odontophoridae (New World quail): 1 species | ||
+ | *Cracidae (curassows): 1 species | ||
*1) [[Bulwer's Pheasant]] | *1) [[Bulwer's Pheasant]] |
Current revision as of 02:15, 26 July 2009
Welcome! I hope you like this Wiki. WE ARE UNDER CONTRUCTION! Please bare with me! Thanks!
"Think of an animal, it most likely it lives in Devonshire." From Me, '07.
All animals and places are copyright to me, Michelle. Except Six-Toed Grey Heron and Great-Billed Pelican, they were made up by my best friend, CJ.
*Slasher - National mammal
- War Eagle - National bird
- Colours - Gold and green
- Motto - "Life is good" and God Bless this Land," used interchangeably, both are official.
- Map:

All Pages
Contents: | Dinosaurs Birds Fish Mammals Reptiles Other life Inverts Avimammalids — See also |
60 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Achillobator
- 2) Amargasaurus
- 3) Cacatuasaurus
- 4) Carnotaurus
- 5) Caudipteryx
- 6) Ceratonykus
- 7) Chitiputi
- 8) Coelophysis
- 9) Compsognathus
- 10) Conchoraptor
- 11) Deinonychus
- 12) Dilophosaurus
- 13)/14) Dinosaurs (no names yet - 2 species)
- 15) Dromiceiomimus
- 16) Fukuiraptor
- 17) Fulgurotherium
- 18) Gallimimus
- 19) Gigantoraptor
- 20) Gorgotyrannus
- 21) Harpymimus
- 22) Incisivosaurus
- 23) Ingenia
- 24) Irritator
- 25) Kakuru
- 26) Khaan
- 27) Liliensternus
- 28) Mononykus
- 29) Ornitholestes
- 30) Oviraptor
- 31) Ozraptor
- 32) Plateosaurus
- 33) Rhoetosaurus
- 34) Robertimimus
- 35) Shuvuuia
- 36) Sinosauropteryx
- 37) Sinusonasus
- 38) Spinosaurus
- 39) Stokesosaurus
- 40) Struthiomimus
- 41) Suchomimus
- 42) Timimus
- 43) Troodon
- 44) Tyrannosaurus rex
- 45) Upupimimus
- 46) Utahraptor
- 47) Velociraptor
- 48) Vulcanodon
- 49) Atlascopcosaurus
- 50) Elephaceratops
- 51) Graciloceratops
- 52) Greyosaurus
- 53) Iguanodon
- 50) Leaellynasaura
- 51) Minmi
- 52) Muttaburrasaurus
- 53) Olorotitan
- 54) Ouranosaurus
- 55) Psittacosaurus
- 56) Qantassaurus
- 57) Stegosaurus
- 58) Styracosaurus
- 59) Udanoceratops
- 60) Zalmoxes
Prehistoric birds
6 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Archaeopterygiformes
- Patagopterygiformes
- Enantiornithes
- Hesperornithiformes
- Confuciusornithiformes
- 1) Archaeopteryx lithographica]
- 2) Confuciusornis sanctus
- 3) Enantiornis leali
- 4) Hesperornis regalis
- 5) Longipteryx chaoyangensis
- 6) Patagopteryx deferrariisi
10 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Struthionidae (ostriches): 2 species
- Casuariidae (emus): 3 species
- Apterygidae (kiwis): 1 species
- Tinamidae (tinamous): 1 species
- Rheidae (rheas): 1 species
- Platyrychidae (stubbills): 2 species
- 1) Crested Stubbill
- 2) Dwarf Ostrich
- 3) Emu
- 4) Giant Stubbill
- 5) Glennshire Kiwi
- 6) Little Tinamou
- 7) Purple-Necked Ostrich
- 8) Rheimimus
- 9) Scimitar-Billed Emu
- 10) Three-Toed Emu
8 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Phasianidae (pheasants, etc.): 6 species
- Odontophoridae (New World quail): 1 species
- Cracidae (curassows): 1 species
- 1) Bulwer's Pheasant
- 2) Great Curassow
- 3) Greater Peafowl
- 4) Grey Ptarmigan
- 5) Northern Bobwhite
- 6) Rhode Island Red (Golden-Frilled Variety)
- 7) Ruffed Grouse
- 8) Satyr Tragopan
About 29 species
- African Pygmy Goose
- American Black Duck
- American Wigeon
- Canada Goose
- Comb Duck
- Gadwall
- Green-Winged Teal
- Masked Duck
- Muscovy Duck
- Northern Pintail
- Pink-Eared Duck
- Ring-Necked Duck
- Ruddy Duck
- Tuft-Eared Duck
- Wood Duck
4 species -- LIST COMPLETE
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Common Loon
10 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Black-Browed Albatross
- 2) Black-Footed Albatross
- 3) Laysan Albatross
- 4) Long-Billed Petrel
- 5) Ringed Storm-Petrel
- 6) Royal Albatross
- 7) Short-Tailed Albatross
- 8) Wandering Albatross
- 9) White-Capped Albatross
- 10) Yellow-Nosed Albatross
3 species -- LIST COMPLETE
3 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Dwarf Flamingo (Same as Giant?)
- 2) Giant Flamingo
- 3) Orange-Billed Flamingo
2 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Blue-Winged Stork
- 2) Dwarf Stork
54 species
- Anhinga
- Australian Darter
- Australian Pelican
- Black Bittern
- Black Booby
- Black-Faced Ibis
- Blue Shoebill
- Blue-Crested Heron
- Blue-Footed Gannet (Formerly Blue-Footed Booby)
- Brandt's Cormorant
- Brown Pelican
- Cattle Egret
- Cocoi Heron
- Dark Blue Heron
- Devonshire Anhinga
- Double-Crested Cormorant
- Eagle-Heron
- Frost Anhinga
- Giant-Crested Heron
- Great Frigatebird
- Great-Billed Heron
- Great Blue Heron
- Great Egret
- Great-Billed Pelican
- Grey Heron
- Limnofregata
- Little Blue Heron
- Little Pied Cormorant
- Long-Billed Ibis
- Magnificent Frigatebird
- Masked Gannet (Formerly Masked Booby)
- Nocturnal Pelican
- Owl-Faced Heron
- Purple Heron
- Reddish Egret
- Robert's Cormorant
- Roseate Spoonbill
- Royal Spoonbill
- Scarlet Ibis
- Six-Toed Grey Heron
- Snowy Egret
- Spot-Backed Pelican
- Straw-Necked Ibis
- Striated Bittern
- White Ibis
- Yellow-Necked Heron
Diurnal raptors
81 species
- 1) African Pygmy Falcon
- 2) African White-backed Vulture
- 3) American Kestrel
- 4) Andean Condor
- 5) Argentavis
- Bald Eagle
- Black Kite
- Black-Collared Hawk
- Black-Crested White Eagle
- 10) Black-Shouldered Kite
- 11) Blue Eagle
- 12) Brahminy Kite
- 13) Cat-Eyed Eagle
- 14) Chiropterus
- 15) Cockatoo-Kite
- 16) Collared Forest-Falcon
- 17) Common Buzzard
- 18) Cooper's Hawk
- 19) Crane-Hawk
- 20) Crested Brown Eagle
- 21) Crested Caracara
- 22) Crested Sea Eagle (There is also a grey morph)
- 23) Curly-Crested Yellow-Falcon
- 24) Devonshire Kite
- 25) Eastern Imperial Eagle
- 26) False Orange-Headed Vulture
- 27) Golden Eagle
- 28) Grey's Vulture
- 29) Grey-Masked Falcon
- 30) Grey-Naped Hawk
- 31) Gyrfalcon
- 32) Haast's Eagle
- Hadeornithes
- Hybrid Kite (Mississippi x Swallow-Tailed)
- Hydragle
- Lammergeier
- Lappet-Faced Vulture
- Leaf Eagle
- Little-Clawed Eagle
- 40) Long-Crested Eagle
- 41) Long-Crested Tooth Bird
- 42) Long-Tailed Steelbird
- 43) Long-Toed Hawk
- 44) Merlin
- 45) Northern Goshawk
- 46) Northern Harrier
- 47) Orange-Headed Vulture
- 48) Osprey
- 49) Peregrine Falcon
- 50) Philippine Eagle
- Pied Harrier
- Plumed Caracara
- Quail Falcon
- 54) Royal Hawk
- 55) Running Eagle
- Saker Falcon
- Scaled Eagle
- Secretary Bird
- Short-Tailed Hawk
- 60) Short-Tailed Steelbird
- Short-Toed Snake-Eagle
- Slaty-Nacked Forest-Falcon
- Snail Kite
- 64) Spotted Kite
- Steelbird
- Swallow-Kite
- Swallow-Tailed Kite
- Tawny Eagle
- Toothed Eagle
- 70) Turkey Vulture
- Verreaux's Eagle
- War Eagle
- Wedge-Tailed Eagle
- 74) Western Marsh Harrier
- White-Bellied Sea Eagle
- White-Spotted Hawk
- White-Tailed Eagle
- White-Tailed Kite
- Yellow Lesser-Falcon
- 80) Yellow-Masked Eagle
- 81) Zombie Eagle
20 species
- American Coot
- Australian Bustard
- Blue Crowned-Crane
- Brown-Winged Bustard
- Devonshire Blue Crane
- Glennshire Bustard
- Grey-Necked Wood-Rail
- Blue-Winged Swamphen
- Sandhill Crane
- Sarus Crane
- Whooping Crane
3 species -- LIST COMPLETE
23 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) American Avocet
- 2) Black Guillemot
- 3) Black Skimmer
- 4) Black Stilt
- 5) Blue Tern
- 6) Caspian Tern
- 7) Cassin's Auklet
- 8) Craveri's Murrelet
- 9) Crested Auklet
- 10) Giant Razorbill
- 11) Great Auk
- 12) Ibisbill
- 13) Ivory Gull
- 14) Northern Jacana
- 15) Nothern Lapwing
- 16) Purple-Backed Dovekie
- 17) Razorbill
- 18) Red-Masked Sheathbill
- 19) Spotted Sandpiper
- 20) Streak-Breasted Plover
- 21) Tufted Puffin
- 22) Wattled Jacana
- 23) Whiskered Auklet
Coming soon
Pigeons and Doves
5 species -- LIST COMPLETE
4 species
35 species
- Blue-Headed Parrot
- Blue-Winged Parakeet
- Bourke's Parakeet
- Cockatiel
- Crested Lorikeet
- Crested Macaw
- Elegant Grass Parakeet
- Galah
- Gaudy-Crested Cockatoo
- Giant Cockatiel
- Gold-and-Blue Macaw (Also hybridizes with Scarlet to make Catalina Macaw)
- Hook-Billed Parrot
- Hybrid Macaw (Orange x Scarlet or Scarlet x Gold-and-Blue)
- Jenday Conure
- Parti-Coloured Parrot
- Princess Parrot
- Red-Capped Parrot
- Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo
- Riri Parrot
- Risso's Dolphin
- Scarlet-Chested Parrot
- Scarlet Macaw
- Silver-Headed Parrot
- Slit-Eyed Parrot
- Stubbill Parrot
- Sulpher-Creasted Cockatoo
- Sun Conure
- Superb Cockatiel
- Turquoise Parrot
- Wattled Parrot
- White Macaw
- White-Pupiled Parrot
7 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Band-Tailed Turaco
- Blue-Breasted Cuckoo
- Giant Roadrunner
- Great Blue Turaco
- Greater Roadrunner
- Grove-Billed Ani
- Smooth-Billed Ani
6 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Burrowing Owl
- Costa Rican Pygmy Owl
- Great Horned Owl
- Northern Pygmy-Owl
- Purple-Winged Hawk-Owl
- Striped Owl
3 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Common Nighthawk
- Great Potoo
- Oilbird (Vagrant)
Swifts and hummingbirds
21 species
- Band-Breasted Legless Swift
- Bee Hummingbird
- Black-Faced Snowangel
- Blue Fairy-Streamertail
- Chimney Swift
- Crested Brown-Swift
- Crested Sicklebill
- Eastern Coquette
- Flamehead
- Frost Hummingbird
- Pink-Hooded Hummingbird
- Purple-Backed Topaz
- Robert's Legless Swift
- Rufous-Crested Coquette
- Saber-Feathered Hummingbird
- Streamer-Tailed Legless Swift
- Stripe-Tailed Violet-Ear
- Umbrella Hummingbird
- Violet Saberwing (Vagrant)
- Wattlethroat
- White-Throated Legless Swift
Coming soon
About 6 species
13 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Belted Kingfisher
- Black-and-White-Casqued Hornbill
- Blanchard's Ground-Hornbill
- Blue-Casqued Hornbill
- Blue-Crowned Motmot
- Hoopoe
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Orange-Breasted Kingfisher
- Orange-Throated Kingfisher
- Purple-Winged Hoopoe
- Rufous Motmot
- Tan-Throated Woodhoopoe
- Turquoise-Browed Motmot
12 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- Black Woodpecker
- Chestnut-Mandibled Toucan
- Crested Barbet
- Crested Woodpecker
- Downy Woodpecker
- Glennshire Toucanet
- Green Barbet
- Pileated Woodpecker
- Red-Bellied Woodpecker
- Red-Capped Green Woodpecker
- Red-Headed Woodpecker
- White-Necked Puffbird
- American Crow
- American Goldfinch
- Amethyst Starling
- Angelbird
- Asian Glossy Starling
- Australian Raven
- Bald Raven
- Bali Myna
- Bank Swallow
- Bare-Necked Umbrellabird
- Barn Swallow
- Bewick's Wren
- Black-Billed Magpie
- Blue Grosbeak
- Blue-Billed Continga-Crow
- Carolina Wren
- Common Raven]
- [[Common Redpoll]
- Evening Grosbeak
- Frost Bird-of-Paradise
- Hoary Redpoll
- House Sparrow
- Lawrence's Goldfinch
- Magpie-Jay
- Phainopepla
- Pterodactylus Crow
- Rose-Breasted Grosbeak
- Splendid Fairy-Wren
- Splendid Glossy Starling
- Spotted Towhee
- Spot-Breasted Oriole
- Spotless Starling
- Superb Fairy-Wren
- Superb Lyrebird
- Squirt-Bird
- Steller's Jay
- Superb Lyrebird
- Superb Starling
- Swainson's Thrush
- Tan-Billed Jay
- Three-Toed Flycatcher
- Totterbird
- Townsend's Solitaire
- Waller's Starling
- Western Kingbird
- White-Breasted Nuthatch
- White-Breasted Swallow
- White Crossbill
- White-Crowned Sparrow
- White-Faced Starling
- White-Necked Myna
- White's Sunbird
- White-Throated Magpie-Jay
- White-Throated Spadebill
- White-Throated Sparrow
- White-Winged Crossbill
- Winter Wren
- Woodpecker Bird-of-Paradise
- Wrentit
- Yellow-Billed Oxpecker
- Yellow-Faced Myna
- Yellow-Headed Blackbird
- Yellow-Naped Woodswallow
- Yellow-Rumped Cacique
Bony Fish
- African Butterflyfish
- American Bristlenose
- Angelfish
- Archerfish
- Atlantic Mudskipper
- Betta
- Bird-of-Paradise Fish
- Bluren's Loach
- Bowfin
- Chinese Sailfin Sucker
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Coolie Loach
- Common Clownfish
Jawless Fish
4 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Glennshire Brook Lamprey
- 2) Hagfish
- 3) Leach Lamprey
- 4) Snake Lamprey
Cartilaginous Fish
- Andrew's Beaked Whale
- Arnoux's Beaked Whale
- Baird's Beaked Whale
- Banded Whale
- Beluga
- False Shark Whale
Even-toed Hooved mammals
Odd-toed Hooved mammals
20 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Blue-Spiked Dragon
- 2) Chinese Dragon
- 3) Clawfoot
- 4) Common Dragon
- 5) Dagger-Toothed Dragon
- 6) Draco canis
- 7) Draco taurus
- 8) Feathered Dragon
- 9) Frost Wyvern
- 10) Gargoyle Dragon
- 11) Glennshire Dragon
- 12) Horned Dragon
- 13) Horned Terror Claw
- 14) Horse Dragon
- 15) Horse-Like Dragon
- 16) Semien Dragon
- 17) Terrorclaw
- 18) Two-Clawed Dragon
- 19) Webbed Dragon
- 20) Western Dragon
22 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Broad-Footed Narrow Frog
- 2) Cave Salamander
- 3) Central Newt
- 4) Dark-Sided Salamander
- 5) Devonshire Flying Frog
- 6) Four-Toed Salamander
- 7) Many-Ribbed Salamander
- 8) Marbled Salamander
- 9) Mole Salamander
- 10) Oklahoma Salamander
- 11) Ouachita Dusky Salamander
- 12) Ozark Salamander
- 13) Red River Mudpuppy
- 14) Ringed Salamander
- 15) Small-Mouthed Salamander
- 16) Spotted Salamander
- 17) Strecker's Chorus Frog
- 18) Three-Toed Amphiuma
- 19) Tiger Salamander
- 20) Tomato Frog
- 21) Western Lesser Siren
- 22) Western Slimy Salamander
Other life
39 species
Invertebrate chordates
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Pikaia
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
17 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Black Widow Spider
- 2) Bulldog Ant
- 3) Citrine Forktail
- 4) Clouded Sulpher
- 5) Devonshire Apollo Butterfly
- 6) Diaptomus oregonensis
- 7) Eresid Spider (unknown species)
- 8) Giant African Millipede
- 9) Giant Ground Beetle
- 10) Giant Wasp (Future animal)
- 11) Large Oak-Apple Gall Wasp
- 12) Monarch
- 13) Red Admiral
- 14) Red-and-Green Leafhopper
- 15) Skider
- 16) Tiger Swallowtail
- 17) Yellow-Spotted Crescent
7 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Blue-Ringed Octopus
- 2) Common Northern Moon Snail
- 3) Great Keyhole Limpet
- 4) Magdalena Chitin
- 5) Northern Horse Mussel
- 6) Orthoceras
- 7) Panelled Tuskshell (aka reticulate tuskshell)
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
4 species -- LIST COMPLETE
Peanut worms
1 species -- LIST COMPLETE
- 1) Themiste
2 species -- LIST COMPLETE
Ribbon worms
- Ribbon Worm (unknown species)
14 species
- Baiji-Kite (Baiji x Mississippi or Black Kite)
- Heron-Griffon
- Horned Running Bird
- Lion-Hawk
- Long-Crested Running Bird
- Patterned Running Bird
- Purple Running Bird
- Rhintapbirark
- Stilt Running Bird
- Swallow Running Bird
- Swimming Running Bird
- Wolf Running Bird
- Babirusa
- Ball Python
- Bi-Coloured Quill-Nosed Snake
- Bipedal Stegos
- Bird-of-Paradise Plant
- Black-Bellied Lanternshark
- Black-Finned Icefish
- Black-Footed Ferret
- Black Rhinoceros
- Blackskirt Tetra
- Black-Streaked Wolf
- Black Swan
- Black Walnut
- Black Willow
- Black Willow Oak
- Blind Cave Tetra
- Blind Skink
- Blue Devil
- Blue-Eyed Oxpecker
- Blue-Eyed Panaque
- Bluegill
- Blue Jay
- Blue Plecostomus
- Blue Rhinoceros
- Blue-Winged Teal
- Bluren's Loach
- Bluntnose Sixgill
- Bohemian Waxwing
- Bontebok
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Bowfin
- Bowhead Whale
- Brahminy Blind Snake
- Bramble Shark
- Brichardi
- Bridled Titmouse
- Bristle-Crowned Starling
- Broad-Headed Skink
- Broad-Nosed Sevengill
- Brolga
- Brown Baboon
- Brown-Billed Scythebill
- Brown Blind Snake
- Brown Creeper
- Brown Garden Eel
- Brown-Headed Cowbird
- Brown-Legged Gazelle
- Bulldog Fish
- Bushy-Crested Cardinal (Plush-Crested Jay x Northern Cardinal)
- Canadian Lynx
- Caniquus
- Cape Barren Goose
- Cape Porcupine
- Carnivorous Glider
- Carpet Python
- Cleaner Wrasse
- Cliff Swallow
- Cloudbird
- Clouded Sulfur
- Clown Loach
- Clydesdale
- Cockagriff
- Common Box
- Common Cattail
- Common Clownfish
- Common Drongo
- Common Goldeneye
- Common Grackle
- Common Jollytail
- Common Long-Tongued Bat
- Common Merganser
- Common Nighthawk
- Common Myna
- Common Opossum
- Common Oto
- Common Remora
- Common Rosefinch
- Common Royal Flycatcher
- Common Sawshark
- Common Sea Horse
- Common Snapping Turtle
- Common Squirrel
- Common Tiger Snake
- Cone-Beaked Sittela
- Cookiecutter Shark
- Coolie Loach
- Copper-Banded Butterflyfish
- Copperhead
- Crested Bullhead Shark
- Crested Myna
- Devonshire Brent
- Devonshire Brown Bat
- Devonshire Bull Terrier
- Devonshire Chameleon
- Devonshire Clownfish
- Dromedary Camel
- Dugesia tigrina
- Dunnock
- Dwarf Brolga
- Dwarf Duck-Mongoose
- Dwarf Gourami
- Dwarf Kangaroo
- Dwarf Sperm Whale
- Dwarf Swan
- Eurasian Bullfinch
- Eurasian Nuthatch
- European Starling
- False Killer Whale
- False Vampire Bat
- Fanged Ribbonfish
- Fat Stiletto Snake
- Flightless Cardinal
- Flower-Headed Snae
- Flowerst
- Flying Colugo
- Flying Snake
- Four-Toothed Beaked Whale
- Fox Lemur
- Frilled Shark
- Giant Angelfish
- Giant Honeyeater
- Giant Kenyan Hippo
- Giant Panda
- Giant Snake Eel
- Giant-Spotted Giraffe
- Glennshire Ghost-Pipefish
- Glennshire River Dolphin
- Glennshire Sailfish
- Glennshire Sea Lion]
- Gliding Running-Bird
- Goat-Sheep
- Golden-Backed Tapir
- Golden-Breasted Starling
- Golden Reptile (Myth?)
- Gouldian Finch
- Grace's Diamondback Bird
- Grant's Gazelle
- Great Basin Bristlecone Pine
- Greater Bilby
- Greater Cheetah
- Greater Ground Sloth
- Greater Pewee
- Great-Tailed Grackle
- Great War Horse
- Great White Shark
- Green Aye-Aye
- Green Catbird
- Green-Flanked Bluetail
- Green Jay
- Green Sea Catfish
- Green Tree Python
- Green-Winged Stubbill
- Grey Fox
- Grey-Headed Tanager
- Grey's Sea Lion
- Grey-Spotted Horse
- Grey Squirrel
- Grey Whale
- Gulper Dogfish
- Gyspy Vanner
- Harbour Seal
- Harlequin Filefish
- Hawk Running-Bird
- Helicoprion
- Helmeted Friarbird
- Helmethead
- Hill Myna
- Hippopotamus
- Holsaeter's Crossbill
- Honduran White Bat
- Hooded Merganser
- Hooktooth Dogfish
- Horned Blackface
- Horse Running Bird
- Humpback Whale
- Hybodus
- Imperial Unicorn
- Indigo Bunting
- Ischnacanthus
- Jackson's Widowbird
- Javan File Snake
- Jetbird
- Jungle Myna
- Kalinin
- Kangaroo Wolf
- Kenrick's Starling
- King Brown Snake
- Kirk's Dik-Dik
- Kitefin Shark
- Kiwi Diamondback Bird
- Koala
- Kobas
- Kribensis
- Large-Billed Flycatcher
- Large-Clawed Grey Bat
- Large Fruit-Eating Bat
- Large-Toothed Cookiecutter Shark
- Lark Sparrow
- Leech Lamprey
- Leopard Danio
- Leopard Seal
- Lesser Panda
- Lesser Scaup
- Limpkin (Vagrant)
- Little Friarbird
- Little Sleeper
- Llama
- Loather
- Loch Ness Snake
- Long-Beaked Echidna (Species unknown)
- Long-Horned Cowfish
- Long-Horned Water Buffalo
- Long-Nosed Elephant Fish
- Long-Nosed Long-Tongued Bat
- Long-Nosed Tree Snake
- Long-Tailed Drongo
- Long-Tailed Starling
- Long-Toothed Bat
- Lovely Cotinga
- Lumholtz's Tree Kangaroo
- Lunger
- Marine Betta
- Massetognathus
- Matterhorn Echidna
- Matterhorn Pangolin
- Meerkat
- Megapeda
- Megatooth Shark
- Melodius Blackbird
- Metallic Starling
- Mexican Free-Tailed Bat
- Micronesian Starling
- Minke Whale
- Mono
- Moonfish
- Moorish Idle
- Mountain Chickadee
- Mountain Starling
- Mutated Cardinal
- Narwhal
- Necklace Carpetshark
- Nereocystis
- Nine-Banded Armadillo
- Noisy Friarbird
- Noisy Scrub-Bird
- Northern Bottlenose Whale
- Nothern Cardinal
- Northern Death Adder
- Northern Harry-Nosed Wombat
- Patched Weatherbird
- Pelagic Sea Snake
- Pere David's Deer
- Piapiac
- Piebald Hyena
- Pied Wagtail
- Piked Dogfish
- Pine Siskin
- Piranha Gourami
- Plain Xenops
- Platy
- Platypus
- Plecostomus
- Pohnpei Starling (Recreated)
- Poisonous Multicle
- Polar Bear
- Polled Blackface
- Polypede Horse
- Port Jackson Shark
- Portuguese Dogfish
- Prickly Dgofish
- Procynosuchus
- Pronghorn Deer
- Pterodactyl Bird
- Puffthroat
- Purple-Crested Cotinga
- Purple Martin
- Purple Pyrrhuloxia
- Pygmy Brolga
- Pygmy Earth Snake
- Pygmy Elephant
- Pygmy Right Whale
- Pygmy Sperm Whale
- Quarter Horse
- Quetzalcoaltus
- Quokka
- Raccoon
- Red-Bellied Black Snake
- Red-Bellied Orca
- Red-Billed Oxpecker
- Red-Breasted Goose
- Red-Breasted Merganser
- Red Brocket Deer
- Red-Eared Slider
- Red-Eyed Vireo
- Red Fox
- Redhead
- Red-Headed Thunderbird
- Red Kangaroo
- Red Lionfish
- Red-Necked Wallaby
- Red-Spotted Oxpecker
- Redtail Catfish
- Red-Tailed Boa
- Red-Whiskered Bulbul
- Red-Winged Blackbird
- Red-Winged Starling
- Rhino Deer
- Ringtail
- Robertia
- Rooster Finch
- Rose-Coloured Starling
- Royal Flycatcher
- Ruffed Flycatcher
- Rufous-Breasted Antthrush
- Samoan Starling
- San Francisco Garter Snake
- Saw-Scaled Viper
- Scarfaced Horse
- Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
- Scythe-Clawed Lion
- Sei Whale
- Senegal Bichir
- Serval
- Shark Whale
- Sharpbill
- Shining Honeycreeper
- Shire Horse
- Short-Eared Dog
- Shorthorn
- Shortnose Spurdog
- Short-Tailed Oropendula
- Siamese Sheep Dog
- Silky Anteater-Sloth
- Silver-Crowned Friarbird
- Sitatunga
- Slammer
- Slasher (National mammal)
- Slender-Billed Starling
- Sloth Bear
- Snake-Bird
- Snowshoe Wolf
- Smooth Hammerhead Shark
- Snowcap
- Snow Goose
- Song Sparrow
- Sonoran Shovel-Nosed Snake
- Southern Bottlenose Whale
- Southern Right Whale
- Southern Tamandua
- Spangled Drongo
- Spectacled Bear
- Spectacled Porpoise
- Sperm Whale
- Spined Shark
- Spiny Soft Shell
- Spotted Bat
- Spotted Cuscus
- Spotted Plecostomus
- Trans-Pecos Ratsnake
- Triple-Horned Rhinoceros
- Tristram's Starling
- Trumpeter Swan
- Toucan Fish
- Tufted Flycatcher
- Tundra Swan