D-Shadow (the Strikers)

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D-Shadow (the Strikers)
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First Appearence Comic 1 (Vocally) Comic 2 (Viewable)
Element Magma
Kanohi Demonica, Great Mask of Demons
Home Demo-Nui, formally Takaka-Nui
Tool Sword
Occupation Sinagon Coordinator



D-Shadow was once a Matoran living on Takaka-Nui, but became a threat when he was seen able to make powerful weapons and masks. He gave these to any one, as long as they paid enough. Soon, he got a bounty on his head and had to re-locate to Demo-Nui. There, he wanted revenge against every one, seeing as they tried to arrest and kill him when he was just trying to make a living, as he says. Soon, he developed a cruel personality and learned a lot from a Matoran named Baraca. Soon, he traveled across Demo-Nui and became incredibally intelligent. Soon, he met Orochi, who promised him power if he joined his forces. D-Shadow accepted, not knowing that he would get a cursed seal that keeps him as Orochi's servant. He served him for 10 years, trying to find out how to remove the seal and still have his same power. He actually would prefer to have a demon, but not a Biju, as he sees them weak, as they need a host for better protection.

In Kage Nui, he fulfills many tasks for Orochi, such as setting up a bomb to blow it up. He apperantly visited Kage Nui many years ago, as he is there in the Birth of Evil Spin-off comics.


D-Shadow is cruel, intelligent, and a great strategist, giving him the coordinator rank to overlook and plan any possible outcome of the battle.


D-Shadow has exceptional fighting skills, but it's unknown how he learned these skills. He possesses the abbility to transform into a demonlike hybrid form, wich is from his cursed seal. In this form, he can use his most powerful, wide range attack, the Demon Current Jutsu, wich makes everything inverted for a few seconds and causes the target(s) to suffer imense pain. He also knows the technique Kagan, witch is a sphere of fire that has four stages. The first stage is a regular flame, the second is a bigger flame that engulfs the entire hand, the third stage is like the first, but is blue, and the final stage is a white flamed Kagan, witch actually burns the molecules of D-Shadow's hand. Being able to control magma, D-Shadow can also control fire and earth, witch is how he can perform the Kagan.


D-Shadow only has one weakness, he is some-what easily distracted. You just have to find a good enough reason for him to look at something for almost no reason. Ex: "Look, a Transformer hiding in that bush!"


  • Kagan is Japanese for "Fire Sphere"
  • This D-Shadow is completely different than the D-Shadow of 2 Sides, though they share a few similar traits.

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