Mago (story)
From Dscomics
1500 years ago...
A black and bronze Matoran worked aimlessly in the realm of Karzahni. He constantly worked day and night, never getting any sleep, just to try and please his master that is never pleased. This Matoran's name was Mago, a Matoran who has worked for Karzahni so long, he forgot his own element. Now, today he felt like he HAD to leave. It seemed like something told him that today he had to. "I need a plan..." He had said to himself.
Mago pretended to be injured, soon, another worker braught him to Karzahni. The black and gold tyrant sat on his throne, his armor covered in spikes, his chain in his hand and set aflame, and his Olisi, being as big as it is, sat on his face. "Do not fake that again... um... what was your name again?" Karzahni asked. "I am Mago." "Yes, Mago. Did you really think that I would fall for a fake injury?" "No, I didn't..." "Well then, please enlighten me as to what you were trying to do." "Or else what? You blast me with your mask? Like that will work, my life can't possibly get any worse." Mago said sounding completely calm. "No, I if you don't tell me what you were going to do, I'll exterminate you." "Then I would just come back here, or does Artahka await me in the future?" "Listen to me you worthless pile of rahi bones!" Karzahni was losing his temper. "I don't care what happens to you! I will kill you where you stand, I can replace you." Mago stood there completely unfased. He was about to say something, but a reptilian and evil voice came from the entrance into Karzahni. "Excuse me, am I interrupting?"
A green and white Toa with a reptilian mask and a tail as his legs slithered closer to Karzahni. "What the? Who are you?" Karzahni asked the strange Toa-like creature. "I am M- Orochi. Now, hand over that Olisi of yours." Orochi asked. "Oh please, do you really expect me to give it up that easily?" "No. I just faught that I should atleast ask before defeating you." "Yeah... I don't think you want to be sarcastic to Karzahni." Mago said while backing up. "I wasn't being sarcastic." Orochi then slammed his hand on to the floor and made a crevice appear and shake the earth as it came towards Karzahni. Karzahni simply got out of his chair and moved a few feet away from it. Karzahni then threw his chain towards Orochi, but he blew out his mouth and a strong wind current sent it towards Mago instead. "What!?" Mago shouted as the chain hit him and burnt his copper body parts. "Well, looks like one of your men are hurt." "I could care less." Orochi then put his hand out and blasted a concentrated beam of fire from it. Karzahni doged it, but Orochi made it bend and hit him. "What the!?" Karzahni said when he was hit. Orochi than shot his tail forward, grabbed Karzahni with it, and started crushing him with his tail. "Please, is this the best that-" Orochi looked at his tail with surprise as he saw protodermis coming out of wounds all over his tail. "... OW!!!" He threw Karzahni a few feet away from him. "That hurt you son of a Makuta!" When Orochi looked at him, he was hit with a blast.
Karzahni felt triumphant, he had easily blasted Orochi with his Olisi and was now in a vision along with him. Karzahni looked around and realised something was wrong... "Hmph, do you really think this worked?" Karzahni heard Orochi's voice speaking eight times at once. Karzahni looked around and a giant white and green eight-tailed snake was facing him. Outside of the vision, Mago got up and looked at the two combatants standing still. "Now's my chance." Mago looked around and saw his former mask, a Kualsi, shattered on the floor. "Dang!" He ran two Karzahni's other masks and found one that he liked. He put on the mask, which resembled a Kraahkan with two horns and ran to an abandoned warehouse. "Hey, you from Karzahni?" Mago saw a strange-looking Matoran stading there. "Not now." Mago ran right past him. Mago than jumped into a Toa Canister and left. Before he left, he heard him say something about not using it but didn't really care. The next thing he knew, he was on a strange island...
500 years ago...
Mago had lived on the island of Kongo Nui for 1000 years and planned to betray his friends. The Kongoians had been recently attacked by a Biju going by the name of Gaorbi. He offered to seal the Biju within himself and save the jungle island from Gaorbi's flames. Mago had been walking for several hours, but still couldn't find the Biju. "How can something so big be so hard to find?" "Because it's following you." Mago turned around and saw the owner of the demonic voice that just spoke to him jump out of the trees. The demon resembled a green and brown Kikanalo, but looked much more demonic. "Oh, that makes sence." Mago said calmly. "You have no emotions do you?" "I have experienced enough through my life to know not to care about anything." "Well then, I suppose you came here to seal me into yourself?" "Yes, but not to save the island, but to destroy it myself." "Has anyone told you that you are insane?" "No, because I'm not, I just think differently." "Well, since it's for a good cause." Gaorbi said sarcastically as he merged himself into Mago.
"Ah, what a beautiful sight..." A green, brown, red-clawed Toa-like being wearing a mask that looked like an infected Avohkii. He was standing on a cliff from a island looking at the once jungle island Kongo Nui burn. "I am the wildfire and that was my tree..." With those last words, the new Mago left the dome...
5 years ago...
"Who the Karzahni is this guy!?" Mago was in his hybrid form being chased by a purple, blue, and gold Toa that was well known hunter of the dark named Hak. Mago couldn't do anything against him as he used up all his energy from not sleeping for the past week. "I got you now!!!" Mago looked back and saw the hunter place a vase ont the floor. He went to move, but couldn't. He looked down and saw that he was standing on some type of circle drawn on the ground. "What!?" Mago said as Hak recited incantations in a strange language. The next thing Mago knew, Gaorbi was being ripped out of him and placed into the vase. I've got to think of something! Mago thaught. Suddenly, a type of explosion occurred inside the circle and a Le-Matoran lay dead in the center of it. "The deed is done..." Hak said as he walked away and the circle faded away.
Mago looked form above, he had used a certain device he created to replace himself with another person at the last second. "Good... he hasn't seen me..." Mago said to himself. "Now I can retrieve Gaorbi any way I want..."
- Orochi is revealed to have complete mastery over fire, earth, wind, and the ability to reverse the effects of a Kanohi. He also demonstrates great strength, as he was able to almost crush Karzahni and throw him a few feet away.
- This may be when Orochi obtained his Olisi from Karzahni, though it would be unknown how Karzahni would obtain another one.
- Mago seems to be as intent on hiding his identty as Orochi, as he killed another Matoran just to avoid being seen.
- Mago's catchphrase was first used when he set Kongo Nui ablaze.