Mia/Gladiator/Scar/Wait for him to make the first move

From Create Your Own Story

You aren't really sure how to approach this as you don't know anything about his fighting style or how to effectively use these exotic weapons. Not that you have much knowledge on weapons one way or another, you've barely gotten a few self-defense lessons you didn't take seriously and learned how to use a staff to defend yourself.

You hold both scimitars steady, weighing them and trying how they feel as you slice them trough the air, then, not much better prepared but feeling ready, you raise your blades to him, signaling you're ready. He nods and approaches you slowly, you can feel your heart beating fast in your chest and everything seems to slow down around you as he moves towards you.

He throws his right arm back, holding one of his scimitars behind him and taking a reverse-hold on the other, using it as a shield. He dashes forward and you see the scimitar in his right hand come down towards you with tremendous force, but for some reason you can see it all happen in slow motion and easily sidestep the attack. He seems startled, but his guard is perfect and before you can decide how to retaliate, he spins around and even tough you can see it coming, you barely manage to dodge backwards as his scimitar cuts your cloth chestpiece and makes a whole in it right between your breasts.

He smiles and seems to decide to move it up a notch, he moves in even faster than before and you barely manage to dodge a thrust to your throat, the blade glances your neck as it passes you. he blocks your blades by slamming his other blade into them, making you stumble backwards by the impact. He then spins around and ends up behind you, giving you a low kick in the back of your knees, you try to turn around but lose your balance and fall, raising your blades defensively in front of you on instinct and unintentionally blocking his next strike, the impact of which slams you to the ground forcing the air out of your lungs. Before you recover he kicks your hand sending your left scimitar flying.

You :

Leap backwards and try to regain your footing

Attempt to strike at him with your remaining scimitar

Raise your arms in surrender

Health 50 Equipment:

Gladiator's Outfit(inner breasts showing), Dual Scimitars

Stamina 50
Mood In Battle Inventory:


Purse 00, 00, 00
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