Try to throw Dennis

From Create Your Own Story

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You circle left and offer Dennis an easy lunge at you. He's eager for blood and commits heavily to his attack.

Too far, oopsie..

You grip his right wrist with your left hand and pull him further into his lunge. He shifts his weight in preparation for pulling back, but you're way ahead of him.

You step towards him and get your right arm over his and drive downward - forcing him to bend at the elbow. His knife hand goes up and you scissor your right hand around it - gripping his wrist with your right hand.

Too late, he realizes he's pulling backward and you have full control of his balance. You swing your body to the right using his knife arm as a lever and hurl him.

He goes fully airborne and slams into a nearly standing Jamie. The knife lands between you and the two boys.

Naked as a succubi, you lower into a fighting stance and glare at them.

The boys look terrified.

You lick your lips then:

You are possessing:
Young, attractive nun
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