Lady Van Helsing/A man, sitting alone in a corner, dressed as a Eastern European nobleman
From Create Your Own Story
You decide that the Eastern European gentleman is the most likely candidate to lead to some fun. While he seems suspicious and may lead to something you would have a professional interest in, he is also quite handsome and could provide some entertainment in other ways if that falls through.
As you start to approach him, he glances at you with annoyance and says, with a thick accent, "No, I will not dance! I have already told your friend, I do not wish for company!"
"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about," you say, "I don't know anyone on this ship, and I am not here to ask you to dance."
"My apologies," he says, looking at you more kindly, "I thought you were one of that koferusa's women." He inclines his head at the woman in the green dress. "She has been hounding me since we left port. My name is Dragen Kresnik, and it is good to finally meet an Englishwoman on this ship who lives up to her country's reputation for politeness."
"Nice to meet you. I am Lady van Helsing." At hearing your name he gives a profound start.
"Lady van Helsing!? I have heard of you! We are of the same business, you and I. Hunting the upir, the vampire, yes? Are we here hunting the same foe, I wonder?"
"There is a vampire on this ship, then?" you ask. It looks like that action you had hoped for has found you.
"Yes. A particularly evil and unclean upir. Its power nearly matches that of the one faced by your famous father. It has learned foul gypsy magics, and can change its shape not only to that of beasts, but to that of other persons as well. I have hunted it across Europe, and now it flees to America. It hides amongst the people here, and seeks to evade me. But together, we will surely find victory, yes?"
You consider what he has said. If there is a vampire on this ship, it is your duty to hunt it down. But you have never heard of this 'Kresnik' before, despite believing yourself to be familiar with all fellow hunters operating in Europe, so you aren't sure you can trust him.