Hot food sounds too good.

From Create Your Own Story

Going to bed cold and without dinner sounds awful. You take your board and skate your way home, switching the path to turn to a local burger joint. Its only when you get near the public restaurant that you start to get a little conscious of your current state. The cum in your ass is still there, just dried and very sticky. Alone, you can walk with your legs a little apart, but you'll look way too weird around here.

Oh well. You curse Eliot for cumming so much and suck it up. You have clothes on, so it's not like any one can see all the fucking you did. There's a couple people at the diner. On the clock by the door it says it's nearly midnight. Not too late for a student, but it's definitely not the best time to be out. A news channel and football game play on the TV while you order up two burgers, fries, and hot chocolate.

"Seven," the clerk says.

As you sit down on a counter seat and feel Eliot's cum sticking around the walls of your ass, a thought crosses your mind. You're feeling pretty lucky. The sex was relatively easy. Getting Eliot to pay fifty bucks was a miracle. You wonder if today you're just having luck with sex. You could play around with the cashier, or the guys watching the game. They don't look like they're from your school, but they're definitely football players. But you're also kinda tired. You could just pay, now that you have the cash.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Skate Board, Backpack and Notebook, Brown Windbreaker, erotic drawing, beers and soda, $50

Status cold
Gender Female
Social Group Skater
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